After the troupe owner said this, everyone in the backstage was dumbfounded.

Qin Mo wanted to recruit their entire troupe?

At this moment, many people in the troupe looked at each other in bewilderment.

Of course, this process only lasted for a short time.

The next moment, the troupe was talking about it.

"No, are you serious?"

"Recruit us..."

"If you agree, then we will have a fixed theater in the future?"

"But my home is not in Dongyang City!"

"We are all from outside, so this is equivalent to changing jobs in another city?"

"Have you agreed, troupe owner?"

"Are any of you willing?"

For a moment, the backstage of the troupe was bustling.

Whether they were willing or not, happy or not, it was all chaotic at this time.

Some people had doubts.

Some people were suspicious.

Some were hesitant and asked for some specific details.

In a flash, the troupe owner revealed all the details.

"That is to say, we will have a stable salary in the future!"

"When we can get work outside, we can also go to work."

"But how big should the theater be built?"

"Mr. Qin is very generous, he will definitely treat us well!"

"What about the theater's income?"

"Mr. Qin doesn't care about money..."

In this second, some people couldn't help but be moved.

"Working there is not a job! I like Qinjia Village!"

"I like it here too. It would be great if Mr. Qin could really turn Qinjia Village into this."

"Boss, if you agree, I'll stay!"

"We perform everywhere to make money, don't we? To be honest, we used to be insecure and hungry! Now we have a stable salary..."

Some people were so excited that they couldn't stand it.

They also want to have a stable job as actors.

Have a stable salary.

Who wouldn't be happy?

Besides, if they were ordinary people, they would probably hesitate.

But for Qin Mo and Qinjia Village, they have no hesitation.

Just one point.

Qin Mo is so willing to give up Qinjia Village, how can he miss them?

Qin Mo is financially strong.

This is a serious sponsor.

With such a sponsor, are you still afraid of instability?

You don't have to think about performing in the future.

You don't have to worry about income.

Life in their line of work is also difficult.

Naturally, they are happy to have such good things.

Of course, there are some exceptions.

Either they are hesitant or unwilling.

"The key is that Qinjia Village is a rural area..."

"It's just in the village."

"And even if we come, food and accommodation..."

Some people are thinking about development.

If Qin Mo really gave a theater, it would be stable.

But some people also have their own ambitions.

They think they can still develop in the future.

If they are fixed in this village.

Then what development can they talk about.

It's the two roles.

"I've been very tired for so many years, and it's good to have such a place."

"Me too..."

Of course, after all, they are roles.

If they really stay, the salary and benefits are another matter.

However, no matter what the people in the troupe think.

It all depends on the troupe owner.

After all, this troupe belongs to this troupe owner.

This troupe was also established by him.

As long as he agreed, those who wanted to stay could stay.

Those who didn't want to stay could only leave!

This made some people unable to help but ask the troupe owner.

"What do you think, troupe owner?"

"Have you agreed to Mr. Qin?"

"It depends on your opinion!"

"What do you think?"

In fact, the troupe owner already had his own plans.

The reason why he asked this question backstage was not to really consult everyone's opinions.

So the troupe owner hesitated for a moment, and then spoke the next moment.

"In fact, I'm tired of all these years! I have to take care of the food and drink of a group of us, and I have to make money with a group of people! I have to find ways to increase everyone's income... Everyone knows the current situation of opera... To be honest, even if it's not for everyone, for my own consideration, the future of the troupe..."

Having said that.

Basically, the meaning is clear.

For a while, some people were happy, and some people were silent.

It didn't take long in a blink of an eye.

This troupe

The master found Qin Mo.

"Boss Qin, when will the theater be built? And before it's built, we..."

Hearing this, Qin Mo knew what this meant.

The next moment, he laughed.

"Haha, it will start after the New Year! Soon, at most half a year... Don't worry, not only the theater, but even the dormitory will be built! You will have a place to eat and a place to live! In addition, before the theater is built, you can do whatever you want, and I will give you a part of the basic salary. When the theater is built..."

"Some people don't want to stay."

Hearing this, Qin Mo didn't force it.

In a flash.

"It doesn't matter, everyone has their own ambitions! We won't force those who don't want to..."

Then Qin Mo had another discussion with the troupe owner.

After the troupe owner left again.

The troupe was completely under Qin Mo's control.

Qin Mo's theater was complete!

Of course, Qin Mo also made a lot of promises.

The person in charge was still the troupe owner.

Give the troupe more creative space.

There are not so many performance tasks, etc.

In fact, Qin Mo doesn't care about these.

It's just that with the troupe, Qinjia Village is more lively.

The old men and women in Qinjia Village also have something to be happy about!


When Qin Tianrui learned that the troupe was taken over by Qin Mo.

Everyone was stunned.

"What? You took over the entire troupe?"

"That's right!"

"You are..."

"I plan to build a theater in our Qinjia Village. If anyone wants to listen to the opera in the future, just go to the theater!"

This made Qin Tianrui silent.

Qin Mo didn't tell him this.

So Qin Tianrui couldn't help but say at this time.

"Fuck! Are you serious..."

In a flash, he asked Qin Mo again.

"Do you have money?"

Qin Mo couldn't help but laugh when he heard this.

This is just 100 million in hand.

How could there be no money?

And the money came from Qin Tianrui.

Qin Mo smiled without hiding it.

"Just settled a fund, 100 million in the account..."

Qin Tianrui took a breath of cold air after saying this.

At the same time, he felt relieved.

This is money.

Not only money, but also 100 million!

This is really rich.

This made Qin Tianrui think again and again.

In a moment, he couldn't help but say to Qin Mo.

"Although you have money, you have to spend it on the right things, brother... To be honest, this theater... Forget it, just build it! But I also have a request, I hope you can write it down!"

"What request?"

Qin Mo was very curious about Qin Tianrui's words.

Qin Tianrui licked his lips and said.

"Look, you have built a theater... Can you add a foot massage parlor?"

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