After taking the position of the complex, everyone took a short rest and retreated into the dust storm again.

The storm is getting stronger, which is actually a good thing.

This shows that they have entered the eyes of the sandstorm phoenix, and it will not be long before the storm passes.

At this time, in order to hurry up.

Everyone didn’t care about the formation, so they simply divided into two teams and buried their heads like ants lining up.

Besides, most of the players here are just players.

There are very few players like Wang Jing who come from professional military backgrounds.

Along the way, Wang Jing praised and scolded. One moment thanked the game maker, the next scolded, and heard Ye Yu’s brain buzzing next to him.

Since the mainstream gunplay game on the market became CrossFire.

At first, these middle-aged players were still very interested and played with interest.

At first, CrossFire really deserved his title, the dream of 300 million mice.

The game atmosphere is also very good, there are no messy krypton gold weapons.

A silenced M4 is already a great gun, and players also rely purely on marksmanship to win.

Later, it wasn’t until Goose Factory released the first Fire Kirin Krypton Gold weapon that the taste of the whole game changed.

So these old players left the game sadly, and they could no longer find the feeling they had back then.

After several years of silence, I couldn’t find a decent game to play.

Until yesterday, a game called Call of Duty was born.

Wang Jing and his son discovered the game from the perspective of the anchor.

This made Wang Jing very curious, his son’s character is simply cowardly and boring to death.

A stick can’t beat a fart nature, actually chatting with others in the house.

This made Wang Jing very curious, so he quietly walked in to take a look.

After watching it for a few minutes, Wang Jing’s frowning brows suddenly rose, and his eyes lit up.

Then, Wang Jing hugged his arm and moved a chair over with interest.

Five minutes later, Wang Jing snatched his son’s helmet over and said that Laozi asked you to see what a master is.

Then, now, at the moment.

Wang Jing’s wife took the money to dash, leaving Laozi and his son to hide in the room.

On the side, listening to Wang Jing’s chattering made a taste of middle-aged people’s unique complaints.

Ye Yu listened, and his heart was full of sighs.

This is his original intention.

The game is a simple entertainment tool.

Turn on the computer, sit down, put on your headphones, enter another world, and enjoy that brief excitement.

Abuse the enemy, or be abused by the enemy, and then yell happily or slam the table and scold the street.

That’s enough, and doesn’t require so much complicated understanding.

“Anyway, let’s play alive.”

“I fucking saw that in less than three days, the whole world would explode.”

“You said such a powerful thing, how could they let it go?”

“You see, in three months at most, this game will be like CF, with a lot of things that cost money to play.”

“At that time, there will be no fun.”

Saying that, Wang Jing looked down at the gun in his hand with a sigh, and his eyes showed a trace of reluctance.

Hearing this, Ye Yu pouted and smiled without saying anything.


After walking for more than ten minutes, everyone came to an intersection.

On the right front, a convoy of four T72 tanks, an armored car and jeeps was advancing.

More than fifty meters away, Ye Yu and they barely observed with binoculars.

This was exactly the enemy convoy that the command had been urging them to block.

“Three tanks, which can be solved with three Stingers.”

“Armored vehicles can be solved with bazookas, jeeps can be grabbed.”

“What about the remaining tank?”

“Touching the can, or trying your luck with a rocket?”

The four squad leaders climbed the slope and observed the long line of convoys below to discuss solutions.

“I tend to solve it with rockets, and the cans have to be picked up, what if I am swept away by a machine gun?”

“But I want to try.”

Wang Jing said, leaning over to Ye Yu’s side:

“Give me a chance, I want to show my hand in front of my son.”

“I never had a good relationship with him, and he never talked to me.”

“Now it’s hard to have a father and son to have fun together, I, the old man, have to give him a long face in front of my son.”

“Look behind you, the thing wrapped in the turban is my son.”

“Let me try, just once, count me for you.”

Seeing him speak with an almost pleading gaze, Ye Yu did not squeak.

Looking at the other two captains, they nodded in agreement.

“Okay, take your time.”

“I’ll give your son a seat in the front row and show him clearly.”

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immediately preemptive (Event Period: October 1st to October 7th)

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