“No way! White Night you promised me before! ”

Originally, Yang Nai was still thinking of playing with Connor for a while before leaving.

But looking at Thor like this, she couldn’t stand it at the moment!

Mix up your own dating and forget about it.

As a result, he actually snatched away the white night now.


She would never allow such a thing to happen.

“Of course, Lord White Night is going to go back with me!”

“What does it have to do with you?”

The two of them had the appearance of fighting when they didn’t agree.

“I’ll have a little more to do later, so let’s go home.”

Thor’s arrival seemed to save himself.

If only I had really gone home with Yang Nai today.

Things will certainly develop beyond foreknowledge.

The main thing is that the nature of the yang needs to continue to grind.

After all, the desire to control is a little too deep.


Yang is always a little unwilling.

Looking at the white night, her eyes were full of grief.

White Night actually did not choose himself?

Although I knew that even if White Night was chosen now, this girl named Thor would certainly not let her go so easily.

“Yang Nai I really have some things to deal with, you also know that I have dragged some drafts in the past few days, wait for me to deal with it, how about looking for you next time?”


Yang Nai nodded, then continued, “Well, you go first, I’m going to watch this woman here!” ”

She didn’t dare go back.

She’s going to be here watching Thor.

If she didn’t look at Thor, she wouldn’t be relieved.

“Okay, then you guys have a good talk, I’ll go first.”

Oh Thor.

Resist the fire!

Bai Ye silently gave Thor a thumbs up.

“Lord White Night, I’ll go with you!”

Thor grabbed it and wanted to leave with White Night, but it was clear that Yang would never let her get her wish.

This woman.

It’s so annoying!

If it weren’t for her, she would have left with the White Night.

It was because of Thor that the thing in front of him happened.

Now, Thor wants to leave with White Night, something she would never allow her.

Back home.

After solving the matter of Yang Nai, Bai Ye couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief in his heart.

Fortunately, I met Thor.

Both troubles were solved.

In fact, whether it is Thor or Yang Nai.

The personalities of the two of them are somewhat similar.

“The system clicks on the collaborator log.”

Collaborator logs.

What the people who work with White Night will do will be on top of this.

[Your collaborator Nagato has been in a good mood lately, because his legs are good, his revenge has also been revenge, and he even flirted with the jade flowers of the next mountain village during a wild outing in the mountain village, and Nagato has been passive about catching tailed beasts! 】

[Your collaborator Tsunade has been in a bad mood lately, because the last time you gave her money was about to lose, when you built your sculpture, you knelt down to pray for good luck, but the next day you lost three times the day before yesterday, and Tsunade smashed the sculpture in anger! 】 】

[Your collaborator Aniru chose an island full of apples as his base after becoming the Seven Martial Seas, and vowed to create a world with only apples!] 】

[Your collaborator is smiling and rolling the dice in the gambling hall and playing very high.] 】

[Your collaborator Robluch is waiting for an opportunity to seize the Pluto blueprints and is instigating Carriffa, Kaku, Bruno, and others.] 】

Watched so much.

The white night was about to cry.

Your own collaborators, how are they playing.

Only Luke is still a person.

I even know how to do things.

Looking at the actions of the others, although they were all playing, it seemed that it was also because nothing had happened recently.

Except for a few who currently have tasks on them.

Take Rob Luch and Klockdal.

Everyone else waits until the war on top of the world will have something to do.

As for the others.

Similar to Nagato, it is estimated that he does not know what he wants to do at all.

Catching a tailed beast?

He actually has some things that he doesn’t want to catch anymore.

After all, after knowing that the Eye of the Moon plan is just a scam.

There can be no real peace at all.

The summoned Ten Tails were nothing more than a rioting monster.

Maybe it will cause you a lot of trouble later.

So Nagato was hesitant to continue on this path.

Nowadays, my own strength does not need to rely on these to achieve my dreams.

And then there’s one more important thing.

That is, the body on his side has recovered.

There is no need to rush at all.

You have to come up with a more detailed plan to deal with this.

【Ding! Your collaborator Yamato defeated Moonlight Moria and gained: a thousand villain points. 】


Not bad.

A trace of surprise flashed in Bai Ye’s eyes.

One didn’t notice, Yamato actually defeated Moonlight Moria.

However, this product is really miserable.

Defeated by Kaido decades ago, and now by Kaido’s daughter.


Pirate World.

Kaido was holding the newspaper in his hand, and his brow was already wrinkled.

There was a newspaper about the newspaper on which Moonlight Moria was defeated.

And the appearance of the person who defeated him also appeared above.

Because of the relationship between the country of peace.

Therefore, many people do not know who this girl is.

But how clear he is!

Isn’t that Yamato?

“Yamato that bastard kid actually ran out?”

No wonder I haven’t been able to find out where Yamato really is lately.

At this time, Kaido finally understood.

It turned out that Yamato, the bastard boy, had already run out of the country of peace.

“If the Governor is not mistaken, there seems to be an exploding collar on Yamato, why?!”

A strange glint flashed in Black Maria’s eyes.

Yamato has a collar that explodes whenever he leaves the country of peace.

This kind of collar according to Yamato’s strength, it is absolutely impossible to break free.

Unless it is forced to break free, this will only hurt yourself.

With Yamato’s physique.

She will never die.

But serious injuries are certainly inevitable.

“Is there something wrong with this circle?”

Kaido frowned, and his heart was not short of memories.

Obviously it is intact.

Absolutely impossible, this filial daughter actually ran out.

“Captain, why don’t you let me go and get Yamato back?”

Jack stood up and said.

Now that he’s gone, it’s up to him Drought Jack to get Yamato back!

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