“Yo! Brother-in-law, are you still alive? ”


Shizune looked at the white night in shock.

And a man with a dark mask was standing between the two.

This man is a rope tree.

He was supposed to die, but was saved by White Night.

At the beginning, before Bai Ye left, he also had a brief relationship with Tsunade before leaving.

Not over though.

But after so many years, I have disappeared.

Seeing the expression of Tsunade who was going to kill himself.

There was also a shame in his heart.

I thought I would just walk for a little while.

As a result, the second time I came here was when Tsunade had just become Naruto.

He went to Nagato to talk about cooperation.

At that time, I also thought about finding a Tsunade to explain the explanation.

But then I thought about it.

It is estimated that Tsunade wanted to kill him when he saw him.

And this time it was exactly as he thought.

But he had to come too.

Because he is ready to unite with the Tsunade Hand, Nagato has already been put on the sleeve, and then a person who can help him lay out the plan, the Tsunade is naturally a good choice.

“It’s been a long time since I saw him.”

After so many years, Tsunade is still so young and beautiful.

Maybe it’s because I was walking fast before.

Let the time be completely fixed on her most beautiful twenty years old.

“Oh, you bastard still dare to appear in front of me?”

A sneer flashed on Tsubasa’s face, and he unceremoniously shot directly.

She will never forgive the white night.

At first, after she gave herself all to White Night, it didn’t take long for White Night to disappear completely.

I thought he was dead.

For this, she was also sad for a very long time.

Now that he was standing alive in front of the Gang Hand, how could this be calmed down.

Didn’t die and disappeared for so long?


The fist that Tsunade had punched was caught by Bai Ye, and then with a smooth pull, White Night pulled Tsunade into Tsunade s arms and comforted, “Sorry, last time was my problem, next time it will not.” ”

Before the shuttle, the timeline was more chaotic.

But after entering the plot.

The timeline will not continue to be chaotic, which is also the time that the system has given him.

Every time.

The first time he travels through the past is before the plot begins.

First give him some time to set up.

Then, when the plot is almost over, the timeline returns to normal.

The next time you cross, the white night will not cross from this era to Bo Ren Zhuan.

“Let go of me!”

Tsunade blushed slightly, and then struggled in the arms of the white night.

Don’t think that he can fool himself so easily.

She would never forgive this guy so easily!

“I have something to say to you.”

“Don’t listen!”

Tsunade has made full use of the skills that he must master as a woman.

White Night said that he would not listen to anything.

This bastard, come and go when he wants, and what do you think of yourself?

“There’s really nothing you can do.”

Bai Ye patted his forehead, then looked at the rope tree behind him with the dark mask and said, “I’ll go first.” ”

“This is where it goes… Wait a minute…… Why did you take my sister away…”

Originally, the rope tree was still thinking, the white night will be gone, and it will be estimated that the Tsunade will be furious.

But what the rope tree did not expect was that the white night was not just gone by itself.

And he took it with him.

“What about these documents?”

The documents that Tsunade had lazily piled up a few days ago were placed here.

If it is not processed, it is bound to make more and more files in the future.

But the rope tree itself will not do this.

He looked at Shizune.

Now there is only one way.

“Are you the devil?”

Shizune immediately understood after seeing the look in the eyes under the rope mask.

She’s just an assistant.

What’s up!

Now Naruto’s things can be thrown to himself.

What a sin she is.

“The capable people work a lot, and they don’t know when they will come back, so you can help deal with it in Mute, anyway, it’s all a bunch of miscellaneous things.”

Naruto has a lot of things.

There are big things, but more are miscellaneous things.

Usually, Tsunade is lazy in order to be lazy.

Many files are also thrown to mute.

She was used to it too.

But this time it’s more pitted.

Leaving a mess for her to clean up, and then Tsunade followed the little lover away.

Where can she see this kind of singleness for decades.

“Rope tree, is that really your brother-in-law?”

Shizune asked curiously.

She didn’t expect that the Gang Hand, who usually looked fierce, actually had men.

I’ve never heard of it before.

“Well, although they weren’t married, my sister had been with him before, and I was saved by my brother-in-law, otherwise I would have almost died on the battlefield.”

“Then he’s not Konoba’s ninja?”

“It’s really not, alas, if only the brother-in-law could live here permanently, and my sister is also older, so she should have children!”

Pregnant at advanced age, right?

Shizune silently complained in her heart.

After that, she also sank in the ocean of documents.

The more you deal with it, the more miserable your heart becomes.

She’s really cruel to do this handshaker!


After White Night and Tsunade preached the truth of the day.

She finally calmed down.

“You haven’t regressed over the years, it seems that you have found a lot of people to practice, right?”

Tsunade coldly glanced at the white night.

She felt something was wrong.

Technology does not diminish that year.

Did he actually go to find his little wife, and then recently quarreled with his little wife and finally thought of himself?


PS: ask for flowers, reviews, monthly passes, tips, comments!!!!


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