The movie ended quickly, and everyone was still reluctant to leave.

Qin Guofu sighed, "Oh, this happy time passed so quickly. I haven't even finished eating the melon seeds, and the movie Dream of the Red Chamber is over."

Others were also a little bit dissatisfied, but they all put away the tables and chairs and prepared to leave.

Qin Mo laughed at the reactions of the crowd.

"Uncle Guofu, Third Uncle, Seventh Grandma, wait a minute.

Did you get something wrong? This is not a film crew that will run to the next village immediately after showing a movie. I invited them here specifically for you. You can watch it anytime you want."

Qin Guofu was stunned, and several elderly people around him also reacted at this time.

Yes, in their era, the film projection team would leave after the show, and they were such rare guests that even water buffaloes could not stop them. But today was different. Today, Qin Mo paid for the projection team.

In other words, they were all the sponsors of the projection team!

"Why did I forget about this? Hurry up and show everyone another show!"

"Yes, another show!"

Everyone shouted, and the uncles in charge of operating the equipment were also excited. They had only seen this grand scene at the peak of their careers decades ago, and the sense of achievement was also full.

"Don't worry, we are well prepared. Let's have another one of The Founding of a Republic!"

This movie was relatively new, and most people in Qinjia Village had not seen it. They were quickly attracted by the plot and concentrated on it, and the snacks in their hands were quickly consumed.

Qin Mo sat next to the third uncle and saw that the third uncle touched his pocket several times, but could not find a peanut. His eyes were reluctant to leave the screen and miss the wonderful plot, which was a bit unhappy.

Qin Mo quickly stuffed the remaining ten melon seeds in his hand.

The third uncle looked back and saw the melon seeds Qin Mo handed over, and quickly retreated, "Xiao Mo, you eat it, how can I be so embarrassed, I have already eaten a lot."

"A few melon seeds, why are you being so polite to me, Third Uncle."

Qin Mo smiled, and the third uncle was not polite. He liked to chew something when watching movies, and his expression became comfortable when he had melon seeds in his mouth.

Qin Mo felt a little sad when he saw it. Thinking that the city people can easily find a wide range of snacks at the entrance of the cinema when watching movies, the elders and villagers of Qinjia Village can't even find a few peanuts. How can this be possible?

Qin Mo immediately began to think about this matter in his heart.

"I have to match the whole snack street!"

The operation logic of the snack street is actually not complicated. As long as there are people and places, vendors will come naturally.

Now Qin Mo plans to show movies here every now and then, so there will definitely be enough people, and the time can be predicted. As long as the vendors wait for the movie time to start, they can start making money directly. There is no reason not to come.

Qin Mo did it as soon as he thought of it. After the movie ended that night, Qin Mo told Qin Tianrui about his idea.

Qin Tianrui was stunned when he heard it, "This is a good idea, but if they knew that you built a snack street so that they could eat snacks while watching movies, they would nag you for ten days and eight nights?"

Qin Tianrui has also seen the intensity of the nagging of Grandma Qi and others in the past few days.

Whenever Qin Mo spent money that made them feel that he did not spend it properly, the old men and women would take turns to educate Qin Mo, and Qin Tianrui would inevitably be criticized when he followed them. Previously, Grandma Qi also told him that as the second brother, he had to keep an eye on Qin Mo and not let this little brother spend money recklessly.

"Well, this is indeed a problem."

Qin Mo pondered for a moment, and immediately paid attention, "It's simple."

He whispered a few words into Qin Tianrui's ear, and Qin Tianrui's eyes suddenly lit up, "Can this really work?"

"Don't worry, don't you know that the elderly in our Qinjia Village are very simple." Qin Mo laughed.

Early the next morning, the old men and women who got up heard a big noise at the entrance of the village again.

After washing up, the group came to the entrance of the village and saw that the construction team responsible for the construction of the activity center had divided a team to the entrance of the village and arranged a street.

"Xiao Mo, what are you doing?"

Qin Guofu couldn't keep up with Qin Mo's pace. It stands to reason that he, the village party secretary, should know the situation of the village best, but now Qin Mo is the real leader in the village.

"I'm going to build a snack street here!"

Qin Mo got straight to the point: "When everyone was watching a movie here yesterday, didn't everyone feel that peanuts and melon seeds were in short supply and that it was troublesome to run home to get water if you wanted to drink it?"

"Ah?" Qin Guo

Fu was confused.

"Xiao Mo, this is not how you make money. You played a movie for everyone and everyone was happy. As for snacks and drinks, can't we prepare some in advance next time?"

"Yes, kid, money should be spent on the right things. You haven't married yet, and you haven't given birth to a child yet. The right thing to do is to save the money."

"I don't agree with your grandmother. Even if you set up a snack stand here, I won't buy it. I won't even go to the movies!"

"That's right. If you want to waste money by setting up this snack street, I won't go to the movies either."

Several old men and women got angry on the spot. They didn't really want to go against Qin Mo, but they just felt it was unnecessary.

They could understand the laundry room, water tower, and street lights before. After all, those were necessities of life, but it was too exaggerated to build a street just for snacks.

Qin Mo and Qin Tianrui had already anticipated this scene, and they smiled at each other.

Qin Mo said, "Grandma Qi, I haven't finished my words yet. This is not a waste of money, it's making money."

"Making money?"

Grandma Qi was stunned for a moment, "Whose money are you making? You are not going to rip us off when we watch the movie? We don't have much money."

"Haha." Qin Mo laughed out loud, "Of course it's not your money."

Qin Mo went forward and helped Grandma Qi to sit down in the shade, then slowly said, "I wonder if you have heard of the term "investment promotion"?"

"I know about investment promotion." Qin Guofu said, "The town is doing investment promotion every day, which is to let merchants from big cities open shops and factories here to do business, so as to boost the local economy."

Qin Mo saw that Uncle Guofu was so good at supporting him that he wanted to give him a thumbs up.

"Listen, Grandma Qi, Uncle Guofu is smarter than you this time. I'm building a snack street here, and those merchants who come here to sell snacks, don't they have to pay me rent? So this is not a waste of money but a way to make money."

Qin Mo paused, and then said: "And I want to bring everyone along with me. Anyone with spare money can invest in me, and when the snack street is built, everyone can get dividends."

Soon, the film "The Founding of a Nation" was finished, and the old men and women excitedly talked about the content of the movie, and then swarmed to Qin Mo's side.

"Xiao Mo, your money is worth it"

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