The next morning, the entrance of Qinjia Village was already full of people waiting.

They were all villagers from nearby villages. They had made an appointment last night to visit and experience the activity center of Qinjia Village under the guidance of the old man and old lady of Qinjia Village.

Of course, not everyone is qualified. One of the old men in Li Village couldn't find anyone to lead the way.

"Lao Li was so angry yesterday. He also wanted to participate in today's experience, but everyone in Qinjia Village rejected him."


"You don't know this? Lao Li and Qin Huaiyi, the third son of Qinjia Village, didn't get along. The two quarreled for most of their lives."

"You don't know this, but everyone in Qinjia Village knows it. The activity center stipulates that only people from Qinjia Village can enter one by one. Lao Li went to find other people from Qinjia Village, and the others asked him to find Qin Huaiyi."

"How could Lao Li lose face? Didn't he come?"

People from all over the country were gossiping, and the old men and women in Qinjia Village also got up.

They realized that the old men and women in Qinjia Village didn't need to cook breakfast for themselves. They got up, washed up, and went directly to the canteen. The fragrant pots of hot porridge were already prepared.

They had breakfast before coming to Qinjia Village, but most of them were just a bowl of noodles in clear soup. How could it compare to the scene of the canteen in Qinjia Village opening for dinner?

Hot porridge, steamed dumplings, fried dough sticks, glutinous rice chicken, and big vegetable buns.

What kind of fairy life do the people in Qinjia Village live? The villagers in the surrounding villages were stunned.

The villagers in Qinjia Village not far away naturally noticed the gazes of these people. They chewed the fragrant and glutinous buns and drank the meat porridge, with full pride on their faces.

"Haha, have you seen those guys from Wang Village? They are drooling with greed, right?"

"It's not good if they haven't seen the world. Let's go to the activity center later and let them see the Western food for lunch. I'm afraid they will be shocked."

"I wonder if Xiaomo, Tianrui and other young people have prepared seafood today?"

It's true that rural people are simple, but when they get a chance to show off, the villagers of Qinjia Village don't want to miss it. Who doesn't want others to look at them with envy and jealousy?

Qin Mo happened to get up and walked to the cafeteria at this time. He listened to the words of several villagers and laughed, "Don't worry, Second Grandma, I know you are going to take the villagers from other villages to visit today, so I can't let you embarrass yourself. The food has been arranged early, and the Western restaurant is already preparing it."

It was Qin Mo's idea to let the old men and women of Qinjia Village take one by one, just to let the villagers of Qinjia Village feel the improvement of Qinjia Village's sense of value.

"Hey, Xiaomo, if you have arranged it, then we can rest assured."

"It's a pity that Lao Li won't bow his head, otherwise you, Third Master, can get rid of it in one breath."

"Tsk, it's better if he doesn't bow his head, and this good Western food won't be cheap for him."

Third Master Qin Huaiyi spat.

It's not that he and Lao Li have a deep hatred, but the two have been competing since school days, and they have to compete with each other when they are old. A few years ago, Lao Li ridiculed Qin Huaiyi for the fact that Qinjia Village was not prosperous, which made Qin Huaiyi angry for a long time.

It was the first time Qin Mo heard about this.

After listening to the discussion of the old men and women, he came up with a plan and said to Qin Huaiyi: "Third Master, don't worry, I will write you a guarantee, and Lao Li will come to beg you tonight to let you take him into the gate of the activity center."

"Xiaomo, what can you do?"

Other people in Qinjia Village asked curiously.

They deliberately didn't bring Old Li, originally wanting to force Old Li to find Qin Huaiyi and let Qin Huaiyi show off, but they didn't expect that Old Li simply didn't come, which made the calculations of Grandma Qi and the others fall through.

"Don't ask, just wait."

Qin Mo smiled, had breakfast and left, and went to the activity center to make arrangements in advance.

After the old men and women in Qinjia Village had breakfast, the activity center was officially opened. The villagers from all over the country entered the center under the guidance of the elders of Qinjia Village, which was an eye-opener.

Qin Mo also specially added some projects.

For example, Qin Tianrui temporarily invited several professional medical examination vehicles from Dongyang City, as well as Peking Opera performances, art performances, etc.

For a time, not only the villagers from all over the country were surprised, but even the old men and women in Qinjia Village were shocked. They didn't know why Qin Mo suddenly added so many projects.


After a day of visiting, the villagers from all over the country were still reluctant to leave.

They left Qinjia Village reluctantly, and continued to talk about it when they returned to their respective villages. Among them, people from Li Village returned to the village and found Lao Li to admire it.

"Oh, Lao Li, you really suffered a great loss if you don't go."

"If you don't want to go, then don't go. Do you really think I care about it? It's just a shabby activity center. I went to my granddaughter's house in the city for the New Year a few days ago, and I also went to the activity center in the city to play? Qin Huaiyi has no children, so he treats an activity center as a treasure."

Lao Li complained while puffing smoke.

The villagers who returned to the village shook their heads hurriedly.

"Old Li, you don't know if you haven't been there. The activity center in Qinjia Village is really amazing!"

"Let's not talk about anything else. Just look at the leather sofa. I heard that it costs more than 300,000 yuan. Those young people in Qinjia Village found a channel to buy it at a discount. It's so comfortable to sit on it."

"What's the big deal about sofas?"

Another person interrupted, "Their activity center is so outrageous that you can eat Western food in the city. I heard that they specially invited a five-star hotel chef. The steak was fried and it was delicious. I don't know how to describe the feeling of eating it."

"Also, Qin Mo from Qinjia Village invited all the Peking Opera troupes in the city. That scene, ah."

Everyone was lingering in front of Old Li, and Old Li's face was very ugly.

He couldn't help asking, "Is the activity center of Qinjia Village really that awesome?"

"Why would I lie to you? You'll know if you go there yourself. After our group's visit today, it seems that Qinjia Village is planning to bring another group of people to visit tomorrow."

"Continue to bring people to visit?" Old Li muttered, puffing on his cigarette but feeling that the cigarette in his mouth was no longer fragrant.

After listening to the villagers' introduction, he was now anxious and wanted to go to the activity center of Qinjia Village to see it.

But everyone in Qinjia Village knew about the conflict between him and Qin Huaiyi, so they deliberately ignored him and wanted him to go to Qin Huaiyi.

"I want to see what's so awesome about your activity center in Qinjia Village!"

Old Li couldn't help being curious, and finally took out his phone and called Qin Huaiyi.

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