Chapter 84 Welcome to World War III!!

This building is the only building in the area that can be called a building.

Multiple people surrounded and formed a pocket, forcing Victor into the pocket and wrapping dumplings.

The eggplant took the lead and bit it hard, forcing Victor to the roof step by step.

When the little sister went up panting.

Victor stood on the edge of the rooftop, holding a satellite phone in one hand and a pistol in the other.

He stared at the eggplant fiercely, turning his head from time to time to look downstairs.

This building is not high, just seven or eight floors and more than twenty meters.

But it’s enough to fall to a person’s death.

Upstairs, five men each aimed at Victor with weapons in hand, and the ghost told the others to back up behind cover.

“I’ll throw you fuck, you little cutie, run!”

“You have the ability to jump!”

Eggplant cursed and scolded Victor with a muzzle, pondering whether to give him a shot in the leg.

“I’m sure I can give him a shot in the leg, can I shoot!?”

Eggplant asked the ghost, who waved his hand and shook his head: “No!” ”

“He took a risk, he might fall, we have to catch it alive.”

“Victor! You have no way back, come back with us, you can save your life. ”

The seven men faced off nervously, helicopters hovered in the air not far away, and machine guns in the nose from time to time strafed some enemies who wanted to come to support from the bottom of the building.

At this time, the satellite phone in Victor’s hand suddenly rang. He slowly raised his hand to put the phone to his ear, and a vicious look flashed in his eyes.

But then.

Connected to the phone, listened for less than three seconds.

Victor let go of his hand and let the satellite phone fall to the ground.

The next second, he suddenly raised his hand, raised the pistol against his chin and pulled the trigger.


A crisp gunshot sounded, and before the ghost could pounce to stop it, he saw Victor, who had been punched through his braincase, fall straight down the stairs.


A few seconds later, the body fell to the ground, and a pool of blood gradually gushed from the back of Victor’s head.

This guy didn’t close his eyes until he died.

“……… Damn, he really dared to break himself? So kind? ”

“So what is this going to do? The task failed? ”

“Do you want to reopen? Next time we stay away from self-detonating trucks? ”

The five players looked at each other, not quite sure whether Victor’s death was an accident or a plot killing, and discussed whether to reopen.

At this time, the ghost was a rare little deflated, and still kept reaching out to pull Victor’s hand back, grabbing a handful of hair: “Price, the operation failed, this little cub broke himself.” ”

Half-ringing, Price let out a long sigh: “Got it.” ”

“It seems that this matter will not end for a while, we have just completely the worst bad guys…”

“You guys evacuate, return immediately, something big is going to happen next.”


After that, the ghost sighed and was waving the others to leave the roof. At this time, the satellite phone that Victor had dropped on the ground rang again.

Didi Di Di ~

The phone vibrates on the ground and rings a dripping ringtone.

The ghost looked at the phone without making a sound, and the little sister also looked at each other and didn’t know what to do.

“I’ll pick up the phone and open the public.”

Eggplant hesitated and walked over.

“Be careful, this bastard dares to carry a bomb with him, don’t be a drama that explodes when it is connected.”

Moko reminded.

Originally, Eggplant didn’t think about it, but when he heard Mozi say this, he took the muzzle of his mobile phone, pressed the public horn and took a step back.

A man’s voice immediately sounded, and a red subtitle appeared in front of their eyes for the first time: “All wars originate from deception.” ”

“Those in high positions talk about it, while our brothers in Paoze shed their blood under the lies they compiled.”

“Lies are also a double-edged sword.”

“The bigger the lie is made, the easier it is for people to believe and defend the lie fearlessly.”

“So, when a wounded giant cries out for revenge.”

“Lies will spread like sparks in the field, spreading, spreading, burning throughout the world.”

“And all this is just a continuation of the will of the individual.”

“Welcome to World War III.”

The man’s voice was low.

It has a characteristic contrived feeling of the villain boss in the movie.

He seemed to be in a very empty place, and there were echoes around him when he spoke.

Then, the man chuckled, as if to say to the little sisters, as if to say to his companion on the other side of the phone: “Remember, you are not allowed to speak Russian.” ”

With that, there was a sound of pulling the bolt loaded on the phone, and then the phone hung up

This unknown and inexplicable phone call made all players confused.

The silly little girl buttoned her eyebrows: “What is he talking about?” Who is he? ”

“Pointed, this chapter task title is pointed.”

“What a spark! Victor is dead, he is the fire! ”

“I had a hunch that this game had red subtitles for the first time.”

“Me too, he just said welcome to World War III??”

“In other words, isn’t it said in the relevant introduction of this game, this is the Eagle and Bear War in the third world.”

After two minutes, all five people were talking about what had happened

At this time, the picture in front of the five people became blurry and dark at the same time.

When it lit up again, the five found themselves in a sandy desert.

At their feet was a dirt slope with bunker tunnels dug by hand.

In the distance, a city is shrouded in dust and yellow mist floats overhead.

But behind the yellow fog, you can faintly see many helicopters turning around.

This scene was very familiar, and in an instant, the little girl realized where they were.

She subconsciously grabbed the hand of Sister Zhou beside her, and both of them sweated in their palms, and their hands were constantly shaking.

“The capital city……… The day of the nuclear explosion. ”

At this time, the wooden door of the tunnel was suddenly pushed open.

A middle-aged man with a mustache wearing a bulletproof vest, a bomb strapped to his body, and his hair was messy slowly walked out from behind the cover, followed by a bald head.

Two people walked straight past the five players and took a few steps forward.

Mustache looked at the bald head and took out his mobile phone: “Yuri, today we will show the world our power.” ”

“And this is just a continuation of the will of the individual.”

Listening to the voice, this more vicious looking mustache man is the same person who spoke on Victor’s mobile phone just now.

He picked up the phone and put it to his ear and said, “Are you ready?” ”

“Hands on.”

Say, two seconds later.

An earth-shattering explosion suddenly sounded in the distance, and the shock wave instantly engulfed all the helicopters in the air.

A blinding fireball lit up, and Mustache’s hand rested on the bald shoulder named Yuri, pulling him into the bunker together.

“See? This is just the beginning. ”

The mustache spoke very calmly, the two walked into the bunker and then slammed the door shut, standing on the mountainside, but they were cold and looked at the impact sluggishly

The break struck quickly until it engulfed itself.

They didn’t speak, and instantly dreamed of a nuclear explosion, and there were no more thoughts in their heads.

But viewers who watched the live stream understood what was going on.

“Damn, I thought the nuclear explosion was just a bomb disposal team that didn’t succeed!”

“It turned out that it was manually detonated by this beast?!”

“This cargo was at the scene of the nuclear explosion! Groove…”

“Houli crab, I feel that something big is going to happen, I rely on…”


Then, engulfed in flames, the eyes of the five turned black again.

When it lit up again, the five people saw them sitting in a car from their respective perspectives.

“Yuri, wake up.”

“This deal is important and I don’t want you to miss it.”

The mustachioed man put his hand on the steering wheel and looked back at Yuri: “Money can buy a lot of things, even power.” ”

Du Xiaomei felt that this scene was somewhat familiar, so she turned her head and looked out the car window. This is exactly the scene where Zakhaev made a deal in the city of Pripya.

On a building in the distance, a bright light flashed at this time.

The next second, a bang of a gun came from a distance, and then Zakhaev, who was standing in place, suddenly fell to the ground, and at the same time an arm flew out of him.

There was a sudden chaos around them, and the armored vehicles immediately started to cross the middle.

The mustachioed man honked his horn wildly and pushed open the passenger door of the jeep with one hand.

Zakhaev actually didn’t die! He bit his bloodstained arm in his mouth, and jumped into the car with one hand covering the amputated wound.

Afterwards, the mustache immediately drove away on a rampage.

“He’s really not dead…… Price’s shot missed, allowing him to survive. ”

Moko muttered.

Subsequently, the third perspective shift.

And the scene in front of me this time, not to mention the few stupid little sisters, even the self-proclaimed ruthless eggplant can’t accept it.

In the spacious elevator stood four men in suits.

Mustache holding the phone.

He looked up at the other three, who were stuffing light machine guns into a handbag.

“Remember, no Russian is allowed.”

Then Mustache hung up the phone and the elevator door opened with a ding.

Four people walked out of the elevator slowly with packages loaded with light machine guns in their hands.

In front of it is an airport terminal full of people and people.

People talk and laugh and are inspected by security personnel in an orderly manner.

And at this time.

The four men stood at a distance, threw their handbags on the ground, and lifted the loaded machine guns from inside.

“They… No…”

The five people stood aside and looked, and the five who realized what was about to happen instantly turned cold.

Eggplant reacted immediately and wanted to pounce to stop it.

But then he found that the five of them were just standing here consciously, like souls that could only watch quietly.

Eggplant passed in front of the four people, and saw the four people take out the machine gun from their bags and carry it in their arms.

Some tourists noticed something strange.

But before he could scream.

The sound of four machine guns firing at the same time drowns out all the cries for help in horror.

And at this time, the name of the mustachioed man appeared in front of the eyes of the five, and the subtitles were marked in dark red: Makarov.

He calmly directed the other three to shoot wildly, while saying to himself in English: “Today, what we have done will shock the world.” ”

“At this moment, the flames of war will burn all over the world from here.”


Some things can’t be written too clearly! Very sensitive.

Therefore, it is not allowed to speak Russian” I scribbled this level and understood it.

At the beginning of this chapter, this book can be regarded as the real beginning………

In addition, the website has a rule ah, a chapter cannot exceed 3500 words, I can only divide a few more chapters.

Finally ask for tickets!!

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