“Say! Do you have a little wife out there? ”

As he spoke, Tsunade directly raised his hand and grabbed it, cutting off his desire to escape.

If only I hadn’t asked today.

She would never let the night go.

“I said… Can you let go…”

White Night looked at Tsunade with a strange face.

It seems that if she doesn’t explain clearly, she will definitely not let herself leave.

“Answer me first!”

Tsunade smiled and squinted at the white night, and his heart was also full of pride.

It turned out that he would be afraid too.

“I swear I certainly don’t have a little wife in this world!”

White Night dares to swear.

After all, I really just picked up a program here.

As for the little hatchling.

I met it once before.

But the other side was also relatively small at the beginning.

I haven’t touched it myself.

“So where have you been all these years?”

Back to the point.

This is also the issue that the program is most concerned about.

Over the years, the white night has evaporated like the human world.

Tsunade also left Konoha Village and searched around the ninja world for traces of White Night.

But in the end, the White Night was not found at all.

This inevitably made the program some doubts.

He wasn’t hiding from himself.

Otherwise, how could there be such a coincidence in this world?

“Although there are some outrageous things, I haven’t been in the ninja world all these years, otherwise I would have put such a good-looking girlfriend and then the world evaporated?”


Twenty-year-old Tsubasa!

Don’t be too fragrant.

The figure and the face are definitely one top and one.

And although Tsunade has a short temper, he is absolutely gentle in the face of his lover.

Although the time on Tsunade was now also frozen by the White Night.

Exactly the same as twenty-year-old her.

But in the middle of this, he wasted a lot of time.

“Well, you’re not allowed to leave this time, stay and let’s have a baby first!”

Tsunade grabbed the white night and wouldn’t let him go.

At this age, she originally thought that White Night was dead, and she was ready to die alone.

Now the white night is still there.

Very good!

Stay and have a baby first!

“I still have some things to do, and I may leave for a while later, but you can rest assured that I will be back soon.”

Bai Ye wiped the beads of sweat on his head, and his heart was full of shame.

He looked into the fiery eyes of Tsubasa.

She…… Are you sure you want to have children?

Say yes to that.

But Tsunade was not prepared for the White Night to slip away.

A dark costume was prepared for him.

And let the white night disappear twenty-four every day to follow her.

For ten days in a row.

White Night felt that if he didn’t see Nagato again, he would definitely die.

There are goblins in this wooden leaf village!

But fortunately, there are some things in the Tsunade these days.

So he let the white night go.

Enjoy a rare freedom.

Sitting at the Ichiraku noodle restaurant, Joki picked up the wine glass and touched it with Bai Ye and said, “Brother-in-law, I haven’t seen you in a few days, and my face has been very pale.” ”

Previously, the rope tree was originally responsible for protecting the dark part of the Tsunade hand.

But because of the white night.

During this time, the rope tree was especially given a holiday by the Tsunade Hand.

When he met White Night at the Ichiraku Noodle Restaurant, he came over to say hello.

However, after seeing Bai Ye’s face, my heart was also surprised.

It seems that his sister is not angry.

White Night actually looked like he was dying.

“Don’t say it, I’ll be gone in a few days, and you’ll talk to your sister later, I have something I want to talk to her.”

A few days ago, White Night had been looking for an opportunity to talk to Tsunade about cooperation.

However, the Tsunade has not been given a chance.

She couldn’t sit idle at all.

Or you are working on a file.

There were a lot of documents piled up, and the master did not dare to stay for a moment.

Wait until the evening to think that there is time.

So he prepared to talk to Tsunade Hand.

As a result, people simply did not give him a chance to speak.


The rope tree was a little surprised in his heart, obviously the two stayed together for so long, and as a result, there was still something to say.

But although there were some doubts in his heart.

But also agreed to White Night’s request.

Eating the bowl of noodles, the rope tree left in a hurry.

And the white night is bored to walk around the wooden leaf village.

There are still a few days left before the time agreed with Nagato.

It is estimated that his legs are just right, and he will not be in the Xiao Organization.

When your health is well, you naturally want to walk outside.

“Big Brother White Night?”

Behind her, a soft female voice carried a hint of uncertain doubt.

White Night turned his head to look.

Hyuga hata.

“Xiao Yantian, I didn’t expect you to know me.”

Bai Ye smiled and squinted at Hinata Hinata, the shy and sticky girl who had been there before, and now she had grown up.

Hearing Bai Ye’s joke, Hinata lowered his head in embarrassment and said, “Big Brother White Night is still the same as before, it has not changed.” ”


When Yunyin Village kidnapped her, he saved himself and taught her that she must be strong.

Since then, she has been doing what White Night said.

Now when she saw the white night, she was also a little excited in her heart.

Before, when passing by the Ichiraku noodle restaurant, Hinata thought that he had seen it wrong.

It wasn’t until she followed all the way over that she could finally be sure that the person she had seen before was White Night.

For the person in front of her, her heart was also a burst of excitement.

“Haha, Xiao Chitian is different from before!”

“Big Brother White Night…”

The redness on Hitata’s face was even worse, and the little face was almost lowered into his arms, and he no longer dared to look at the white night.


PS: ask for flowers, reviews, monthly passes, tips, comments!!!!


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