After discussing the plan, the Wang Jing Hound Team and the Python Falcon Team stood in their respective positions.

The Demon King took a deep breath and carried the rocket against the wall to prepare.

Ye Yu asked Eggplant and Du Xiaomei to follow him.

“Remember, five seconds, when the enemy fire stops, you will immediately run away.”

“Run with your head covered, don’t care about anything, rush directly to the second floor.”

“Eggplant takes the lead and quickly takes the position once he takes the stairs.”

“Sister A went upstairs desperately, ready to detonate the bomb, don’t care if you don’t see anyone, just throw it over.”

“My Highness, understand?”

After arranging the task, the two nodded: “Understood.” ”

Sure, Ye Yu checked the ammunition, took off his mask and bit a grenade in his mouth, nodding towards Wang Jing: “Prepare!” ”

The three of them were in a starting position against the wall.

At this time, the water friends watching the live broadcast also held their breath nervously.

If nothing else, the gameplay of this game alone is far beyond their imagination.

Compared to the simple gameplay of CrossFire.

This variety of options for occupying strongholds simply drove them crazy.

How can the game still be played like this? What’s the difference between this and a Hollywood-style explosion?

And it is not only this gameplay that can give players a sense of excitement.

Game voice acting is also extremely important.

After Ye Yu came up with a solution, he heard the sound of drums gradually sounding in his ears.

The style of music is not spent, and it can even be said to be extremely simple.

But the rhythm is extremely clear, making people subconsciously tense up.

This soundtrack alone is enough for other so-called game giants to learn well.

“Prepare … Put! ”

With a loud drink, Wang Jing saw a glimmer of space, stood up from behind the ruins, held the grenade gun and pulled the trigger.

The grenade that had been programmed flew out of the chamber, flew straight to the second floor in the direction of nine o’clock, and then exploded.

Broken shrapnel collapsed everywhere, and a huge shock wave hit the face, knocking the enemy machine gunner to the ground.

At this time, the demon king followed out of the ruins, looked at it for a second, and pulled the trigger.


LAW is much more accurate than RPG, and this heavy firepower used for anti-equipment is surprisingly good at fighting infantry.

In the blink of an eye, enemy machine-gun pillboxes were blasted away.

Seeing the sky-rushing firelight, Ye Yu roared: “Run!” ”

In the next second, the eggplant threw off her footsteps and ran wildly, and the little girl followed closely behind.

When they ran out of two meters, Ye Yu pulled out the safety pin of the grenade in his mouth, and bit the grenade that would explode in five seconds and rushed to keep up.

In three seconds, Eggplant ran to the corner downstairs, braked sharply, and then turned around and turned up the stairs.

For four seconds, Du Xiaomei gritted her teeth and stared, strode up the junction of the stairs, threw a blaster bomb towards the corridor on the second floor, and then lowered her head to cover her ears.

In five seconds, Ye Yu stepped on the machine-gun fire that the enemy had recovered and smoothly stepped over the stairs.

The bullet almost hit his heel.

“Fire at will!”

Behind, Wang Jing waved his hand violently and ordered to stop the counterattack.

A group of people immediately raised the muzzle of the gun by an inch and shot out the grenade hanging from the M4.


More than a dozen explosions sounded in succession, and the enemy’s fire was attracted to it.

At seven seconds, Ye Yu took out the grenade in his mouth and threw it violently into the corridor on the second floor, and then pressed the head of the dumb little girl: “Lie down!” ”


Noticing that someone had come up, the enemy had just tried to sneak out of the rooms on the second floor.

They first ate a detonation bomb and were shocked dizzy, and before they could react, a grenade rolled over and exploded.

Fragments flew, and four or five enemies fell to the ground and wailed.

“Up, up, up!”

Swapping places with the little sister, Ye Yu rushed to the corridor on the second floor first, and even beat and ran to replenish the enemy’s enemy’s gun.

Ten seconds later, Ye Yu slammed the door of one of the rooms with big feet, killing the enemy’s machine gun team with a few shots.

“Hound! I grabbed the machine gun! ”

“Receive received, pay attention to the six points friendly army!”

Pulling away the corpse of the enemy lying on the machine gun, Ye Yu waved his hand to let Du Xiaomei control the machine gun, and he lay on his stomach behind the sandbag bunker to provide cover.

At the door, Eggplant lay on the ground and calmly disposed of the enemies that rushed out of the other rooms.

“Right front three o’clock direction to the second floor, directly sweep through the wall to him!”

Listening to the order, the little girl half sat on the ground and gripped the machine gun handle with both hands, and pulled the trigger with a click.


She was roaring, but her voice was clearly no longer than the sound of machine gun jetting ammunition.

After the point 50, the stake of the machine gun is huge and big, and Stallone’s thick muscular arms are difficult to parry, let alone sister A.

She struggled to control her body, both arms shaking violently.

Knock knock!

The concrete walls simply could not block direct machine gun fire.

In less than three seconds, a large hole was blown out of the entire wall, and the machine gun group on the other side was directly beaten into slag.

Solving them, the little sister twisted the muzzle of the machine gun and stormed in the direction of five o’clock.

It’s not that she’s murderous, but she can’t let go at all!

The recoil of the machine gun was so hard that her hands were numb from the shock, and she couldn’t get off the handle at all.

Under the ground floor.

Two fire nets were cleared in succession, giving teammates a gap as wide as a car to drive over.

Wang Jing saw the opportunity and immediately ordered the others to charge with him.

The python squad took advantage of the enemy’s distraction and led the team to storm upstairs from the other side.

The Falcon squad stood still, still using grenades to create obstacles for the enemy.

Suddenly, the entire complex was bustling, and the roaring and shouting even exceeded the gunshots at one point.

Plus a sandstorm blowing fast in the sky.

This fart is a little bigger, and it has been beaten out of the lively momentum of thousands of troops in battle.

“Six o’clock direction!”

“Seven points solved!”

“Gather fire in the direction of twelve!”

“One point at all, four zero fire in the direction! Fire!! ”


Five minutes later, there was a sudden silence in the surroundings, with only a few sporadic gunshots between the buildings.

Taking off his mask and spitting blood on the ground vulgarly, Ye Yu got up and looked at the position he finally captured, holding the headphones with anger in his eyes:

“Command, take the stronghold.”

“Tell the porcupine crew to hold on, Master is here!”

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immediately preemptive (Event Period: October 1st to October 7th)

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