Chapter 95 Rules, War, and Hustle!!

Morale soars, and what comes with it is the speed of the rush.

The ten people divided into two teams and ran all the way, the people in front were responsible for throwing flashes to disturb the vision, and the people behind were responsible for shooting and covering.

PDD had never run so hard as he did today, and his heart was about to explode, but he still gritted his teeth.

This is a launch site built on the mountainside.

The entire mountain was hollowed out and then strengthened, and it was built into a base that integrated with the mountain.

The other exit of the base is at the foot of the mountain, where there is a long-abandoned viaduct road that is still usable.

The reason for the crowd’s head rush was that time was pressing, and two missiles in the air were about to cross the Atlantic.

If it is not allowed to self-destruct in time, then the time has passed, and even the radiation debris caused by the Air Force will cause widespread casualties.

At that time, whether to launch a nuclear bomb and drag other worlds into the water to die together depends on what the magnesium guy thinks.

Not to mention that Zakhaev still has four in his hands, and if he does not immediately take the control room, the missiles he shoots out again will know which country they will fly to.

And most importantly, Zakhaev himself is here now.

The nuclear explosion in the capital city was detonated by Makarov himself.

But the warhead was supplied by Zakhaev, so all three of them must die and have to pay the price.

Running all the way, with only 4 minutes left.

The ten men had descended to a drainage cooling pipe at the bottom of the base.

Next door is the central control room, from which you can directly blow up an opening and cut into it.

But there were no high-explosive shells other than grenades on their hands.

Only the Demon King was still carrying the last AT4, which she originally wanted to keep, maybe she could use it when evacuating.

Helplessly, the demon king scratched the back of his head, letting the others dodge, and he stood reluctantly in the distance and fired warheads at the wall.

AT4 requires guidance to lock when fighting tanks, planes and other vehicles.

But at the same time, this thing also has manual no-aim shooting.

At a distance of more than 30 meters, the warhead hit the wall and exploded, blowing out a gap more than one meter wide.

Immediately, Ye Yu and Eggplant stuck to the gap with the smoke, and each person threw a grenade and flash into it one after another.

Immediately after the flash of light, Eggplant took the lead and shot at the people in the control room.

The control room is large, and four rows of very special computers stand in the center of the room.

On the wall are two huge screens.

The left screen shows real-time data of the two missiles, which are now approaching the midline.

At that point, the missile will fall back into the atmosphere and release the twelve sub-warheads in the warhead.

This thing is fast, and no one can guarantee that it can be completely intercepted.

In addition, if it explodes in the air, the resulting radioactive dust can also fall to the ground and nearby seas, causing serious pollution.

Important locations such as ports and sea areas must be evacuated urgently, and no people can enter for at least a few years.

Most importantly, the air explosion of a nuclear bomb will produce severe electromagnetic interference.

At that time, the power system of less than half of the eastern coast will be paralyzed by interference, and equipment such as air defense satellites will temporarily fail.

The furious Brother Xiong next door has declared war and is preparing to fight.

If they take advantage of this time to attack, the magnesium guy will have to eat a pot.

Later, when the silly girls followed.

Ye Yu Eggplant and the two have cleared the armed personnel in the control room.

Zakhaev just ran away, leaving a few people who wanted to manually launch other missiles.

“Demon King Yinzi guards the door,”. ”

“Sister Zhou Mozi check the dead end.”

“Great Sima Tenghua, eggplant pig, you go out to explore the way to ensure that we can evacuate immediately.”

“Know, go!”

Eggplant nodded and led the others out through the other side exit.

This journey, that step on the right river.

“Command, we took the control room, Zakhaev probably ran.”

“There are three minutes left, give us self-destruct instructions.”

On the command side, Sheffield seemed to be absent, and it was another commander called Overlord who replied: “Received, nice job.” ”

“Go to the master control computer, I need you to manually enter the fat mercy.”

Over there, Price waved his hand: “Soap! Go to the center console. ”

Seeing this, the little girl didn’t have any ideas in her heart, and obediently followed the instructions and walked to the middle computer.

Other viewers who watched the live broadcast were very impressed.

Some time ago, Soap, a rookie, had just joined Task Force 141, and when Cuo Lai saw him at first glance, he mocked: “Soap? What the hell is this bird name. ”

This shows that Price really didn’t like this young man with a Suge basket accent and a Mohican hairstyle at that time.

And according to the soap, sometimes the body is specially dressed.

Eagle-eyed viewers can see that sometimes a Velcro embroidered with the word FNG is attached to the soap.

This is an old tradition, and recruits are always bullied by veterans when they enlist.

Although Soap was born in SAS and was an elite-level demolition sniper before, after entering Core 141, he can only be regarded as a recruit.

The two vice captains, Gates and Ghost, are also not as kind as they seem. So they put an FNG logo on the soap.

It means fucking·new·guy.

Translated as a damn recruit egg, or a stupid rookie, in short, a curse word.

And now, Price has entrusted the task of entering self-destruct instructions to Soap.

It means that the old guy now recognizes soap as one of them.

After receiving the order, of course, Sister A couldn’t recognize which ten of these computers in front of her were the main console.

But the soap she manipulated walked to one of them and looked up at the screen first.

Then put down the gun with your head down, take off your gloves, and move your fingers to the Russian keyboard.

“The instructions are as follows…”

The self-destruct command is not as simple as it says in the movie, six zeros or eight eights or something.

The launch code is indeed very simple, and legend has it that in order to ensure that the combatants can enter the launch command in time.

The password is not only six zeros, but also cuts out other numbers, leaving only a 0 button.

But the self-destruct command is complicated.

Three by twenty is completely a random garbled number of sixty random numbers and characters.

This play is specifically reduced in difficulty, allowing the characters to follow the instructions and type them themselves, otherwise let the players do it themselves, not to mention whether they can understand Russian.

In such a stressful situation, it is already difficult to ensure fast and verbatim correct input.

Damn, players can sometimes even mistype their game password, let alone this.

Forty seconds later, the crackling keyboard stopped abruptly.

Sporadic gunfire can be heard occasionally outside.

But the central control room was very quiet, everyone looked at the screen, and sweat broke out in the nervous palms of their hands.

On the side of the headquarters, the overlord’s tone was very flat: “Received, the self-destruct instructions are all typed, waiting for confirmation.” ”

“Wait… Wait………”

As the minutes passed, the data on the big screen showed that the missile would fall back into the atmosphere with sixty seconds left.

Ten seconds is so long that everyone can hear the heartbeat nervously.

A cheer suddenly sounded in the earphones, and the overlord’s tone became much more excited.

At the same time, Ye Yu also saw that the missile data on the screen had changed.

“Mission accomplished, you guys succeeded!”

“The warheads all self-destruct, and most of the wreckage will burn up when it falls into the atmosphere.”

“There may be some satellites in the sky that are jammed.”

“But we have managed to avoid a catastrophe!”

“Other missiles that have not yet been launched have also been locked and cannot be launched.”

“Thanks for the help, now you guys get out of there!”

Hearing the voice, everyone immediately breathed a sigh of relief, and the little sister was even more deflated and collapsed on the ground, her mind buzzing blank.

But right now.

Eggplant and the others who ran out of the reasonable evacuation route before they could be happy found an anomaly.

Gates, played by Eggplant, himself kills an enemy soldier with a dagger, grabbing the man before he dies and asks Zakhaev where he went.

The enemy intermittently said Zakhaev’s location.

But at the same time, the enemy also revealed a very deadly intelligence: “Damn, the bald head of Dog Day is full of bombs in this base.” ”

“He himself is going to leave in a helicopter, and then he will detonate here.”

“You guys come out, we snatched two Jeeps!”

As he spoke, McMillan also immediately sent news: “Price! Get out of there, I see a lot of air power gathering towards you. ”

Price covered his headphones: “Is it Kamalov?” He would not have been far from here. ”

“I don’t know, but John, I advise you to evacuate immediately.”

“The Bear Kingdom has declared war, and they are no longer allies.”

Hearing this, Price let out a long sigh, hung up the communication and beckoned the others to evacuate.

The little sister was deflated just now, and now her legs are weak and she can’t stand up.

Ye Yu kicked her when he passed her: “Stand up, we’re not done yet.” ”

“Huh? Did you kick me just now, or did Price kick me? ”

“It’s Price.”

…… Two minutes later.

The ten men met at the mouth of a tunnel, and Eggplant had led people to solve some of the enemies at the evacuation point.

But at the same time, more pursuers rushed from other parts of the base into the evacuation tunnel.

It is obvious that it can be seen, although Zakhaev is determined to blow up here.

But these of his subordinates did not seem to be so loyal, and they fled quickly to save their lives.

Jumping into the car, two jeeps started immediately, and five people took one car and galloped.

More than thirty seconds later, the jeep galloped through the tunnel and finally saw the light again and drove onto the viaduct outside.

In any case, the big crisis has been resolved.

As long as it can be successfully evacuated here, this mission will be successfully completed.

Although everyone was still nervous, they were somewhat relieved.

The viaduct was rusty and the ground was covered with cracks, but it was still strong enough to keep a few cars on it.

There were personnel carriers in pursuit behind, and the people in the carriages shot from time to time to try to burst the tires of the jeep.

Sister Zhou and Mozi turned around and stood up to shoot back at each other, but at a speed of more than 100 kilometers per hour, it was difficult for the bullet to hit a high-speed moving target.

In other words, the enemy does not seem to want to fight, they are actually thinking about running for their lives.

And at this time, just when Ye Yu took out the last flash bomb from his waist and prepared to throw it into the air to flash the eyes of the chasing soldiers.

A red subtitle appeared in front of everyone’s eyes at the same time.

The subtitles also show the speaker’s name: Makarov.

“Go to hell, Price.”

“Say hello to Victor for me.”

When he finished speaking, in the next second, violent explosions suddenly occurred on both sides of the viaduct.


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