Chapter 74 Paratroopers are born to wear the whole field every day!!

This soul-piercing arrow was indeed hit blindly.

The water friends were stunned.

The streamers were shocked.

When they were fighting before, they were chased by this thing for a long time.

Or for example, Sister Zhou, who has been hiding in the apartment building because of fear, and has been blocked in the Naka checkpoint for a full day!

Now I saw that the stupid little sister raised her hand and shot a blind snipe, and actually beat Ya down.

Everyone even wondered if Sister A had some PY deal with the maker.

Even the dumb little girl herself poked in place, watching the helicopter fall to the ground in disbelief.

But she was happy for less than five seconds.

I saw the helicopter smashed down on the ground, and the propeller instantly turned into more than a dozen knots and flew everywhere.

Before the crash, the deputy gunner’s hand was on the trigger button, and before death, his hand twitched and pulled the trigger.


In an instant, two rockets that were already waiting to be activated flew out of the nest and hit the roof of the apartment where the two were located.

In an instant, a large piece of rubble fell, and the huge masonry was about to fall down.

The little girl was a little stunned and poked in place without moving.

McMillan quickly pushed her away: “Run!” ”

One stumbled and rolled on the ground, and the little girl was thrown and eaten.

But when she got up, she saw McMillan crawling on the ground, her body crushed by rubble.

Seeing this, Sister A rushed over and wanted to pull the old wheat head out from under the ruins.

The old wheat head pointed to the ruins with a scream: “Legs, legs! ”

Seeing that his aching face was distorted and deformed, the little girl slowly moved it away with her shoulder against the gravel.

I saw that under the stone, a steel bar pierced McMillan’s left leg, and blood was flowing down the steel bar to the ground.

Just by looking at it, Du Xiaomei’s teeth are sore.

This is the best game for this, and the effects of blood spraying on broken limbs are particularly good.

Looking at the injury, the steel bar did not penetrate the calf bone, but only crossed the leg and stomach.

In this case, it is impossible to run anymore.

Seeing this, Du Xiaomei listened to the gunfire of the enemy in the distance and gradually approached.

Looking at the terrible wound here and not knowing how to deal with it, tears flowed down his eyes urgently.

McMillan was very determined, using the dagger on his leg to cut off a strip of cloth on his auspicious suit, and glanced at the dumb little sister: “This is absolutely painful.” ”

After that, he crumpled the cloth strip into a ball and bit it in his mouth, grabbing his leg with both hands and pulling it out of the steel bar abruptly.

That’s how the so-called blood comes from.

Every inch that was pulled out, a stream of blood spurted out of the wound, really squirting out.

Rao is a stupid little sister who has already seen nuclear explosions and tortured villagers, and at this moment, she looks disgusted for a while.

And the old wheat head was biting the cloth ball, and the face was visibly sweaty, and the cheeks that were not smeared with camouflage oil instantly turned white.

“Hmm……… Yes!! ”

After five seconds, he finally pulled his leg out, and McMillan had exhausted all his strength and collapsed on the ground.

The little sister forced herself to endure the nausea, learned how he cut the cloth strip from his dagger, hesitated, squeezed his eyes and slammed it to try to stop the bleeding.

At this time, the sound of enemy gunfire and angry curses was clearly audible.

The two came out with the determination to die, and naturally did not carry any first-aid kits.

Yes, but the first aid kits were all in the jeep before coming.

Panting, McMillan struggled to sit up and turned to look across the apartment.

Over there, the enemy’s is getting closer and closer.

“Damn, I’m going to explain it here.”

“Let’s go! Leave me alone. ”

With a wave of his hand, McMillan pulled his M21 in one breath and fired a few shots in the elbow to delay the enemy’s speech.

There was a look at the stupid little girl who looked down and was still trying to bandage him: “Don’t tie it, you run, I still have the strength to shoot a few shots.” ”

“Don’t give flowers to my grave, I’m the one that annoys me the most.”

Saying that, the old wheat head replaced the magazine and continued to shoot. At this time, the silent little sister, who had been silent, made her own decision.

She strode away from the ruins and walked to the side without looking back.

Seeing this, the anchors and water friends were disappointed in their hearts.

Mozi frowned, wanting to say something, but his mouth was long for a long time, but he didn’t know how to speak.

The demon king simply stopped looking, lowered his head and played with his mobile phone with a disappointed look.

I can’t help but think that the water friends with smelly mouths directly copied the keyboard and typed a long list of dirty words, wanting to scold the street.

Here, when the old wheat head heard this, he glanced at Sister A’s back, nodded very gratifyingly, and fired several shots in a row, and yelled: “Come on!” ”

But five seconds later, just five seconds.

The little girl manipulated Price back to McMillan.

She took the Barrett who picked up from the ground in her hand, stood on the spot and fired a shot, and then stuffed the still smoking Barrett into the old wheat head’s arms: “I’ll try to carry you out.” ”

“This gun is very loud, remember to remind me to cover my ears before shooting.”

Saying that, the little girl raised her chin and looked at McMillan with drooping eyes: “Stand up soldier, our war is not over.” ”

As soon as these words came out, McMillan was stunned in place and did not say anything.

The water friends watching the live broadcast were boiling and jumping and cheering.

Sister Zhou lay on her back on the sofa, trying to keep the tears from falling in her eyes.

Eggplant and his daughter-in-law slapped the table and shouted, the two hugged, eggplant clenched his fists: “Good!” ”

Yin Zi didn’t say anything, took a long breath and lit a cigarette and smoked silently, with a wistful smile on his face.

“Good, good!!”

“I knew she wouldn’t just abandon her teammates!!”

“Having experienced so many battles together, it is impossible for a person to leave his teammates and run for his life alone at this time!”

“Wife, I forgive you for the mistake of blaming the poisonous rat squad that time! I will always be your most faithful dog! ”

“Oh, I really want Brother Ye to come and see this scene, the people you brought with you have really grown up today!!”

“From today onwards, Sister A will be the biggest anchor in the entire Dou Insect in my eyes…”

The water friends let out a long breath and gave a standing ovation full of satisfaction.

But Du Xiaomei didn’t do it deliberately.

She didn’t think about abandoning anyone at all, because she thought that if it was Ye Yu, she would definitely do it at this moment.

It’s nothing more than a death, what’s great.

Old lady, I have experienced a nuclear explosion and am a member of the Pig Squad!! Subsequently.

Without waiting for Old Mai Tou to resist, she slapped away Old Mai Tou’s refusal hand very domineeringly.

Grabbing his arm with one hand, he carried the old wheat head to his shoulder with a muffled snort with the other.

The setting in the game is no more than 35 pounds, otherwise the excess weight will be borne by the player himself.

At this moment, the somatosensory suit exerts the greatest effect of this set, giving the stupid little sister extremely heavy pressure.

Old Mai Tou is one meter eighty-six meters tall, and although he is thin, he is also less than one hundred and thirty or forty pounds.

What’s more, he still holds equipment and Barrett in his hands, even if he subtracts 35 pounds, there is at least a hundred pounds of pressure.

Anyway, Du Xiaomei is just a girl, a player who has not really experienced a day of military training.

This pressed nearly a hundred pounds on the body, and the knees of the little sister were bent, and her whole face instantly turned red.

She couldn’t run at all, and it was extremely difficult to even take a step.

Actually, to say something very damaging to the atmosphere0…

It’s just a game, and if it doesn’t work, it’s a big deal to reopen it with suicide.

So that McMillan may not be injured, it is nothing more than being run over by a helicopter, although it is also very tired, but it is better than such a difficulty.


Du Xiaomei didn’t have any thoughts of reopening in her heart at the moment, and she had a scorn in her heart.

This idea was remembered by everyone in the previous war pig squad and killed from the moment of the nuclear explosion.

Don’t abandon, don’t give up!

At this moment, this approach has transcended the dimension of game and reality.

It’s just a soldier who doesn’t want to abandon his comrades at this time.

Gritting his teeth, bending his legs, the air he inhaled into his lungs was almost squeezed out, and he walked slower than the old lady.

But the little girl just didn’t let go, and carried this weight step by step.

On her back, McMillan tried to struggle, but was grabbed by both arms.

After struggling for a few seconds, the old wheat head was deflated, cursed in a low voice, and grabbed Barrett in his hand and said in a deep voice: “Thank you, soldier.” ”

“I shot to provide cover and we went home together.”

When the little sister heard this, she gritted her teeth and stared ahead, nodding deeply.

The face of Captain Poison Rat flashed through her mind.

I am afraid that this person will disappear in her mind for a while, and the face of the humble farmer and crop man has been engraved in her mind.

“Uh-huh, let’s go home together.”

Half ring.

It took 10 minutes to walk.

Sister A carried McMillan back to the pool before she came. At this time, she finally couldn’t hold on, and fell to the ground with both knees.

McMillan’s face also turned white due to excessive blood loss.

The enemy behind him was forced back by Barrett’s great power, not to mention that this place was full of weeds, and the two retreated into the grass and quickly threw off the enemy.

But this did not last long, and the enemy would eventually chase after the blood on the ground.

Leaning against the corner, Du Xiaomei felt tired at the moment that she had never felt before.

But at the same time, there was also a hint of pride in her heart.

This thing is not pretended, and only I know what I think.

She was satisfied that she had not chosen to leave McMillan behind.

Next to him, McMillan took out an anti-radiation iodine tablet as a painkiller to eat, and threw it in his mouth to chew a mouth full of white scum.

Du Xiaomei’s VR headset has no taste function, so it doesn’t feel bitter.

“Rest for three minutes, and then we move on.”

“I’ll bandage it first, my leg that has been wasted, even if I go back, I can only retire.”

McMillan said, lowering his head to bandage the wound that was still oozing blood.

At this time, the perspective of the little sister suddenly changed, and she searched the sky.

Above the clouds, a C130 transport aircraft rumbled through the clouds.

In the cabin, Nicolai sipped low-alcohol shabu.

On the co-pilot, Rezenov put his feet on the center console to look at the map.

Speaking of which, Rezenov, these old gods of war, are now in their seventies.

This age can still run, jump, and even go to war! The little girl was shocked, and manipulated Nicolai to turn her head to look at the cabin.

Inside, five old men were dressed in old Soviet uniforms, holding Bobosha in their arms and snoring.

“No, sir.”

Nicolai himself said: “The airports in this place are all high-risk radiation areas, we have nowhere to land!” ”

Hearing this, Rezenov glanced at a light bird helicopter in the cabin.

“Does that thing work?”

“Yes, what do you want to do?”

“Have you heard the story of an eagle that catches its winged bird thrown from the sky?”

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