Chapter Seventy-Six Davarish, charge with me, Ula!!

A train whistle pulled Du Xiaomei back to reality in an instant.

This is an official Easter egg thing, if not for Ye Yu’s sudden reminder, Sister Zhou and they didn’t have the heart to look at the carousel when they played before.

Subsequently, more than a dozen grenades were stuffed with magazines and completely replenished with enough ammunition.

Thomas’s little train rattled away.

Watch the train leave sight and look at the Ferris wheel.

Rao is a girl like Du Xiaomei, and her eyes can’t help but flash a touch of anger.

She carried Barrett back to the base of the Ferris wheel, pulled the bolt with a click, and stared straight ahead.

The Easter eggs of this scene are still talked about and commented on much later.

They have their own reasons, what purpose is to oppose war, or to protect childlike hearts or something.

But the reason given by Ye Yu is very simple, and there is not so much profound meaning: think of it and do it, it’s as simple as that.

…… Five minutes later.

A few hounds barked to break the silence.

The hounds barked and ran over, followed by a dense crowd of enemies.

“Price, they’re coming.”

McMillan observed in a sniper scope.

“Fire at will, fight to the death.”


Du Xiaomei shot first, and an armor-piercing bullet flew out at a fast speed, piercing two dogs in a straight line, and breaking the enemy’s calf behind her into two by the way.

The leading hounds were beaten into slag, causing the other hounds to immediately lie on the ground and wail softly.

The enemy received heavy fire and immediately lay down in place in bunkers and grass and slowly approached.


Another gunshot rang out, and the huge cartridge casing fell out of the retreat port, clanging on the ground and steaming hot.

The little sister is calm and composed, and immediately changes positions after firing a shot, regardless of whether you see anyone or not, anyway, if there is abnormal shaking in the grass, shoot first to say hello.

Sister Zhou, they looked at the dumb little sister who didn’t say a word, and were surprised to find that she also had a murderous aura.

“Enemy cover behind the corner of the wall in the direction of eleven o’clock.”


McMillan is on the other side, and his M21 target is left to the stupid little sister to handle.

After a series of gunshots, the enemy was more than a hundred meters away from the two, but he did not find the right time to shoot.

On the contrary, Sister A, relying on the huge power advantage of armor-piercing bullets, savagely directly penetrated the cover to kill the enemy by name.

Soon, the vicinity of the two men was filled with shell casings, and the enemy received heavy damage and delayed the attack.

From the scope, the enemy can be seen to significantly weaken the offensive, occasionally releasing only a few hounds.

For the first time, Du Xiaomei had her own feelings and ideas in the game.

She looked at McMillan: “It doesn’t feel right, they’re pulling back.” ”

Old Mai Tou nodded: “It’s really wrong, change positions, and leave here for the time being.” ”

“I have a sense of foreboding that they are either regrouping or calling for heavy fire coverage.”

“It’s not good in either case.”

Listening to McMillan’s analysis, Du Xiaomei shot the head of a hunting dog, stood up holding the gun and tentatively pushed forward.

After hiding around the corner of a building in front of her, she was sure that the enemy had indeed all retreated.

It’s not good.

But the trouble is that the two have no way back.

They are surrounded by grass in three directions, and there are all high-risk radiation areas.

Only the road ahead is clean, but the enemy is also chasing from the front

It’s impossible to fight bayonets, sister A is not as bold as Ye Yu eggplant.

“Find a way to find a way»”! ”

After looking down and thinking about it, the little girl really didn’t move, so she ran back to the old wheat head.

“I’m carrying you, can we hide in that building?”

“At least there is only one exit, hide to the top floor, unless they send helicopters and tanks.”

McMillan nodded: “Maybe, try it.” ”

He stretched out his hand, and Sister A handed Barrett to him, and then carried McMillan in the same position as before, and walked step by step towards the building.

At this time, the two had just entered the building and were about to go up the stairs.

A very peculiar sound poured into the empty corridor.

How to say it, similar to the sound of a monkey.


Two seconds later, a violent explosion followed.

“Damn, mortar.”

“Hurry upstairs, the location of their artillery group must be not far away, and the roof may be able to snipe.”

Carrying a legged up the stairs is a strenuous job.

The little girl couldn’t grasp the handle of the stairs, so she simply lay on the stairs and carried McMillan up.

Suddenly, at this time.

There was another trance in front of Du Xiaomei’s eyes, and the perspective instantly detached from Price.

This time, the perspective did not rise above the clouds, but only rose more than a hundred meters, and then quickly moved to a short distance.

“The enemy is showing us their courage.”

“So so are we, rush up and kill them all!!”


Teleporting back to Nicolai, the little sister was stunned and saw Nikolai holding an AK in her hand.

Next to it, five old guys with old World War II guns are surging, and a standard triangular charge formation is rushing forward.

Rezenov ran in his head, a Mosin-Nagant in his hand made a crisp gunshot, this old guy’s marksmanship is just like opening a plug-in!

He did not forget to shoot at the enemy when he ran over obstacles.

When a shot goes off, one person will fall to the ground.

The enemy with armored vehicle rockets in his hand was stunned by these six people rushing to his eyes, and he suddenly lost his long-range fire advantage.

“Dimitri! I’ll hand over the armored car to you! ”


The little girl followed behind and ran sharply, although the five old men in front of him were wearing rags, they also had a broken gun in their hands.

But the temperament that erupted from these people was absolutely impossible to see in the previous levels.

Especially Rezenov.

How fierce is this old guy?

He ran to the front, raised his hand and shot a man in the knee, and when the man fell to his knees in pain, the old man was right on his face, rounded the butt of the gun, and hit the chin with a Shenglong fist.

By the way, the old man took advantage of the enemy’s overturn and tore a grenade tooth from his shoulder and bit off the safety pin.

He rushed into the enemy pile with a grenade that exploded in five seconds and threw it in, pulling a stunned enemy as cover.

With a bang, fragments flew around, and the four enemies were instantly reimbursed, and the enemies who were caught as cover were blown up into beef lashes in their backs.

“Die! You miscellaneous pieces of the motherland! ”

Knocking out the enemy with his forehead, Rezenov pulled the trigger with a gun in one hand.

Mosin-Nagant seemed to have life in the hands of the old man, and the bullet seemed to penetrate the enemy’s brain itself.

Behind her, Du Xiaomei looked at these five gods of war, and the AK in her hand was stunned that she didn’t find the slightest chance to shoot!

On the other side, an old man named Dimitri slipped to his knees and shoveled the ground, and a dagger in his hand was deep into the enemy’s thigh.

Then he pulled a grenade and threw it in front of the armored vehicle, casually throwing the end of the grenade into the barrel.


With a muffled sound, the barrel was blown open and an opening could not be fired.

The enemy controlling the machine gun in the car controlled the machine gun to sweep around, and Dimitri jumped on the roof of the car and lifted the roof of the car, and swept inside with a bobosha.

In less than five seconds, an armored vehicle was completely destroyed.

The old man looked at the wrinkled face, at least sixty or seventy years old, but his movements were more sensitive than those of the soap ghost.

The advantages and disadvantages on the battlefield have changed visibly.

A group of enemies were chased and beaten by these five old men, dare you believe it?

On the right, Chernov is even more irritable, holding an SVT40 as a hammer, strangling the enemy’s neck and slamming the back of the enemy’s head with his knee.

strangling people to death, Chernov spat on his face with a mouthful of old phlegm, looked at the Katyusha rocket car in front of him and asked: “Comrade, what should we do with this thing?” ”

The old man next to him glared and waved his hand: “Destroy her, you must not let these maggots poison the motherland mother again.” ”

Hearing this, Chernov picked up a grenade from the dead man on the ground, tore a thread from his clothes, pulled out the latch, wrapped the wire around the safety pin, threw it into the rocket nest and jumped down.

The grenade did not explode, and the little sister looked stunned, and Chernov explained: “The rope will slowly loosen, and then the grenade will explode, learn a little.” ”

Sister A nodded, and Chernov’s eyes drooped to glance at the AK in her hand that had not yet had time to shoot, and turned to leave.

Sister A’s face turned red, and she whispered something to keep up.


Dimitri kicked an enemy with his big foot and pointed a gun at him.

Ryzenov stood in front of the enemy as if blocking the sun, raised his chin and asked him: “Answer me, where are our friends?” ”

“Front, front playground.”

The enemy raised his hand and did not dare to move, and stammered and replied: “From here you can see the Ferris wheel.” ”

Hearing this, Rezenov looked up and indeed saw the Ferris wheel spinning not far away.

Nodding and leaving, Dimitri did not have the slightest idea of letting go of the horse, and said when he shot: “Go to hell!” ”


The crisp gunshot rang out, and the little girl’s gaze returned to Price.

The two had already climbed to the roof at this time.

McMillan squatted at the top of the stairs with an M21 to counter the enemy trying to go upstairs.

He had several grenades and an AK piled up at his feet, which effectively delayed the enemy.

On the other side of the rooftop, Price mounted his gun on the edge of the roof, aiming mortars through a gap between floors.

At this time, the control returned to Sister A, and she did not hesitate to shoot immediately.

With a loud bang, an armor-piercing shell flew right through the gap, hitting the enemy holding the shell that was about to be dropped into the cartridge in both hands.


With a loud bang, the mortar exploded in place and blew the crew members away.

“Good accuracy.”

Price’s voice sounded, as if he was talking to himself, as if he was talking to the player.

“You’re welcome.”

Sister A subconsciously replied when she heard this.


The two men held one end of the building, and the enemy reunited in an offensive from all directions.

The two resisted stubbornly, but soon their bullets ran out.

Barrett completely fired all the bullets, and the barrel was slightly red and smoking.

McMillan’s M21 also finished with bullets and grenades, leaving the AK with three rounds.

The two men were each left with a small pistol with eight bullets.

“At the end of the day, suicide cannot fall into their hands, otherwise they will suffer.”

McMillan laughed miserably, and the two squatted at the door of the stairs to take a look at A Meifeng.

“It’s an honor to fight with you, soldier.”

Sister A’s nose soured, and she smiled: “Me too.” ”

The two were ready to leave a bullet for themselves.

And at this time.

There was a strange sound of gunfire downstairs.

Then, several Cang Kao’s shouts reached the two people’s ears: “Ula!!! ”

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