Chapter 75 War and Playground, and Vodka!!

Rezenov’s plan is very simple:

Throughout the city of Pripya, most of the available civilian or military airports are high-risk radiation areas.

The C130 transport plane is too big to get off at a small airport.

Second, these large airports are full of radiation, and the plane will be affected by radiation electromagnetic interference to failure before it lands.

So, Rezenov gave an extremely bold approach.

The C130 is still flying in the sky, and others can watch the birds lift the hundreds jump out of the cabin.

Hearing this, Nicolai’s face turned green.

Where is this plan bold! It’s just death!

The C130 cabin is large, but not large enough to allow a helicopter to start the engine and fly inside.

And, although it’s called a bird, it’s also a thing that weighs several tons.

If you hadn’t successfully turned the engine propeller before landing, you would have fallen to your death on the spot!

Besides, the effect of air flow is not so simple, if the upward and downdraft backlash does not reach a balance point, the propeller will be torn apart by the downward airflow………

Listening to Nikolai’s rambling reason, Rezenov disdained: “Young people just have a lot of farts, and a bunch of bells and whistles are useless.” ”

“Old man, a few of us guarded a building for a month, who dares to believe it?”

“Chernov, that’s the guy.”

Rezenov pointed at an old man: “That guy tore five tanks with an iron fist with his bare hands!” ”

“So there is nothing to be afraid of, believe in your own abilities, go and do it.”

Saying that, Rezenov pursed his mouth and slapped Nikolai on the shoulder to give him courage, for some reason, the old men of 04 seem to like to be strong

Young man, maybe looking festive?

Or maybe it was the food shortage in their time, and now when you see strong young people, you know that the times have changed and become rich?

In short, persuaded by Rezenov, Nikolai scratched his head and turned on the automatic driving of the transport plane.

He himself was watching the next step of the little sister’s gaze and walked to the cabin with three sighs.

“Davarihi! I need you to operate this big guy. ”

Behind him, Rezenov asked another old man to go to the cockpit to control the C130.

The five of them sat on either side of the bird, fastened their seat belts and held the old guns in their hands.

Nikolai looked at Rezenov, who was sitting in the co-pilot, whispered a dirty word with a noisy eyebrow, and snapped his hand to open the back door of the cabin.

Watch the rear hatch slowly open, and the cold air in the sky pours into the cabin.

Nikolai sighed again, took a cigarette from his body, lit it, took a deep breath and ran back to the cockpit.

“Don’t move the buttons, I’ve set them all, you just grab the rudder.”

“Da, da, your grandfather, I drove a fighter back then, can’t this thing be done? Roll on. ”

The old man was very cranky, glaring at Nicolai to snatch the cigarette from his mouth, and he stepped on the engine accelerator and hummed a song.

“I must be crazy.”

With a nag, Nicolai returned to the cabin to untie the safety ropes on either side of the bird helicopter and press the slide button.

The bird then slowly slides back along the rail.

Nicolai jumped into the cockpit with two trots and quickly pressed a few amine buttons: “Shut your mouth!” It’s cold in the sky! ”

The old men, who had been poured into their ears so noisy that they could not hear anything, raised their guns: “Ula! ”

Three seconds later, the helicopter crashed down the cabin and fell towards the ground at high speed.

Du Xiaomei was in Nicolai’s perspective at the moment, watching Nicolai’s hand on the joystick without moving, holding her breath nervously.

Next to Rezenov, there was no expression, and the old man negotiated a batch.

A few seconds later, when the helicopter was more than a thousand meters above the ground.

Nicolai raised his hand to activate a few buttons, and the helicopter engine started and turned.

The propeller shakes slightly under the influence of the downdraft, then gradually rotates and speeds up.

“Come on baby, fly.”

At this time, almost all the alarms that could be sounded in the cabin sounded, the dashboard was full of warning icons, and the level showed that the plane was stalling.

Nicolai gritted his teeth and tensed his face, clutching the joystick deadly: “Fly up……… It’s not even close!! ”

At five hundred meters, the propeller seven successfully operated vigorously, but it was not enough to offset the falling inertia, and it was still falling rapidly.

“Get up, get up, ah!!”

With a loud roar, Nicolai leaned back on the chair and jerked the rocker back, the nose slightly cocked.

At three hundred meters, the propeller was running at full speed, but the ice level still showed stall.

“Can’t stand it, I fuck……… Rise!! ”

Finally, at a height of 100 meters above the ground, Nicolai pushed the joystick hard to finally pull the bird back to a steady rotational speed.

The plane stabilized and hovered smoothly in the air, although it was still trembling slightly, and blue smoke was already coming out of the center console.

But it’s good to be able to fly.

“Damn, Sukha Britt!”

With a loud curse, Nikolai woke up in fright, and saw that the four old guys behind him were also there, and looked at Rezenov with a long breath.

“What now? The enemy definitely has anti-aircraft weapons, and we can’t fly planes to target points. ”

“Besides, I’ll have to wait a while, and I’ll have to wait for him to give me the signal again.”

Rezenov took out a wine jug and shook it, unscrewed the lid and took a drink: “Land, kill, just car.” ”

Later, the perspective of the little girl returned to Price.

Team Qian is now alone and is running with their heads down.

He didn’t give up on McMillan.

It’s just that McMillan has been bleeding from his legs, and the enemy can’t catch up with people, so he sends military dogs to track him.

In desperation, Price smeared a large handful of blood on himself, then hid McMillan and tried to run around to disrupt the tracking of military dogs.

Coincidentally, he also stumbled into an enemy outpost and stole two first-aid kits from there.

Now, get the first aid kit and return to McMillan’s hideout.

When the old wheat head was injected with morphine, he poured iodine into the wound and wrapped it with a bandage.

It is a playground with silence and desolation all around.

In front of it, the huge Ferris wheel is rusty.

On the side of the carousel next to it, large pieces of paint peeled off from the toy horse.

The whole playground is filled with a strange and bleak smell.

The most frightening thing is that when looking to the side, the little girl always feels that she can hear the sound of the child laughing and the clown squeaking and talking.

Even if the sun is high above her head in the broad daylight, the little sister does not feel cold sweat behind her back.

At this point, Price glanced back at McMillan.

He lay on his stomach in the grass with only one face, found a stone to set up the M21 on, and nodded to Price.

Price bowed his head and replaced Barrett’s last remaining magazine, carrying the AK he had snatched from the outpost behind him.

Checking the equipment, Price took a long breath, took out the annunciator again, pressed the button and saw the green light come on, and threw the annunciator aside.

“They are coming, ready to fight.”

Price finally said.

Control returned to the hands of the little sister.

Behind the screen, the anchors and viewers watching the live broadcast also held their breath.

At this time, the little girl was lying under the base of the Ferris wheel ready to meet the enemy, but suddenly looked up at the Ferris wheel.

She seems to remember that someone told her to play the Ferris wheel when she started a mission before?

Is there still electricity in this place?

Thinking about it, the stupid little girl who suddenly surged into a girl’s heart realized that she was actually just a girl.

Just smiled, put down the gun and ran to the Ferris wheel console on the side.

With a creak, the door was opened, and the smell of dust and mold filled inside.

The console was covered with dust, and the little girl rubbed her hands to wipe the soil off, and pressed a green button expectantly.

Didn’t move.

“Sure enough, there is no electricity.”

Pouting slightly disappointed, the little sister returned to the sniper point in an instant, picked up the gun, but at this time, the Ferris wheel suddenly creaked and made a sound, and the squeaking electric sound sounded.

Immediately afterwards, the lights suddenly lit up in the carousel carousel on the side, ticking music sounded, and the wooden carriage also turned.

A few seconds later, the colorful lights hanging around the cockpit of the Ferris wheel also lit up, and the Ferris wheel actually slowly rotated.

“It’s spinning.”

Looking up, I saw the Ferris wheel spinning leisurely, and the tears of the little sister suddenly welled up.

She didn’t know why she was crying, but she wanted to cry anyway.

At this time, the audience also sighed with emotion, watching the rusty Ferris wheel running with mixed tastes.

It feels strange that no one can say.

On one side are two fighters preparing for a battle to the death.

Overhead, equipment for 617 kids to play is in operation.

These two completely asymmetrical scenes are fused together, and there is an overly beautiful fantasy of ‘war and peace doves’.

But that’s not the end of it.

Just when everyone lamented this scene.

Ye Yu, who was busy with work, entered the live broadcast room and saw the silly little girl playing here, so he sent a barrage: “There is an Easter egg in the carousel Mali.” ”

He is now the big brother on the list of the stupid little sister’s live broadcast room, and he didn’t spend any money, purely because of the fighting insects themselves.

As soon as the barrage was issued, everyone was surprised to find that Brother Ye didn’t know when he was online.

Immediately, there was a sense of pride in ‘see your little brother grow into a big guy’.

When the little girl heard the reminder, she pursed her mouth and trotted to the door of the carport to look in.

A small arrow on the side of the door points to a button that reads: “Never press it.” ”


The little girl slapped the button.

Immediately, a wonderful scene happened.

This should be the first time that Ye Yu has used the permissions of the game publisher to make background modifications to the scene in the game.

I saw that there was a sudden blur in front of the little sister, and two seconds later, the rust on the wooden carriage that was clearly rusty again in front of me turned into colored powder and floated away.

The lights on the wooden carriage are also getting brighter, and the Ferris wheel is brand new.

The whole scene has been completely renewed, and even the surrounding weeds have changed from dead yellow to tender green.

But contrary to this vivid and playful scene.

Songs that were extremely unorthodox sounded in the venue.

It is Zhou Dong’s “The Death of the Cessation of the War”.

These complicated and mixed things piled together, making everyone confused.

At this time, from the corner of the playground, a small Thomas train clicked and appeared, and a clown with a red nose drove a low train to a leisurely stop in front of the little girl.

The train carriage behind the clown was filled with bullets and grenades.

The little girl looked at the bullet and was stunned, and this thing instantly pulled her back to the battlefield, and the clown grinned and pinched the small horn on the locomotive: “Woo~”.

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