Chapter 94 I am not afraid of death, but why am I afraid of death!!

The situation was urgent, and there was no time for Ye Yu to pretend.

A cloud-piercing arrow dried up the armored vehicle, PDD slammed on the accelerator and drove the tank on a rampage in the base.

This thing attracts the enemy’s full attention, and the two are responsible for driving the car and the other is responsible for firing the gun.

The T72 scurried around the base like a needle inserted into the enemy’s lung tube.

Taking advantage of the gap, Eggplant did not hesitate and led the others straight to the inside of the base.

On the back mountainside, the last javelin shot of the Demon King went out to destroy a tank, so he and Yin Zimoko jumped into the jeep and watched the last four rockets break through the gate and follow.

“Piggy, that catastrophe in front of the right, fucking beat him down!”

“I wanted to grab it and drive it myself.”

The pig obeyed and drove the tank up a repair ramp.

“Muzzle calibration…”




The tank that rushed up the slope was hit by a jump sniper, but only the propeller of the helicopter was knocked away, and not a single shot was fired at the helicopter.

“Fuck, you’re off!”

The pig scolded when he saw it through the viewing mirror.

“Fuck, obviously you missed the aim!”

“I’m driving the car, where to aim for you, another shot!”

The two were chased and killed by a group of people with rockets and machine guns, both nervously subconsciously cursing the street, but the movements on their hands did not slow down.

Ye Yu immediately loaded another shell, calibrated the muzzle and locked it on the helicopter fuel tank: “Lock!” ”

“Egg him!”


This shot hit the fuel tank accurately, and the sparks of the 04 aircraft splashed aviation fuel and was instantly ignited.

With two explosions, the helicopter exploded directly on the spot into a pile of debris, and the iron debris collapsed everywhere.

At this time, just as the T72 was scurrying like wild horses in the base, it crashed into other ground vehicles with guns.

A PT91M tank came out of the vehicle warehouse on one side of the base.

This is an improved and enhanced version of the regular T72 tank, equipped with two tons of better reactive armor and more resistant to beating than ordinary tanks.

When Ye Yu saw this thing, an armor-piercing bullet hit it at that time.

But then, the shell’s excessively fast exit speed hit the right side of the enemy tank, and it was directly ejected before it could explode.

At the same time, the tank, also equipped with a 125mm smoothbore gun, aimed its muzzle at Ye Yu’s side.

“Uh… Run! ”

“Fuck, the old ones locked us up!”

Needless to say, PDD slammed on the accelerator and pushed a crashed armored car forward.

In the distance, Eggplant had almost rushed inside the base, just waiting for the others to turn.

Seeing the enemy tanks chasing Ye Yu and them fighting, the eggplant cursed: “Can you run fast with that thing!” You’re reversing! ”

“Pour a hammer car! Do I have that time! ”


As he was cursing, a smoothbore gun hit the side of the tank, shaking the tank and sliding on one wheel.

In the car, Ye Yu and the two were even shocked, and their internal organs trembled.

But fortunately, the smoothbore gun did not penetrate the wagon with one shot.

At this time, just when Ye Yu flicked the joystick and wanted to shoot the muzzle of the gun back at an armor-piercing bullet.

The tank suddenly ran, while the muzzle twisted to the other side.

I saw that over there, Yin Zi rushed in with a jeep, and the floor oil made the tires creak.

At the same time, Mozi in the passenger seat and the demon king in the back seat.

The two stood up, one carrying an RPG and the other carrying an AT4 rocket, aimed at the tank.

Compared to the T72, the PT91M has four more laser warning receivers around the body.

When the enemy aims at it with a laser rangefinder or infrared guide, the car will sound the alarm like a helicopter warning.

“Let me give him a shot! You guys take the opportunity to run! ”

The demon king squinted, one hand tightly clasped to the launch button, waiting for the anti-tank rocket to lock up.

Meanwhile, Moko will wait for the Demon King to lock first, and then she will fire a rocket to detonate the reactive armor.

On the other side, there was a slight gap, PDD ran without a girl, and Ye Yu glanced at each other, and the two nodded at the same time.

“Run a lollipop, three people fire at the same time, and crash his dog day!”

With a loud roar, the pig jerked the gear handle and then flipped, stopping in the middle of the road and aiming the muzzle at the thick-skinned meat shield.

“Muzzle calibration!”

Ye Yu aimed at the side of the tank and shouted.

Yin Zi simply stopped running, stopped the car steadily, gritted his teeth and glared angrily at the tank and slowly turned the muzzle of the gun to himself.


The demon king’s heartbeat was about to stop at this time, and he fired rockets the moment he heard the dripping in his ears.


As soon as the words fell, Mozi fired an RPG first, hitting the tank’s reactive armor directly.

In the next second, the demon king then fired a warhead.


The AT4’s rocket warhead is an armor-breaking projectile, which means that the thing will first release the high temperature the moment it hits the target, and then use high pressure to scare the core into the tank.

At the same time, Ye Yu on the other side also slammed the trigger, and another armor-piercing bullet spewed out a hit!

There were three explosions in succession, and the barrel that the tank was turning stopped at this time.

Two round openings on both sides of the body emitted fire and smoke.

Two seconds later, the tank gun mount suddenly opened sharply, and a huge opening burst into flames.

“Groove……… Martyrdom. ”

Yinko looked at the tank and muttered.

The demon king roared and threw away the launcher: “It’s worthy of me.” ”

“Damn, it was obviously hit by my armor-piercing bullet.”

Ye Yu said when he heard the Demon King boasting in the earphone.

“My RPG is also important, okay?”

Moko also grabbed the credit.

“Okay, you’re all big guys, okay?”

In the distance, when they saw the tank bursting, they breathed a sigh of relief and beckoned them to hurry over.

There was no heavy enemy firepower inside the launch base, because the place was vacated for silos.

Later, waiting for the round of ten people, Ye Yu pointed to the silo at his feet: “Descend from this cable, this is the closest to the central control room.” ”

“Ten minutes, one shot!”

There are a total of six silos at the base, but the lids on the other four wellheads have not yet been opened.

Ye Yu didn’t have tools in their hands, so they could just descend from the two wellheads under their feet.

Two missiles had just been launched into the launch inlet, and the pit was still steaming hot.

Putting down the rope and tying the elastic buckle around the waist, Sister Zhou and Tenghua both threw a few grenades and flash bombs into the ground to clear the field, and then Ye Yu took the lead to land first.

Twenty seconds later, wait for ten people to land.

News came from the command.

Sheffield’s tone was indifferent: “There are still nine minutes and thirty seconds.” ”

“Two missiles are already approaching the midline of the Atlantic, and if they cannot be allowed to self-destruct and fall into the sea within ten minutes.”

“Then even if the warhead can be intercepted later, at least 10 million casualties cannot be avoided.”

“But the good news is that we have obtained the self-destruct command, and we only need you to be able to break into the central control room.”

Hearing this, the ten people sped up, and the eggplant didn’t know where the anger came from, and ripped off the headphones: “Less nonsense, think I’m here to make a foot break tea!” ”

Speaking of which, if a large-scale nuclear war really breaks out in the world.

This missile launch base is the safest place in the world.

It was originally built to prevent nuclear strikes.

The deep underground environment is complex like an anthill, and solid concrete walls and heavy steel armor can effectively protect against radiation and impact.

If you can ensure enough food and water, you can really live here.

Running out of the access door on one side, ten people rushed in the direction of the central control room on the ground floor.

There were not many enemies encountered on the way.

The ten people thought it strange, and at this time, the frequency of the red light flashing in the tunnel accelerated.

Zakhaev’s voice then appeared in the loudspeaker.

The red subtitles appeared again in front of the eyes of the ten people: “For many years, those officials who have held high self-esteem have given up their interests that originally belonged to us to others. ”

“They betrayed our soldiers and trampled on our dignity.”

“Our blood flows on our ten lands.”

“Even my flesh and bones, Victor, died at their hands.”

“Even if war breaks out, those people will only hide in offices and the safest places, and oppose the war in the most relaxed tone.”

“They’re the most damned in the world.”

“Brothers of Paozawa, take up the weapons in your hands and show our courage to the enemy.”

“I will launch all the remaining missiles to completely purify this dirty world, and when he says it, the ten people who are running wildly suddenly stop in place.”

Because they saw that on the side of the missile’s landing countdown in the upper left corner of the original 447 book, a seven-minute red countdown appeared.

At the same time, news came from the command.

Sheffield’s tone was a little tenser this time: “Hmm……… Brothers, you need to speed up, Zakhaev will launch four more missiles after his evacuation. ”

“And he will leave one to blow itself up in place in order to completely destroy this place.”

“Seven minutes, or we really won’t see the sun tomorrow.”

Hearing this, the others were stunned, and Ye Yu and Eggplant slapped the others: “Run!” Fa which door was stunned. ”

“I have a sense of foreboding again, I think this forced statement is true.”

“He’s going to detonate a nuclear bomb here, and we’ll probably have to explain it all here.”

PDD-controlled Griggs said to himself.

He was lucky enough to avoid the explosion in the capital city last time, but he kept thinking about it.

Now that I am in great trouble, I will inevitably have a feeling of frustration that I can’t hide.

And next to it, Rezenov shouted in a hoarse voice, choosing to encourage ten breaths.

“Keep it up, my brothers.”

“This glory should go to the brave, not to a coward like Zakhaev.”

“As long as we have faith, physical sacrifice is only the trivial thing!”

“If you don’t have the courage to live, then at least let me see that you are willing to die proudly for your faith!”

If nothing else, the older generation of war gods’ ability to inspire ten qi is still very strong.

These warriors, who survived the most brutal battle of the meat grinder of World War II, often valued faith more than life.

What is certain is that if there is a choice.

Rezenov would not hesitate to give his life in exchange for a chance of victory.

Or maybe they survived because of the perseverance that left their lives behind.

In short, the old man’s hoarse voice, the noses of everyone who said it soured.

“Fuck, Laozi, I’m not afraid of death, but why am I afraid of death!”

“Flip them a thousand times, kill!!!”

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