“That contrarian really needs to be caught!”

Kaido can tolerate Yamato fooling around in the land of peace.

After all, it was under my own eyes.

He should just have a good time.

But now, Yamato had actually left the country of peace and was out of his control.

At this point, he Kaido couldn’t stand it!

“Jack, you go out and get Yamato this guy back for me!”

Kaido pondered for a moment, then ordered directly.

“Good captain!”

When Jack saw that Kaido agreed, he got up and led a boat of younger brothers on the way to capture Yamato.


It bears the logo of the Kaido Pirates.

The pirates avoided it.

“Boss Jack seems to have a golden ship in front of him?!”

“It’s the newly promoted Seven Martial Seas Thunder Fruit Ability Ainilu!”

“He’s actually in the New World?!”

Aniru occupies a small island.

But usually he wouldn’t go over there at all.

Instead, he likes to drive around in his own golden boat.

Because it can fly in the air, it is also very convenient.

Coupled with this eye-catching pure gold spaceship, it is naturally remembered by everyone.

“Who do you think Lao Tzu is, lean over to Lao Tzu!”

Jack’s eyes widened as he looked at the golden ship in front of him.

I had already heard how gorgeous this spaceship was.

Seeing it now, he felt that this kind of thing should belong to their pirate group.

Jack was going to snatch the pirate ship.

As for Yamato, he was ready to come back later.

Since he had encountered this golden ship, he Jack accepted it unceremoniously.

“Yes, Lord Jack!”

Everyone looked at each other, and they were not surprised by this decision.

It’s just a Seven Martial Seas.

Even with the Fruit of Thunder, it was absolutely impossible to be Jack’s opponent.

After all, isn’t that Doflamingo also the Seven Martial Seas?

Seeing them is not the same.

“Huh? There are small points approaching! ”

Aniru propped his head back and then took a bite of the apple.

His mind also heard Jack’s words.

Another pirate who covets a ship of gold.

Since the golden ship was driven here, many pirates have been fighting this idea every day.

This was true even after becoming the Seven Martial Seas.

“That’s… Drought Jack of the Hundred Beasts Pirates? ”

Bucky’s face changed immediately when he saw the comer.

Be obedient!

How this monster came.

That’s the man known as the Three Plagues.

“Do you know?”

“Have you been here for so long that you don’t know what’s going on here?” The four emperors in the pirate are the strongest now, even more powerful than the Seven Martial Seas, I don’t know how much, this person is the strongest fighting power under the four emperors! ”

Bucky hastened to explain.

This also aroused a hint of interest from Aniru.

Last time I had a fight with White Night.

He was fiercely educated once by White Night.

At first, I thought that my fruit was awakened and my domineering spirit was also cultivated into a great achievement, at least I could fight with White Night.

But in the end, I found that this seemed to be thinking too much.

Just now a belly fire.

The stupid big man in front of him was just able to give himself a try.

The strongest fighting power under the Four Emperors?

Looking at the approaching pirate ship, Aniru gently raised his hand to hit the golden throne, and then raised his hand, and a thunder fell from the sky.

God’s Verdict!

One hit down.

The opposing ship disintegrated in an instant.

“Captain Jack!”


A puff of black smoke spat out of Jack’s mouth.

Although the current hit him was not very harmful, it was extremely insulting.

“Give Lao Tzu down!”

The ship had been destroyed, and Jack roared in anger, and then with a single thrust of his feet, he rushed directly to the golden ship.

The judgment of God just now is nothing more than an itch.

However, if the Demon Fruit Ability person falls to the bottom of the sea, it will be dangerous.

Even if he is a fishman, he will lose the ability to fight.

“Stop him from coming up!”

Now at this speed, if he came up, it would not be easy to fight next.

The fruit of the animal system and his close combat that is not brain-clear?

Bucky’s panicked look was also a little speechless in Aniru’s eyes.

“Panic whatever, you can just wait here!”

As he spoke, Aniruhun was filled with lightning.

Then a lightning giant appeared in front of Bucky.

200 million volts Purple Thunder Thor!

Beyond the original Thor.

This was the more powerful force after his fruit awakened.

It can use the free ions in the sky to cause more powerful destructive forces.


A hint of surprise flashed in Jack’s eyes, but he did not panic, but directly transformed into a mammoth form and prepared to take this move.


There was a wave of energy in the sky.

Jack was instantly thrown to the bottom of the sea.

The huge shock wave directly punched the surrounding sea surface into a deep pit.

The current that was free on Jack’s body instantly evaporated the power of many of the surrounding underwater creatures.

“It’s that easy to win?”

Bucky’s eyes widened in disbelief as he watched the scene in front of him.

Jack was actually killed by Aniru’s move.

He rolled his eyes, and he saw that he was unconscious.

“Haha, this idiot is dead, and the Demon Fruit Ability person who falls into the sea will definitely not survive!”

Bucky couldn’t help but laugh when he saw Jack like this.

It was as if he had defeated Jack.

But fortunately, before the White Night arranged for himself to follow Aniru.

It’s also too safe!

“Hey, that’s it!”

Aniru returned to his position and continued to eat the apple.

He felt that this man’s strength was not worth mentioning at all.

The strongest fighting power under the Four Emperors?

Be obedient!

Was it so weak?

“Oh hehe, it seems to be big news!”


A bird creature is making a strange laugh.

After seeing Jack defeated.

He didn’t mention how surprised he was at the moment.

Big Morgan had been thinking about going to Big Mama’s tea party.

Now it seems….

I must find a place nearby to send this news out quickly and seize the opportunity!

With that in mind, he put the camera away and left.

He’s already thought of the title.

Next, he’s going to shock everyone’s jaws!

【Ding! Your follower Aniru defeats Jack the King of Boats and gets: Physical Fitness +1, Boatside Fruit Ability, 1,000 Behind-the-Scenes Points


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