Chapter Eighty-Five I’m going to make a big, giant big!!

Makarov was four men with four 7.62mm bullets with a total ammunition capacity of 600 rounds.

Security at airports with only pistols and riot guns simply cannot stop such attacks.

In fifteen minutes, the death toll exceeded 1,000 and the wounded were countless.

If the nuclear storm was the time, the reaction of the shockwave flames to the stupid little sisters was horror and shock.

Then this time, it was pure fear and anger from the bottom of my heart.

This is already far beyond the limits of the game.

In the original computer game of a previous life, this level required the player to personally control one of the four people.

But Ye Yu thought about this for a long time, and finally felt too cruel. So he changed the level so that players can only watch it from a third perspective.

Covered his face and sobbed softly.

VR headsets put all the scenes into their eyes with great reality…….

Twenty minutes later.

Makarov and his party confronted a small number of troops who came to the rescue and managed to escape the scene in an ambulance.

But strangely, before leaving, Makarov turned around and shot one of them at the scene before boarding the car.

After that, the rescue team found the person and died after the rescue was ineffective.

At this time, the picture suddenly blurred, from the perspective of the scene to the scene of the TV broadcasting the news.

The live newscaster looked horrified, and the hand holding the microphone was constantly shaking.

She stood in front of the camera, trying to suppress her emotions as best she could.

But the crying behind her and the alarm of the ambulance made her tears unconsciously fall from her eyes.

“Just now, a terrible incident happened here…”

“Thousands of people died on the spot…”

“The surrounding area has been locked down and the city has entered a state of emergency.”

“I don’t understand what kind of devil can do such a thing.”


The angle of view gradually zoomed away, and a hand appeared to turn off the TV.

Price let out a long sigh and looked down and shook his head slightly.

Gates, Ghost and Soap had returned from the front line, looking at the big screen in front of them in the war room, their faces livid.

They are the only people who know the truth at the moment, and they know that the mustachioed man named Makarov did it.

But now, the evidence and the truth don’t even matter.

The giant bear is already on the verge of rage, and a large number of magnesium people have fled the bear country.

Now, even if any magnesium country guy dies under the guns of the bear countrymen, no one will stand up and say anything.

Makarov, as he said, with his personal will as a spark, ignited the powder keg of the whole world.

The little sisters each returned to their roles and looked at Price in silence.

“What did the magnesium guy say over there?”

Gates asked.

Price shook his head: “Sheffield said that the giant bear doesn’t listen to any explanation now. ”

“It’s not that simple.”

“Makarov didn’t just create a tragedy that shocked the world.”

“He also concocted a shocking lie, as he said.”

With that, Price turned around and picked up a remote control, and the screen in the war room immediately played the image.

A middle-aged man with a magnesium national face appeared on the screen.

“Arun, former Ranger Marine.”

“He excelled in a mission, was noticed by Sheffield, and was specially sent on a special mission.”

“Actually, they noticed Makarov a long time ago.”

“Sheffield paid a great price to put undercover agents around this person who has no weaknesses.”

“And the gunman who died at the airport was none other than Arun, who they painstakingly planted next to Makarov.”

“Things were exposed, undercover was discovered, and Sheffield played smashed again.”

After Price finished speaking, he let out another long sigh: “Sheffield, this old dog.” ”

Hearing this, they still haven’t understood what is going on.

Eggplant reacted a little faster, looking at Arun with the word KIA on the screen, and suddenly chuckled in his heart.

“No Russian is allowed.”

He muttered.

This phrase Makarov said in English.

In the English word, ‘Russian’ and ‘Russian’ are the same pronunciation. So this sentence has many meanings.

One, it can be understood as: “Not a single Russian is left.” ”

Just like they did, shooting wildly, leaving no living mouth.

Second, it means ‘no Russian is allowed’.

They spoke English throughout, even in military language during the war.

In this way, coupled with the whole thing of Aruna, who was deliberately killed by Makarov and left at the scene, can it be understood as:

The Makarov four disguised themselves as magnesium countrymen to create this tragedy.

Plus that Arun who clearly has the identity of the magnesium country.

In the eyes of the giant bear, it is obvious that the magnesium country will be blamed.

Thousands of people died instantly, and this matter cannot be solved by diplomatic negotiations alone.

If you are not careful, a third world war will really break out………

Third, the third meaning.


The magnesium people know that this is a lie, and the giant bear also knows that this is a lie.

But when the lie spreads in the mouths of more people, the lie becomes a reality, and no one cares about the real truth.

They expected this to happen, and then naturally went to war.

At this time, Price’s hand was stationed on the desk in the war room, looking up at the screen, and his eyes were full of suspicion.

He didn’t say anything, but now even Sister Zhou, who reacted the slowest, took a deep breath and seemed to think of something.

Wouldn’t this old dog in Sheffield also be one of the masterminds of the conspiracy……… At this time, the door of the war room was suddenly knocked open.

McMillan has not been seen for a long time, he wasted a leg at the double sniper, and now he can only work as a wheelchair, so he retired to the background to do intelligence work.

He looked much older and pushed his wheelchair into the war room: “Price, we’re in trouble again.” ”

“Our own MI5 and the intelligence organization of the magnesium countryman cross-information.”

“It was discovered where Zakhaev was most likely hiding the second warhead.”

Price looked at McMillan and raised his eyebrows: “Let me guess, in the territory of the giant bear land?” ”

“Yes, a scrapped launch base during World War II, no one paid attention to that place before.”

“It’s dangerous, Price, it’s a launch base.”

“More than a decade has passed, Zakhaev not only has a warhead, he also has the ability to launch long-range ballistics.”

“We must stop him, destroy the warhead.”

“Otherwise, a nuclear bomb that hits the magnesium country from the territory of the giant bear will bring about the real end of the world.”

McMillan said, turning to look at the soap and several of them.

“And the trouble doesn’t stop there.”

“The giant bear refuses to answer the phone now, and we can’t send a large force to enter their territory at this juncture.”

“So this can still only be a small-scale infiltration operation, just a few of us.”

“I knew it was going to be an uphill battle like never before.”

“Someone may die, but we have to go.”

Saying that, McMillan stood up on crutches and jumped in front of Soap and the others

He seems to be talking to them and seems to be talking to the player through them.

He looked into the soapy eyes and said in a deep voice: “Go and rest, and raise your spirits.” ”

“Mission is calling us.”

After that, the picture immediately turned black, and this task was only over at this point…


Du Xiaomei and the others obediently quit the game.

In fact, it’s still early in the real world, it’s not even 12 p.m.

But they followed McMillan’s advice and decided to rest first.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that the next mission will be more difficult than all the previous ones.

“I can’t beat this level, and if I think about it, I know that I can’t beat the past.”

Du Xiaomei was a little frustrated, she sat back on the sofa and took out her mobile phone, hesitating whether to call Ye Yu.


Ye Yu was still busy in the military base, and his mobile phone was turned off for some reason.

He had absolutely no time and was busy with other people about code architecture.

Others are advancing the game’s story.

The above did not put a lot of pressure on Ye Yu, just let him try his best to make the military deduction system as soon as possible.

So in order to receive more novel ideas.

Ye Yu suggested that they first get through the game, and then observe and think completely before giving opinions.

Just now, Cang Lingyun also successfully cleared the level of [Burning Plain Spark]. They also saw that the next level would be extremely difficult.

A few people who couldn’t bear it wanted to ask Ye Yu what was the plot after that.

Ye Yu shook his head and resolutely kept it secret.

This kind of game only has the freshness of the first time, and the second time it does not work.

On the other hand, he himself also had some ideas in his mind after completing the basic functions of the workshop.

Gaming platforms.

Speaking of which, he didn’t care about the five percent profit that the steam platform took away from him, not to mention that sales are now well above the standard line of one million copies.

So if you go to talk, the minimum pressure to one percent is not a problem.

What’s more, the eyes of the goose factory and the pig factory are now green, and if Ye Yu relaxes, they can’t wait to post money up.

So, money doesn’t matter.

What Ye Yu wants is a player game platform that belongs to his own and Z Star Company.

It’s not difficult, it’s even easy.

Website, platform client.

These two basic hardware, find some people who understand technology to come over, and you can quickly save one.

Heat and traffic are even less of an issue.

Call of Duty is now only released on the Steam platform, and in theory and contract, Ye Yu and Steam are just partnerships.

Ye Yu has the right to remove the game from the shelves at any time and transfer it to his own platform.

As long as there are no core bottom-line issues such as national price increases and insulting remarks.

That player actually doesn’t care which platform, the goose factory platform does not have so many people scolding but playing every day.

So the platform is not a problem.

And the reason why Ye Yu was hesitating was because he wanted to make a big one.

A platform that surprises everyone, the most special.

“Your next gaming platform, why bother with just a platform.”

This sentence appeared in Ye Yu’s mind, making a giant bold idea pop up in his heart.

Grand· Theft· Auto。

GTA for short, is that famous fairy-level work, also called Grand Theft Auto.

GTA was originally an open-ended game with an urban world setting.

Players can do anything in this free city.

Of course, it also includes various game halls and nightclubs, and players can buy and operate commercial assets by themselves.

So, if you use GTA as a gaming platform, players can play other games in the game world.

What kind of reaction would that provoke?

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