Chapter 1002 is worthy of you Draco dogs?!!

“Klokdal actually defeated Marko, it seems that the dark world is really going to change…”

Big Morgan said in shock.

I didn’t expect that I would get such a careful.

This is another news that detonated the sea.

After Klokdal came to the new world and took root in the dark world, in fact, many people were quite disdainful at first.

After all, a Nanabukai who was captured by the navy.

That’s nothing to worry about.

It’s just that after defeating Marco this time, it is estimated that it will shock the jaws of countless people.

There is news about Klokdal beating Marko.

Processed by Imorgans.

Directly spread all over the sea.

“Klokdal this guy is famous, no, I also want to do something!”

Anilu grabbed an apple and nibbled it directly.

Looking at the news in the newspapers, there was something about Klokdal defeating Marko.

The above details that Klokdal’s fruit ability has awakened, and at the same time, he is domineering with three colors.

“The limelight has let him out, or I will fight the four emperors?”

Listening to Ainilu’s words, Bucky couldn’t help but have a trace of cold sweat on his face.

Did he hear you right?

This goods is actually going to fight a Four Emperors? Boy!

It’s not pure pulling.

Last time that drought Jack was killed by him.

As a result, self-confidence began to swell rapidly at this time?

“I think it’s better to forget it……… We are now Seven Martial Seas, I think we can calm down…”

Bucky wiped the cold sweat on his face, and then quickly admonished.

I can’t let Anilu have this idea.

He can really do it.

“No, I have to do something, I can’t let the limelight be stolen by Klokdal!”

Anilu didn’t want the whole sea to be the wind of his Klokdal.

Can’t you do it yourself?

“And the rats who are hiding haven’t come out yet~~?”

Anilu said, throwing the apple over.

Next second.

Several people wearing white masks and dressed in white appeared in front of Anilu.

“It turned out to be the dog of the Draco people!”

Anilu said without the slightest concern.

From the beginning he knew who it was.

But for this group of people, he will not give any good face.

A group of people with decent strength would actually protect a group of pigs.

He really looked down on him.

Although the three CP0s are very angry, they are also facing Anilu at the moment, and naturally they will not say anything.

“The Five Old Stars have a secret mission for you.”

“Not going.”

Ainilu refused without thinking.

Are you kidding.

Do you have to go if you have a secret mission for yourself? He’s not cheap labor.

“Didn’t you say before that you can’t be robbed of the limelight by Klokdal, as long as you complete this matter, I believe your limelight will directly overshadow Klokdal!”

CP0 also has no nonsense at the moment.

It can also be seen from the field of Ainilu’s words before.

It seems that he is the kind of person who cares more about fame and fortune.

In that case, CP0 is of course going to take this.


Ainilu’s eyes flashed with interest.

If that’s the case, you can listen to it.

“The five old stars mean that they want you to help capture Fire Fist Ace, of course, you don’t need to make a move, you just need to watch from the side, and when we succeed, you can just use the spaceship to take me Yang away, then we will put all the credit for capturing Fire Fist Ace on you, how?”

The idea of CP0 is simple.

The credit for capturing Fire Fist Ace was of no use to them at all.

If Anilu wants to make a group, he can give it to him.

Isn’t it to make a name for yourself? That’s always okay!

Moreover, he does not need to shoot at all.

“Catch……… Fire Fist Ace!? ”

Bucky was confused.

He heard you right.

This is the white-bearded man who provokes the most powerful man in the world!

“Okay, done!”

Anilu’s eyes lit up.

This kind of situation of Tayana, he can accept it.

Anyway, he doesn’t need to make a move.


Seeing that he promised, CP0 did not talk nonsense, directly gave him a phone worm and left.

Their task has been accomplished.

“Are you really going to do something to Whitebeard?”

Bucky was still scared at the moment.

If you really do something to Bai Huyu, it is really………

“Are you afraid?”

“Who do you think Uncle Bucky is, I will be afraid?”

Even if you are scared, your feet are constantly swinging.

But Bucky still has to pretend not to be afraid.

“The task is done, but the man is so arrogant.”

“Just finish, we’ll deal with that guy later.”

A secret room.

CP0 is reporting to the five old stars what happened before.

They were very unhappy with Anilu’s attitude.

But you can’t do it at this time.

“Okay, Stussy, you continue with your previous mission, and the rest will be arranged in the circle.”


After speaking, the five old stars hung up the phone directly.

After the circle, the five people also discussed.

“Let whom? The people of the Navy definitely cannot pass. ”


“No, the revolutionary army needs people over there.”

This side definitely cannot let the people of the Army pass.

Otherwise, who would guard the revolutionary army?

“Or let them?”

“It works…”

Only those people can be used.

After all, there is only one chance to go to the new world to catch people.

If it fails this time.

Then next time Whitebeard will definitely be vigilant.

That’s not what they want to see either.

Catch Ace, then next, you can guide the violent world to purge again.

“Furofur, this guy Klokdal is really surprising, hurry up and find him, just say I want to find him to cooperate!”

“Momomo, sand imp…”

“Hehe, it’s just to defeat a captain of the first team, and find Yinhe for Lao Tzu!”

For a moment.

The sea was also completely rioted by the news that Klokdal had defeated Marko.

And at the moment the white beard is in the pirate group.

Looking forward to Marko, who had returned from serious injury, they were also in deep thought at this moment.

I didn’t expect that Marco would be defeated by Klokdal.

“Dad, I’m really sorry, I disgraced you.”

Marco also looked a little uncomfortable at the moment.

He did not expect that the past full of confidence ended up being killed by someone twice.

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