
Arya was also surprised at this moment.

That dose.

It is estimated that a cow has fainted.

As a result, can you still eat in the white night?


Mother Arya’s eyes flickered, and then she went straight to the kitchen.

Since this dose is not enough, then prepare some more.

Prepare food for the white night.

This time, three times more psychedelic portions were added to it than before.

She didn’t believe that this time Bai could still resist.

“Get ready.”

An hour later.

Bring all the prepared snacks.

This time there are more than before.

She didn’t believe that the white night could still withstand it.

Only the next second, after seeing Bai Ye eat all of this in one bite, they were completely blinded.

Still not dizzy?

“You… Okay? ”

This guy is a freak, right?

“It’s okay, it’s almost overeat, but you have so many ecstasies in it, and it doesn’t taste very good, it’s the first time it’s delicious.”

Inside, Sayo and Iyass were already confused and about to wake up.

Because it’s just to make them lose the ability to resist.

Naturally, the dose added for the first time is not particularly large.

But the second time, because of the relationship between the white night, so a lot of it was added.

“What do you say?”

The family of three apparently did not expect that White Night would discover their secret.

If you know why you want to eat it?

“When you come to the imperial capital, there is a kind of nausea, and you are also the same, seducing the countrymen outside the imperial capital and then confusing them and then torturing and killing them, am I right?”

After the white night was finished, Sayo and Iyasa woke up slowly.

After listening to White Night’s words, both of them were a little confused.

What did he say?

“Oh, it seems you know!”

When the three people saw the white night, they directly punctured their deeds and simply did not hide them.

The expressions of the three people also changed from the original kindness to the abominable look in an instant.

Such a change also made Sayo and Ilyas somewhat unresponsive.

“This… What the hell is going on? ”

“Did Big Brother White Night have some misunderstanding?”

The two apparently haven’t figured out the situation yet.

“Didn’t you find that you were dazzled by the drug before, and the imperial capital is not as simple as you think, this is the place where a person eats people!”

Here, people who have no power, no power, and no strength are destined to be eaten.

Every day, countrymen with dreams come here.

But most of the endings won’t be too good.

“That’s right, why do you countrymen have such good hair and look so good?”

Arya’s twisted face, the strange Sayo didn’t know anymore.

Why is it so scary.

Then, Arya’s father clapped his hands, and the guards who had been hiding outside rushed in and surrounded the three of them.

And he changed his tone of regret and said, “It’s a pity, it seems that you can only use force!” ”

Saying that, a group of guards didn’t care so much, and directly rushed to the White Night and the others.


White Night raised his left hand slightly, and then squeezed it toward the air.

The entire living room disappeared except for White Night, Sayu, and Iyas, as if it had never appeared in this world.


“What about people?”

The two looked around in confusion and looked back and forth.

The others suddenly disappeared, and they were a little confused.

“Leave that alone, come with me.”

Take the two of you to that warehouse and let them complete the final transformation.

Push away the warehouses.

A foul smell almost didn’t make the two of them spit out.

But after seeing the scene inside, they couldn’t help but throw up anymore.

“That is to say, if it weren’t for Big Brother White Night, we might have died here?”

Sha You’s eyes widened as he looked at everything around him.

There was a chill in her heart.

The sunny girl’s family before was so perverted?

“Well, and you will definitely be tortured before you die, so the imperial capital is not as simple as you think, how can you have any ideas to purify the world with me?”

“Purify the world?!”

A trace of doubt flashed in Sha You’s eyes.

She instinctively wanted to back down.

Seeing such a scene, she wanted to run, but just after coming here, how could he be willing to run like this.

“Yes, the emperors are already decayed, and we reshape the world and create a peaceful world!”

Xiao Organization 3.0

I have to say that the word peace is getting smoother and smoother to use in the white night.

Anyway, let’s talk about peace theory with people first.

“Go back and you can go now, remember my words, leave directly and don’t come to the imperial capital, if you want to stay, if you want to be a messenger of peace, then follow me!”

Speaking, the white night will not speak.

He waited for the answer from the two men.

It’s okay to go.

Anyway, there are many people you can cooperate with after that.

Just feel that these two people have some potential, can be invited.

“Then I’ll go back…”

Iyeas was a little frightened in his heart.

He wanted to go back to the village.

“I can be the Big Brother of the White Night!”

“Sayo you?!”

Ilyas did not expect that Shayo would actually choose to stay.

“I want to change the world!”

Having seen such a scene, she had previously wanted to escape like Iyas, but now she wanted to change this filthy world with the white night.

If the world is sick.

She’s here to save the world!

“It’s okay, this kind of thing dies nine times, leaving is not a coward, because you don’t belong here, go back to the child.” 」

Since there was no courage, the white night did not leave Iyaas behind.

But Sha Yu made White Night feel quite surprised.

She was scared before.

The result is left in the next second.

“Big Brother White Night, Sha Yu I…”

“It’s all right, go back!”

Seeing him like this, the white night did not force him to stay.

Send him to the city gates.

Looked at Shayu and White Night.

Iyes gritted his teeth at last and decided to leave.

Seeing this picture, he admitted, that he was afraid.

“Nice boy, I thought you would be afraid.”

Among the imperial capitals.

Bai Ye raised his hand and touched Sha You’s hair to show encouragement.

Sha Yu blushed and closed her eyes and enjoyed it.

【Ding! Select Collaborator Success, Reward: 1,000 Black Hand Points, Imperial Weapon: Fire Seal. 】

Estes: “Strange, this Arya family was destroyed?” 】

After watching the plot, she also wanted to come back and modify the plot of her own world to get some points.

But she came back early.

As a result, Arya was destroyed?

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