The money was so much that it was not enough.

"Would you like us to invest as well?"

Since the whole village raised 200,000 yuan for Qin Mo, Qin Mo has been contributing to the village and has never asked for money. Now that Qin Mo asked them to invest, the old men and women became excited.

"Xiao Mo, do you not have enough funds?"

"I can finally show off my coffin book. How much do you need, Xiao Mo?"

"I have a few thousand yuan. If it's not enough, I can sell my old tea set. Someone in the town offered 8,000 yuan to buy it."

Qin Mo listened to everyone's words and didn't know whether to laugh or cry. Of course, he would not take out the coffin books of the old men and women at home.

"You misunderstood. It's not that I'm short of money. I want everyone to participate. When we make money, we can share the profits in proportion."

This is the plan Qin Mo came up with when he was chatting with Qin Tianrui yesterday.

During this period, he has been trying to improve the lives of the old men and women in the village, but everyone may be really used to being poor. They can't spend money without money in their pockets.

After buying good rice, oil and clothes for everyone, Qin Mo saw with his own eyes that many old men and women hid their things directly, saying that they would use them until the New Year. In Qin Mo's opinion, this is not worth it.

The daily life of Qinjia Village should be as happy as the New Year.

This frugal atmosphere has been in Qinjia Village for a long time. Qin Mo thought about it and thought that if he wanted everyone to really have the habit of enjoying life, he must give everyone confidence. This confidence is naturally cash flow, which means that they can see money coming in.

Would someone who wakes up every day and earns 500 yuan feel bad for spending 50 yuan on a beef meal?

So, Qin Mo thought about making this snack street into the collective asset of the village and distributing dividends to everyone to make money.

Qin Mo added: "This snack street uses the collective land of the village. I am responsible for the construction of the capital, accounting for the majority of 60%, and the land part accounts for 40%. When it is built and the money is collected, we will open the account 60% and 40%."

This rhetoric was also thought of by Qin Mo in advance.

He didn't want to take the majority, but if everyone knew that he was deliberately giving money to everyone, nine out of ten would have a rebellious mentality and would not want to accept it.

"Xiao Mo, what are you talking about? Isn't the collective land in the village also your land?"

"That's right, why should we take this share? We don't understand the business."

When everyone heard that Qin Mo was not wasting money but preparing to make money by building this snack street, they did not object and asked to directly allocate the land to Qin Mo.

Qin Mo smiled and said, "I am also a villager, so I naturally have a share of the 40% of the land. But it's not okay to take it for free. Our Qinjia Village is also going to start modern investment promotion."

"Everyone should know how the county town developed, that is, the rural land was rented to outside merchants, and the village collective collected rent from the merchants to do business. My snack street is a pilot, and there are many possible projects in the future."

As the village party secretary, Qin Guofu has a wide range of knowledge, and he became excited when he heard it.

"Xiao Mo, do you mean that the idle land in our Qinjia Village can be rented out or operated as a share, and gradually made into a county town?"

"Of course, our goal is not just a county town. We can do it like Kangle Village in the provincial capital and become a synonym for an industry!"

Kangle Village in the provincial capital is a powerful urban village in this generation. At the beginning, it attracted others to build factories and do business with a large amount of idle land. As time went by, it formed a unique business circle. Now when people mention making clothes, they naturally think of Kangle Village.

"Kangle Village in the provincial capital? I heard that every household there can get 100,000 yuan during the Spring Festival!"

"More than 100,000 yuan, a few years ago, a girl from the neighboring village married there, and I heard that the family of six got more than 1 million yuan a year!"

The old men and women in Qinjia Village were chatting excitedly. If Qinjia Village could also put these idle lands into operation, they would be happy to think about the future.

Qin Guofu immediately decided: "Okay, whether the land in this village is to be used for self-construction or for commercial cooperation, it will be handed over to you, Xiaomo, in the future."


With expectations, the villagers also became enthusiastic about the construction of this snack street.

Every morning, someone came to the construction site to supervise. Song Qingfeng from the decoration company also smiled bitterly, "Oh, several old men and women, you can rest assured, how could I cheat Mr. Qin?"

"Haha, that's hard to say. Xiaomo is young and lacks social experience, and we old men have to help

"Just keep an eye on it." The third uncle said in a very mature manner.

Song Qingfeng was also amused when he heard it.

Is it that Qin Mo still lacks social experience?

In Song Qingfeng's opinion, Qin Mo's confidence and courage in every move are beyond the reach of even the second-generation figures carefully cultivated by the wealthy businessmen in the city.

In addition, Qin Mo has made so much money in the past, so Song Qingfeng has never regarded Qin Mo as a fool.

There is a famous saying that applies to all countries these days: Shit is hard to eat, and money is hard to make.

Qin Mo can do so well in such a difficult thing as making money, so he can't be a person who is easy to fool. In fact, Song Qingfeng even put Qin Mo's height above several partners in the city.

Nothing else, just because Qin Mo knows to go home and repay his fellow villagers after making money. A young man who can win the favor of the elderly in the village is definitely a business partner worthy of deep cooperation.

"Okay, if you like to supervise, just watch, don't tire yourself out, otherwise Mr. Qin will turn against me. "

Song Qingfeng had already told the workers to do everything according to the highest standards, so he was not worried about being caught making mistakes.

It was not difficult to build a snack street. After two weeks, a long street with two rows of shops on the left and right was built. Song Qingfeng also installed transparent glass on the roof of the long street so that it would not affect business even if it rained.

With the snack street, the only thing left was to attract investment and maintain the flow of people.

These had already been arranged by Qin Mo.

For the first batch of merchants, Qin Mo directly asked the old men and women in the village to bring special agricultural products, dried fruits and snacks, and let the workers of the construction team next to him become the first batch of customers.

When the movie was shown in the evening, the situation was reversed.

The smart people in the construction team notified their families early and brought a batch of braised meat, stewed vegetables, melon seeds and popcorn from the city to sell to the villagers who gathered to watch the movie in the evening.

The business started like this, and soon it had a framework.

People in the nearby town heard about this and hurried over to learn about it.

You don’t know until you see it. You find that Qinjia Village now has hundreds of workers working and living, and there are even movie projection teams to attract people at night.

Not only that, because Qin Mo’s first wave of free trial stalls created a little momentum, people in neighboring villages also learned the news.

Many things that had to be bought in the town market in the past are now available in Qinjia Village, and they naturally won’t go far to buy them in the town.

Workers, Qinjia Village villagers, and people from nearby villages, this has formed a very good consumer group. Whether it is morning or night, the snack street at the entrance of the village is very lively.

Smart merchants in the county town immediately smelled the smell, and someone immediately ran over to inquire about the rental of the snack street shop.

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