The employees in front of them really didn't want the things Qin Mo gave them.

Of course, this was not because they didn't know how to appreciate it.

But Qin Mo gave them too much.

So much that they felt a little embarrassed to take these things.

They couldn't help but think.

How much work did they do for Qin Mo?

They didn't even know if they deserved the salary.

The boss gave so many things again...

"The boss is so nice."

"I feel embarrassed to take it."

"The boss gave me so many things that my face turned red."

"I haven't worked for two months..."

These thoughts popped up in their minds.

At the same time.

Liu Jianming and others felt again.

"No, I must do a good job in the future!"

"I didn't do it well enough before."

"I was a little sleepy the night before yesterday and took a nap in the security room... This won't do, I can't do this in the future! Otherwise, I will let my boss down!"

"When cleaning, you can also go to the elderly's homes and clean them up! You can't just do your job!"

"Alas, just for such a good boss, if Mr. Qin can't pay the salary that day, I won't have to accompany him even if I don't get a penny!"

Security and cleaning.

Liu Jianming...

All these ideas came up at once, although they were not exactly the same.

But they were similar.

At this moment, they were more dedicated.

Of course, the fleeting time was also worrying.

With so many things, it was still a problem how to take them back.

It was agreed that Liu Jianming would drive them.

But the car was Qin Mo's car.

It was their boss's car.

What these employees were thinking about was not to cause trouble to the boss if they could.

If they could not trouble others, they would not trouble others.

Qin Mo did not care what they thought.

After seeing that the things were distributed, these people even became shy and could not help but laugh.

In a moment.

Qin Mo said to Liu Jianming.

"Old Liu, go and call the people from the opera troupe over. There are things bought for them too!"

The opera troupe also bought things?

The old men and women in Qinjia Village were surprised for a moment.

But they did not say much.

Although the opera troupe was paid to perform the opera.

But the old men and women in Qinjia Village did not think much about it.

For them, there was no concept that they had spent money.

As long as they came to Qinjia Village, no matter how they came.

In their eyes, they were all guests.

When treating guests, they must bring the best.

They were as polite as they could be.

What these old men and women didn't know was that they thought the troupe would leave after the performance.

Little did they know that the entire troupe had been taken in by Qin Mo.

The few who didn't want to stay were harmless.

It can be said that the entire troupe belonged to Qinjia Village.

The people were also employees of Qinjia Village.

If these old men and women knew this.

They would definitely scold them.

How much money would it cost to build a whole troupe?

Of course.

If they knew that it was not only a troupe, but also a house.

There would even be streets.

There would even be a theater...

That would be crazy.

In comparison, the troupe didn't seem to be a big deal.

In a blink of an eye.

"Boss Qin is going to give us New Year's goods?"

"Oh my God! Boss Qin is so kind."

"Aren't we supposed to come after the house is built after the New Year?"

"Giving us New Year's goods now? It's so good to follow such a boss."

The people in the troupe were very happy when they heard that they were going to give us New Year's goods.

Some people who didn't want to come after the New Year were a little skeptical.

They felt that they would not get any New Year's goods.

They never thought.

"All, all! All the people in our troupe have all!"

"Boss Qin has prepared everything."

"Even if you don't want to come after the New Year's theater is built, it's okay."

"Boss Qin has prepared everything!"

After hearing this, these people couldn't help but sigh.

"Such a boss is so good!"

"I knew Boss Qin was good, but I didn't expect him to be so good!"

"Alas... I'm shaken. Forget it. What dreams are there? Isn't it good to follow such a boss?"

"With just my limited ability, can I

I don't know if I'll make it yet, but now I have such a good boss..."

"Boss, I'll come after the New Year!"

"Boss, I won't leave either."


Seeing the actors coming one by one.

The troupe's boss couldn't help but laugh.

"You want to stay? Haha, that's fine! Now you know such a boss, isn't it good? I'm not saying, it's not that easy to make it on your own! Isn't it better to follow such a boss? "

Speaking of which, even Qin Mo didn't expect that.

Just giving some New Year's goods.

So many actors in the troupe who originally had other ideas were willing to stay.

That's true.

The goodness of Qin Mo as a boss is obvious.

If you really go out and make a living on your own.

Whether you are good or not is unknown.


Can't you make a name for yourself by following the boss?

You should know that Qin Mo has another reason to let the troupe stay.

It doesn't restrict them from performing or anything else.

Think about it carefully.

Where can you find such a good boss?

Not long after, the actors in the troupe lined up to receive New Year's goods.

Speaking of which, the New Year's goods they received were a little different from those of Liu Jianming and others.

Fruits, vegetables, firewood, rice, oil, salt, etc. No.

After all, they still have to go, to go back for the New Year.

Before leaving, they ate in Qinjia Village.

These things are really useless.

But there are piles of nuts and snacks.

Not only that.

There are also some small things.

For example, tea, wine, and other things are given.

In addition, there is a small red envelope.

There is not much money in the red envelope.

But Qin Mo’s main point is to treat everyone equally.

After all, they are his employees.

The value of the things Liu Jianming and others took is the same as the value of the things the troupe people took.

I dare not say that there is no difference, but it is essentially the same.

After receiving the things, the actors of the troupe were very happy.

"Thank you, boss!"

"Thank you, Mr. Qin!"

"Mr. Qin is so nice. He has taken care of all our New Year's goods for us."

"Oh, there are so many things. I have to find a truck to transport them? Mr. Qin is so generous! "

Someone in the troupe was joking.

They needed to find a truck to transport the things.

Qin Mo couldn't help but laugh when he heard that.

"Come on, it's not as exaggerated as you say!"

It's worth mentioning that.

The people in the troupe kept calling him boss.

The people in Qinjia Village didn't suspect anything.

They just thought it was a polite address.

Little did they know that they really called him boss.

Speaking of which, Qin Mo had kept a secret before.

Told the troupe owner.

Don't tell the old men and women in Qinjia Village about the troupe's affairs for the time being.

Sure enough.

No news of this leaked out at all.

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