On the other end of the phone, Qin Huaiyi and Qin Mo were waiting for the opening of the movie in the evening at the snack street.

Qin Huaiyi was immediately happy when he saw the call from Lao Li.

"Xiao Mo, you are amazing. Lao Li really called me."

Qin Huaiyi held up the old-fashioned keypad and laughed at the caller ID.

"Look at you, old man, you are so arrogant. Why don't you answer the call and see what he says?" Grandma San couldn't help laughing.

Everyone in Qinjia Village felt extremely proud of the tour today.

Previously, when they enjoyed the buildings and dining halls built by Qin Mo, they only felt that their lives were more convenient. Now that they have the recognition of people from other villages, the satisfaction is extra different.

The most important thing is that Qin Mo led a few young people to buy all these for them. Isn’t it the happiest and proudest thing for the old man in his life to have such a filial and outstanding younger generation?

How shocked people from all over the country were to visit the activity center, and how proud the old men and women in Qinjia Village were of Qin Mo. They smiled all day long.

Qin Huaiyi was the happiest one at this time.

He answered the phone and turned on the speaker, shouting, "Hey, isn't this Old Li with all his children and grandchildren? What's wrong? Do you think of me, a lonely old man in Qinjia Village?"

Old Li on the other end of the phone was so angry when he heard Qin Huaiyi's boastful voice, "Stop being so boastful. I'll tell you in one sentence, will you take me to see the activity center?"

"Oh, I, Qin Huaiyi, am not a stingy person. Since you have come to ask me for help, I will take you in. But you have to have an attitude when asking for help, don't you think so, Old Li?"

Qin Huaiyi laughed loudly.

Old Li on the other end of the phone also knew that he couldn't win this time, so he simply said, "Okay, okay, you win this time, okay? Your Qin Mo is awesome, and those people in our village will come back and brag about your activity center!"

Old Li was angry and curious, otherwise he wouldn't admit defeat and call me.

Qin Huaiyi was waiting for this sentence, and laughed: "Haha, just admit defeat. Come over tomorrow morning and I'll take you to see how awesome the activity center that our Qin Mo has set up for us is."

Qin Huaiyi hung up the phone contentedly, and the others beside him also laughed.

In the past, people from Li Village always pointed fingers at Qin Village because of their large population. Although this was not a big grudge, the old men and women in Qin Village were naturally unhappy.

Who would like to be pointed at every day?

Now, the guys from Li Village have come to the door one by one and asked them to take them to visit the activity center. How can their attitude still have the momentum of pointing fingers at the beginning?

Qin Mo watched the old men and women laugh happily, and his face was full of smiles.

As a younger generation, making the elderly feel proud, isn't this the greatest achievement?


In the blink of an eye, a few days passed, and the commercial street that Qin Mo was going to build began to take shape.

That day, Qin Mo was discussing some layout details with Song Qingfeng from the construction team, when Qin Fengyu suddenly ran over in a panic.

"Brother Mo, it's not good!"

Qin Fengyu ran out of breath, and the anxiety on his face was beyond words.

Qin Mo had a bad feeling in his heart and asked, "Fengyu, what's wrong?"

"Fifth Master fell ill. We just sent him to the clinic, but Doctor Zhou said that the problem is very serious, so he asked me to inform you quickly!"

"Talk while walking!"

Qin Fengyu had said this, how could Qin Mo stand it.

He left Song Qingfeng behind, pulled Qin Fengyu and ran towards the clinic.

"Sudden cardiovascular and cerebrovascular disease? Doctor Zhou is not sure?"

Qin Mo listened to Qin Fengyu's description of the situation, and his brows were furrowed so much that he could pinch a fly to death.

These days, Zhou Ying has equipped the village clinic with personnel and equipment. In theory, it should not be a problem to treat ordinary illnesses, but Zhou Yinghai asked Qin Fengyu to inform him quickly, which means that the fifth master's condition is very bad!

Qin Mo and his companions quickly arrived at the village clinic. Zhou Ying only completed the emergency treatment at this time. Seeing Qin Mo coming, he hurriedly ran forward and said, "Mr. Qin, you are finally here."

"The fifth master has a sudden stroke. I can't make a complete diagnosis here. I can only give him a few injections to ensure his life is safe. Now he must be transferred to a large hospital for treatment immediately!"

The old men and women in the village got the news and rushed over. After hearing the general situation, they were very anxious.

Qin Guofu grabbed Qin Mo and said anxiously, "Xiao Mo, you must save the fifth uncle!"


Uncle Guofu, don't worry, with me here, even the devil can't take away Fifth Master!"

Qin Mo patted his chest and promised, and at the same time asked everyone to make way, and he pushed Fifth Master's stretcher and rushed out.

"Xiao Mo, what are you doing?"

"We have called the city's ambulance to come."

The old men and women in Qinjia Village didn't understand Qin Mo's operation, and shouted anxiously, but Qin Mo had already pushed Fifth Master Qin Liangping out dozens of meters, and only Qin Tianrui and Zhou Ying and a few young people could catch up.

Qin Mo turned around and shouted: "It's too late to wait for the ambulance, I'm going to fly a plane to send Fifth Master to a large hospital in the city, just don't worry! "

Qin Mo wanted to hire a pilot but he had not yet found one, but he had previously received a system reward for all-disciplinary expertise, including knowledge of the use of all means of transportation.

He pushed Wu Ye to the helicopter and asked everyone to help secure Wu Ye in the back seat, and then asked Doctor Zhou Ying to sit in the co-pilot seat.

"Boss Qin, can you really fly a helicopter?"

Zhou Ying got on the helicopter and looked at Qin Mo with a bit of fear in his eyes.

Flying a plane is not a joke. If Qin Mo was desperate to save people and drove recklessly, then Wu Ye Qin Liangping could not be saved, and both Zhou Ying and Qin Mo would have to die.

"I won't joke about Wu Ye's life."

Qin Mo sat in the driver's seat and took a deep breath.

The knowledge in his mind was very clear, but it was indeed his first time to practice.

"The remaining fuel is 95%, sufficient."

"Turn on the main electronic control switch, turn on the fuel pump, and start the engine!"

"The data on the dashboard is normal, and there are no obstacles around. "

Qin Mo checked the situation according to the knowledge in his mind and started the helicopter's electronic control system one by one.

When everything was ready, Qin Mo slowly pulled the throttle lever.

The helicopter's propeller immediately began to rotate at an astonishing speed. The powerful lift quickly took the helicopter into the sky and then headed straight for the urban area of ​​Dongyang City, leaving the people of Qinjia Village who were chasing below stunned.

"I thought Brother Mo must have spent all his energy on making money, but I didn't expect that he had time to learn how to fly a helicopter?"

Qin Tianrui watched the helicopter turn into a small dot in the air, his face full of shock.

Qin Fengyu and Zhang Tingting also opened their mouths wide and didn't know what to say for a while.

However, Qin Tianrui was still a few years older, and he quickly reacted and said: "Now is not the time to be in a daze. Fengyu, take care of the people in the village, I will drive to the city hospital to see if there is anything I can do to help. "

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