The first phase of the shop rent, Qin Mo was not in a hurry to make the full money, and he collected a little according to the expected money that the merchants could make.

With more than 100 workers from the construction team, plus the consumption of Qinjia Village and nearby villages, the monthly revenue of the snack street is at least 100,000 yuan, and it is easy for Qin Mo to take 20,000 or 30,000 yuan in rent.

Qin Mo was unwilling to rent out some of the shops, leaving them as mobile stalls for the old men and women in Qinjia Village to use for free, so that everyone can sell their own agricultural products during the harvest, which is also a privilege of the village collective land.

"Oh my goodness, how can Xiaomo make money so easily?"

"In our small village, we can rent a street for 20,000 or 30,000 yuan a month?"

"Didn't Xiaomo say that this is just a pilot project, and he might get 100,000 yuan a month in rent in the future?"

Grandma Qi and Uncle San were shocked by their own words while chatting.

Most of them have lived on a few hundred yuan a month in the past few years. With this little money, they can still split a steel plate into two and survive the initial 200,000 yuan to support Qin Mo.

Now the rent of this snack street is 20,000 or 30,000, which is enough to support them, the elderly.

"You can't calculate it that way. Now the workers of the decoration company are doing construction here. There is a demand for food, drink, defecation and urination. When the project is completed, the consumption power will decrease."

"Not only that, Xiaomo has no idea how much the total investment is to build this street. It will take several years to get back the 20,000 or 30,000 yuan, right?"

Qin Mo did not show the detailed accounts to the old men and women, so they calculated according to their own expectations and thought that Qin Mo had spent hundreds of thousands of yuan to build this street.

In fact, Qin Mo asked Song Qingfeng to build it according to the standards of the urban area. The construction of this street in two weeks cost millions of yuan. How can it be earned back by collecting rent?

But Qin Mo was not panicked at all.

He didn't care how much the one-time investment was. The key was that the villagers knew that the monthly rent of this street could be tens of thousands.

With this cash flow for comparison, the big guys would not be so stingy with food and drink. As for the capital investment during construction, Qin Mo had a system to help!

"Ding! The host gives back to the folks and builds a snack street for the villagers, taking into account both life enjoyment and income generation, and obtains the property rights of Hengxi Second Street in Dongyang City."

Qin Mo's eyes widened when he heard the ding.

What the hell, the property rights of Hengxi Second Street?

Qin Mo didn't even understand the meaning of this reward for a moment.

Qin Mo immediately took out his mobile phone to check.

"Hengxi Second Street in Dongyang City...

Oh my god, this is a residential street, what does it mean to give me the property rights of this street? Could it be...!"

Qin Mo's heart was pounding.

The mobile phone showed that the housing price of Hengxi Second Street was more than 20,000 yuan per square meter. If the system meant to give him the property rights of the entire street, then the eleven buildings and more than 500 units...

Qin Mo felt a little dizzy after a rough calculation. Even though he had experienced the amazing rewards of the system many times, this time's reward was still shocking.

"At least billions of dollars..."

The reward this time was too amazing, and the system needed some time to complete all the procedures reasonably.

Qin Mo was very happy while waiting. He opened a snack street and created a fixed income for everyone. The initial investment of one million yuan was directly returned by the system a hundred times.

"I am loyal to everyone, and the system is loyal to me!"

Qin Mo walked on the village road, and his steps were so unconcerned that he almost flew up.


With the help of the new construction team brought by Song Qingfeng, the Qinjia Village Elderly Activity Center was finally completed before the New Year.

Qin Mo had previously concealed the activity center from the old men and women, saying that it was a newly built house of his family. Now it has been completed, and he can't deceive anymore.

Fortunately, Qin Mo actually built a new building of his own next to the activity center, otherwise Grandma Qi and the others would definitely be furious again.

After the construction of the center was completed, the next step was the installation of various equipment.

The first is the most basic rest furniture.

"The sofa must be made of real leather, which is warm in winter and cool in summer, so that the villagers can sit comfortably. If they can't even sit comfortably, they will definitely not come."

"Blankets and pillows must also be prepared, so that if the old men and women are sleepy, they can just lie on the sofa and take a nap, so that they don't have to go home to take a nap at noon."

"The bathroom must be

It's a toilet. The old man's legs are not good, so it's troublesome to squat and stand up. By the way, ventilation and air conditioning must be done well, so that the toilet is not cold or hot, which will cause the old man to catch a cold. "

"For dining, the Chinese chef team is still the ones in Wangjia Village, but we need to add some new things and bring back a few Western chefs."

Qin Mo said one by one, and Qin Tianrui took notes one by one. He was confused when he heard it.

Is this still an activity center for the elderly? Why is it designed in the direction of a club with young models?

"Brother, you don't want to invite a few cheongsam girls to be service staff, right?"

Qin Tianrui casually complained, and Qin Mo's eyes really lit up when he heard it.

"Second brother, you reminded me that there are only two of us young people, and we can't take good care of everyone. We have to invite a few service staff back. ”

Qin Tianrui was so confused that he said, “Xiao Mo, you should put away your magic power. With your extravagant club configuration, Third Uncle, Uncle Guofu and the others will definitely have no objection. Third Grandma and the others will tear off your ears.”

“Second brother, what are you thinking about? I want to hire a professional caregiver. This old man has some minor health problems that need to be taken care of and adjusted. Someone who knows the business is needed.”

“Oh…” Qin Tianrui’s old face turned red. Just now, he really thought that Qin Mo was going to get a few cheongsam girls to serve Third Uncle and the others.

Qin Tianrui quickly recorded Qin Mo’s needs and filled up an A4 paper.

“Xiao Mo, this list is a bit big.” Qin Tianrui glanced at it and was afraid that millions of dollars would have to be spent.

“Second brother, I’ll leave this matter to you. Don’t be anxious but be quick. Let the villagers enjoy it before the New Year.”

“Leave it to me? "Qin Tianrui was stunned, but when he looked up, he saw Qin Mo's expectant eyes.

If he wanted to make a profit from this order worth millions, he might be able to make tens of thousands. Qin Mo also had this idea. He had a system feedback for doing things for the villagers, but his second brother couldn't work for nothing.

It was not a solution for Qin Mo to send Qin Tianrui cars and houses every now and then, as this was not considered a legitimate income.

So it didn't matter whether Qin Tianrui made a profit from this deal or not. As a trader, the key was that Qin Tianrui could accumulate external connections. A few large orders worth millions would be enough to make all the merchants in the city remember Qin Tianrui.

Once he had connections everywhere in the town and the city, Qin Tianrui's future would naturally be broad.

"Second brother, I still have a lot of things I need your help with in the future, and you have to be mentally prepared to be independent. "Qin Mo said solemnly.

Qin Tianrui heard the hidden meaning of Qin Mo and said seriously: "Don't worry, I will definitely take care of this thing properly!"

Qin Tianrui understood that with the brotherly relationship between him and Qin Mo, Qin Mo would take care of him even if he wanted to lie down, but he was also a man, so he naturally cherished this opportunity to prove himself.

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