I descend into the world of heaven

Chapter 846 The light of hope

The voices of Yao Xianwen and Dai Feng came from the first floor of the villa. They came back in disgrace. When they went upstairs, they saw Chen Chu still walking peacefully in the room. Yao Xianwen said with envy: "Mr. Chen is different. When those people came to search the villa, they confirmed again and again that there were only two of us in the villa..."

Chen Chu smiled and said, "What have you gained from going this time?"

Yao Xianwen took out three bottles of drinks from the small refrigerator in the room and divided them. When he saw Chen Si taking them and opening them, he felt a lot closer. No matter what kind of supernatural being Chen Si was, as long as he drank like a human being, he would not seem that so. Horrible.

He gave himself a sip of Fat Boy's Happy Water, regained his composure, and then said: "I don't know if I don't go, but I was shocked when I went. It turns out that the places where murders occurred last night were not only the software park where we work and the main road. The same thing is happening in some communities and shopping malls, but the ghosts are different.

One of the people working on the case seemed to have just come back from outside and was printing photos. I accidentally caught a glimpse of it and almost spit out my bile! It's so miserable. If the guy hadn't put the printed photos into the victim's file one by one, I would have thought they were photos of animals taken in some cruel slaughterhouse. They were just like a pile of photos. It's like a person being crushed back and forth by the eight wheels of a large truck. Ugh, I, I can't do it anymore. Brother Feng, tell Mr. Chen..."

Yao Xianwen's face turned pale. At this moment, he recalled his experience in the police station again. His whole body felt bad. The happy water he had just swallowed surged up from his stomach and went up his throat. He stood up and rushed out of the door. Before he could After a few steps, the sound of liquid spraying was heard.

The corners of Dai Feng's mouth twitched a few times.

He was sitting with Yao Xianwen in the police station at the time, and naturally saw those photos, but he was relatively able to bear it.

Because when I was in junior high school, it was very popular to play in cyberspace. For a while, my classmates and friends were very keen on forwarding those very scary foreign videos, all kinds of cruel ones, and they almost didn’t watch it when he was only a teenager. Come out of depression. Fortunately, things gradually eased later, and the control of these things on the Internet gradually became stricter.

Dai Feng unscrewed the bottle cap and took a sip of happy water and said: "Mr. Chen, to be honest, I am sitting here now, my mind is still buzzing, and I still feel that gods and ghosts are still in the hazy legend. It was the same. But when I touched the pebbles in my pocket, I realized that I was not dreaming, but that the world was having a nightmare."

He stared blankly at the happy water in his hand and said: "I really hope that everything yesterday was just a dream. Starting today, when the sun rises, it is still a brand new day. We will continue to live as social animals and continue to be squeezed by unscrupulous bosses. The hard work and reward are completely out of proportion..."

Chen Chu also drank happy water and listened carefully.

Dai Feng realized that he was a little too emotional. He smiled and said: "These are not dreams, nor will they be dreams. Just now, when we were about to leave, the bureau urgently sent out a team of people to pick up the enemy. When the police were called, a temple dedicated to Sun Pleiades suddenly collapsed, crushing several twisted corpses. Witnesses said that the statue of the priest seemed to move and killed the pilgrims who were offering incense at the time...

You don’t know that there are a huge crowd of people inside the station, all of them are people from the place where the incident occurred or related to the murder. There are elderly people in their eighties and children of seven or eight years old. Most of them are in a state of mental breakdown, crying and screaming. Yell, hysterical! Xianwen and I felt like the two of us had broken into a mental hospital.

There are thousands of people, it is said that less than one tenth of them can't be summoned at all, and they are calling for support to borrow people from other places.

There is no way that the small detention room in the bureau can accommodate so many people. The prison is fine, but that is where the prisoners stay. It is impossible to really cram these people in, right? In the end, they decided to keep the suspects with definite evidence of murder first, and release the others without evidence first and ask them to be contacted at any time..."

Chen Chu sighed slightly.

Dai Feng was still more careful about what he said, for fear that this awesome man would be angry.

At this moment, I was overjoyed to see Chen Chu sighing for the treatment of these "ants". It seemed that this boss was on the side of mankind.

Dai Feng felt anxious, and the happy water bottle in his hand was unknowingly squeezed out of shape. He lowered his head and asked, "Mr. Chen, can I ask you a few questions?"

Seeing his expression, Chen Chu almost guessed it and said with a smile, "You can tell me, I should be able to answer you."

Dai Feng's heart was beating wildly and he almost knelt down to thank heaven and earth for meeting such a kind person! It is really merciful that people like Chen San who have terrifying abilities do not become "people of the motherland"!

If he wants to live the rest of his life, he must know some information about Chen San.

"Mr. Chen, are you human?"

"Yes, but he became an immortal after training."

"Ah? God!"

"Is there a problem?"

"No, no. May I ask what is your... purpose of descending to earth?"

"There is a great disaster in your world, and I came into being in response to the situation. I hope I can contribute some strength."

"Mr. Chen, you are a god with magical powers. Can you help us eliminate all ghosts and monsters at once?"

"No, your world is like a hollow metal ball dropped in a septic tank. The inside and outside have been filled with filth. I have been polluted when I came here. My magical powers are limited, and I can only find the things inside your world. Only by eradicating the source of pollution can we return to a bright and prosperous world."

Dai Feng was stunned for a moment and said: "The source of the pollution?"

He confirmed several pieces of information from the short conversation. Chen San was not a local god in this world, and for them, there seemed to be more than one god in his world, but several, even hundreds or even thousands. The most important thing is that the current world seems to be in a very embarrassing and disgusting situation, and the only god willing to come is Chen San.

Chen Chu looked at him with a smile.

Dai Feng scratched his cheek. He thought Chen San was a human being with great power, but he didn't expect him to be a god.

Dai Feng was a little stressed when he saw the gods in front of him. He couldn't help but think of the statues of gods worshiped in temples during festivals. Fortunately, Chen San didn't wear them like that, just simple sportswear, which was very down-to-earth.

He asked: "Chen...Chen Shenxian, I dare to ask, if you are the only god who comes, can you teach us magic and immortal methods, so that we humans can save ourselves..."

Chen Chu had been practicing for so long, how could he not see a person's thoughts? Although Dai Feng had a little selfishness, he would not be a bad person, otherwise he would not be able to activate Pebbles to ward off evil spirits and save people.

He said with a solemn expression: "Your world is too polluted. As I said just now, when I came to your world, it was already greatly restricted. Your way of heaven has been distorted, the will of the world has dissipated, and there is no spiritual energy that can be used!" The law is useless, the ghosts and evil spirits have been greatly strengthened, and you cannot kill them with your strength. You have learned the spells and absorbed the pollution through practice. The price of using the spells is the invasion of pollution, which gradually turns into evil spirits..."

Ah this!

Dai Feng didn't expect this.

Chen Chu has no intention of hiding anything. If the world is in disaster, he will come to the rescue. Of course, he will also support the people of that world to save themselves.

He continued: "Your world is in a dark abyss. Ghosts and ghosts are just a side dish. The bodies and twisted divinities left by the dead gods are the main dish!"

Dai Feng felt weak all over. He wanted to stand up but had no strength. His lips were dry and he asked: "Gods? Gods are dead? How could gods die? Why did they become the main course?"

He was a little emotional and his voice was trembling.

Chen Chu could understand it. You must know that in the world of "The First Commandment", Huang Yaozu only faced the possessed evil spirit and almost collapsed...

Although it had only been a day since Dai Feng had faced the evil spirit, it was the most terrifying thing. The evil spirit appeared, and even the god who he thought was aloof and saved all sentient beings actually wanted to bring harm to the common people...

Chen Chu said: "The gods died for unknown reasons. Their bodies and divinities were ominously polluted and gathered into evil gods! In more understandable terms, it is equivalent to human beings dying and their corpses being infected by viruses and turning into zombies! It's just that The body and divinity of the god are only more severely infected."

In Chen Chu's calm tone, Dai Feng's pattern gradually became larger, and he said with a thought: "Are the twisted bodies and divinities of gods a source of pollution in our world? If they are eliminated, is there hope?"

Chen Chu admired Dai Feng very much and said quickly, "According to what I have seen so far, there are three current threats to your world:

The first is the twisted way of heaven. It will not directly destroy mankind, but it will affect all things, just like a trader!

The second is the twisted gods. Their magical powers during their lifetimes will most likely be left behind in their bodies. They will traverse rivers and boil seas, carry mountains and chase the moon, and they are not something you can deal with.

The third type is evil spirits. They come from a wide range of sources. They may be people's resentment, or they may be derived from monster settings in movies and TV shows. They are like a program, with its own set of strict 'killing' rules.

Among these three types, evil spirits should be the type that you can relatively deal with, but you cannot kill them. You can only find ways to familiarize yourself with their behavior patterns and limit the rules with rules!

And the red and white pebbles in your pockets are actually the blood shed on the road when I came to your world. Many of them should have fallen into this world, driven by kindness and using kindness as energy. You should make good use of it. "

Dai Feng listened to Chen Chu said so much in one breath and felt a little dazed. He said: "You are the only god who can help us. The other gods have become evil gods. Even the legendary Tiandao is a villain, and there are a lot more The evil spirit...I...can we really not be saved?"

Chen Chu said: "Yes! I'm saving you!"

When Dai Feng heard Chen Chu's decisive answer, for some reason, the tip of his nose felt sore and his eye circles turned red for no reason! He put the happy water on the table, got down from the chair, knelt on the ground with his knees on the ground, put his hands on the ground, knocked his forehead heavily on the ground, and said tremblingly: "Thank you... thank God for your mercy, thank you for saving us!"

There is great terror between life and death.

Only by experiencing life and death can we see more clearly and cherish the inconspicuous things more.

The ancients said something similar. If a person wants to achieve enlightenment, he needs a serious illness! Dai Feng experienced everything in the early morning, and now he learned an even more terrifying reality. His heart was filled with fear. At this moment, he looked up and saw Chen Chu. Wrapped in fear, Dai Feng felt a glimmer of light called hope in his heart...

Chen San is the ray of light that brings hope to this world...

Chen Chu did not refuse Dai Feng's kneeling.

Before he came to this world, he shed his blood first. He came for this world and deserved to worship. With this worship, he also formed a karmic relationship with the creatures of this world.

Dai Feng knelt three times and kowtowed nine times.

He remembered something and asked: "The gods all have titles, titles, and positions in the legendary heavenly palace. I dare to ask Chen Shenming, you..."

Chen Chu smiled and said: "I am an idle person who wanders around and cultivates to become an immortal. I have never held any position in the Heavenly Palace, but I do have a Taoist title. I am in the realm of Daluo Heavenly Immortal. If you want to be nice, you can call me... the Divine Lord of Yongzhen!"

"The Lord of Yongzhen!"

Dai Feng recalled these four words and felt a surge of domineering power rising into the sky.

Chen Chu said: "Chen San is not my real name. It's just because my name involves dark cause and effect. If you know it, you will be infected with evil! I will tell you when this world is over."

Chen San was indeed fake, just saying that gods would not use such names.

Dai Feng slowly exhaled a breath, this information was enough for him to digest.

He remembered something and said: "Chen Shenjun, twisted heaven, evil gods, evil spirits, murder conditions, these rules and information are very important. Can I reveal this information so that everyone can accept this fact early and be prepared? , so fewer people die?"

Chen Chu nodded and said, "Okay, these are not problems."

Dai Feng asked again: "Can I reveal your existence?"

Chen Chu said: "It's better not to reveal it. Gods are omnipotent existences in people's eyes. If they know that gods exist but cannot save the world immediately, I'm afraid there will be negative effects! I am different from ordinary gods. I can’t hear your prayers, and I can’t be there to save people right away..."

Dai Feng understood and nodded: "That's what Chen Shenjun is considering."

He got up from the ground and said: "I don't want to show up, so I might as well organize this information into a document and post it online! I discovered it when I was at the police station. Only in areas where evil spirits appear will there be no signal. , the voltage is unstable, and it is normal for places without ghosts and monsters, even if they are separated by a building!"

Chen Chu: "Go ahead and do it."

Dai Feng couldn't wait to share this information, so he went directly to Yao Xianwen's study, opened the overseas network, used several springboards, and used software to translate the information he knew into the languages ​​​​of several mainstream countries in the form of foreign accounts and sent it out.

Chen Chu sat on the bed, looking at the Star Official Totem in the palm of his right hand, and then thinking about the world he accidentally broke into during his cultivation, his eyes suddenly lit up. That world might be a good place for him to get rid of the evil god totem.

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