Whitebeard: [It’s all messed up!] 】

Uchiha Ban: “It seems that I can’t watch the so-called plot anymore!” 】

It started from my own world.

Unexpectedly, even the world of Pirates and Esther has changed.

Qiu Zixi: “Good fellow, this has changed too completely.” 】

Esther: “The most annoying thing is that the points that used to belong to me are now gone.] 】

I originally thought of coming over and attacking first to destroy Arya’s family.

That way you have points for yourself.

What I didn’t expect was that I had already returned before the plot began, and I couldn’t stand people or die.

That’s the gassiest thing.

I didn’t even get the points back.

It is better not to come back early.

Uchiha Ban: “You can now kill the minister in advance, so that you don’t have points?” 】

I can’t figure it out.

Obviously, there is such a strong strength and allegiance to a weak chicken.

It’s like a ninja in their world.

Obviously, he has great power and as a result, he must be loyal to the daimyō.

Blue Dye: [It is not cost-effective, it is better to leave the minister to do something first, first slaughter the small fish and shrimp, these big fish must be left at the end and there is no use value in the killing.” 】

Blue dyeing is worthy of blue dyeing.

So well planned.

It is necessary to use up the last use value before it is lost.

Estes: “I agree with what Blue Dye said, maybe I can really wait a little longer, after all, I’m not in a hurry now, I’ll wait until tomorrow to catch Leonay lurking in the city.” 】

For night raids.

Estes is still thinking about how to deal with it.

But the minister, she was ready to kill her.

After all, these are points.

Points can make you stronger, and now in the face of so many strong people in the heavens, Estes naturally wants to become stronger, and will compete with them in the future.

Saitama: [Trouble, just lie flat like me.] 】

Qiu Zixi: “Alas, you are a full man, I don’t know that hungry men are hungry, if I have your strength, and I am getting stronger all the time, I will lie flat!” 】

Uchiha Ban: “Saitama’s ability is really enviable, if only I could turn on the body limiter.] 】

Qiu Zixi: “This can be smoked, you can enthusiastically buy scratch music!” 】

All the powers of the heavens can be drawn out in the scratching music.

If you want Saitama’s ability, you might as well buy Scratch Music.

Maybe it’s coming out?

Tony: [I lean on, if I turn on the body limiter, watch me punch a Thanos!] 】

Yakumo Purple: [Even if you open it… Fighting Thanos should still be more difficult…].

Tony’s Marvel universe is arguably the strongest world at the moment.

The various dimensional worlds and parallel worlds and various settings are simply incomprehensible.

Tony: [You should be able to try it in normal conditions, but you can’t hit it after you have a gem….].

The body limiter is not prescribed unless he is born.

It’s been getting stronger all the time, and maybe there’s a real chance.

After all, Saitama’s only been able to defeat the cosmic overlord Poros in a few years.

Saitama: [I’m not really interested in fighting, I just want to be a hero with an interest.] 】

He actually sneaked in it a lot after joining the chat skirt to watch them chat.

It’s also a bit of fun to add to your own boring world.

Saitama’s daily life was boring.

Tony: [I was crying!] 】

He also wants to be a hero of interest.

But strength does not allow ah!

To say not to envy this is all false.

Akiko-xi: “Me too!” 】

Tony: [By the way, I learned a little bit about the plot progression, and although the plot hasn’t started yet, I feel like everything in my world is normal!” 】

Whitebeard: “Who isn’t?” My world was normal before, but suddenly it wasn’t normal! 】

Uchiha Ban: “Oh, are you more outrageous than my world?” Nagato this cripple is not only good legs, but also can use the night kai to kick Tunzang to ashes, I feel that if I am resurrected and do not become six spots, I will definitely die under this foot! 】

Be obedient!

Your own world is simply not too scary.

Now Uchiha doesn’t even have the confidence to compare with Nagato.

Man can open eight doors and not die.

He couldn’t stand it!

Esther: [Hey, the plot is broken, I can still get points when I say that, right?] 】

She’s a fighting maniac.

If it was a battle, it would be fine, but if there was a question about changing the plot to get points, she felt that she was really difficult to do.

Qiu Zixi: “Okay, we haven’t happened yet, but after your incident is over, as long as you do anything to change it?” 】

In fact, the plot is already a mess.

Maybe Esther would change it at will.

Estes: “Okay, I’ll go and get Leony tomorrow.] 】

She probably understood.

Now I also know where Leonai is.

Wait until tomorrow to go and arrest people.

The other end.

White Night shares the Seal of Fire with Sayo.

[Fire Seal]: The Flame Emperor Tool, the user will have the ability to control the flame, and the flame can evolve, and the evolution direction will be determined by the user (can be shared with Shayu, can also be withdrawn).

The ability of fire.

After Sha Yu got this engraving, there was also an extra mark on his neck.

A trace of surprise flashed in her eyes.

A flame appeared in her hand, and she immediately looked at the white night, and the puzzled look seemed to be confirming the white night.

Why did he suddenly use flames?

“This is for you to use, and you will become stronger in the future, and the responsibility for achieving world peace will depend on you!”

“Mm-hmm, Big Brother White Night, I certainly won’t betray your trust!”

Sha Yu said hurriedly.


Then, it’s time to find the night raiders.

Speaking of Esthers, it is actually a good partner.

It’s a pity.

But let’s fool them in a peaceful way first.

“Let’s go, go to the tavern and have some drinks.”

In perception, Leonai’s position was already perceived.

In another place, a woman wearing a white military hat and long sky blue hair appeared in the mind of the white night.


She actually came back.

“Big Brother White Night, what’s wrong with you?”

Sha Yu turned around strangely and looked at the white night that had suddenly stopped.

Didn’t you say you were going to the tavern for a drink?

Are you not ready to go?

“Wait a minute….”

White Night hesitated.

At this time, there are two choices in front of you.

One is Night Raid and the other is Esther.

Just as Bai Ye hesitated, he looked at Sha You, sighed in his heart, and said, “It’s all right, let’s go.” ”

He had just finished talking to Sha Yu about creating a peaceful world.

Finding Esther now may not be a good option.

But then consider reaching out to each other privately.

“Big Brother White Night, it’s noisy here.”

Sha Yu followed Bai Ye, and the tavern was slightly noisy, and there was no so-called tavern in the small village where Sha Yu was before.

She had heard of it, but it was also the first time she had come.


But the white night was in the words she endured. It’s okay to be patient.

In the tavern, all kinds of foul language, she carefully followed the white night.

After seeing Sha You, many big men were also attracted to her.

Today there were two prey in the tavern.

A Leonay, in good shape.

The other is Sha Yu who follows the white night.

This style of the little girl next door has really attracted the attention of many people.

“Dude here are two bottles of rum.”


Sitting directly next to Leonay, Leonay on the side only looked at the white night and withdrew his gaze.

At the same time, there was some disdain in her heart.

Another accomplice?

Drinking here, one night Leonay didn’t know how much to refuse.

And there were a few who didn’t open their eyes and were beaten out by themselves.

“Hey hey, I’m actually sitting next to that tigress, I’ll be better off later!”

“Speaking of this tigress, she hasn’t even been drunk, she has already drunk a lot, and I’m still waiting for her to get drunk and take her away.”

“What about taking it away?” Isn’t it okay in the back alley? ”

A few big men were talking in the corner.

The tavern is a mixture of fish and dragons.

After all, isn’t their purpose in coming here to relax?

If they let such a good girl go, wouldn’t they regret it?

“Hey hey, that little girl is not bad, we’ll kill that little white face later!”

Several people whispered, not realizing that their conversation had already been heard by the white night.

Leonay on the side naturally heard it too.

She was already used to these dirty words.

To put it a little too far, she would have done it.

Turning around and looking at Sha Yu and White Night.

That weak girl, she also had some pity in her heart for this.

The girl looked like she was from the countryside.

The imperial capital was not something that their group could stay.

“The little devil should take your little girlfriend and go quickly, otherwise he won’t be able to leave later…”

As she spoke, she looked around and suddenly realized that these two people probably couldn’t walk.

She sighed and continued, “You’re going to pay for me today!” ”

Just take it as the price of her shot!

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