Chapter 103 Withdraw your skirt and go to the mastermind behind the scenes? Listen to this is human language?!!

“It’s okay, this time I miscalculated Klokdal.”

A trace of solemnity flashed on Whitebeard’s face.

I didn’t expect at all that Klokdal was already so strong.

“Daddy, I…”

Marco was moved in his heart, and in his opinion, this must be Whitebeard comforting himself.

After all, this record is simply unjustifiable.

He couldn’t stand it himself.

Defeated by Clokdallius.

“Now he is different from him before, it was indeed my problem before, I didn’t think things through, Marko, you don’t have any self-blame, it’s good if people come back.”

For this.

Whitebeard is not wrong.

It was indeed because of his misjudgment before.

That’s why these things happen.

In his opinion, he obviously knew that the other party had contacted the black hand behind the hoarding, but he still carelessly let Marco go alone.

At the beginning, if I had asked Ace to go with her, maybe the result would not have been like this.

“Speaking of which, that guy not only awakened the fruit, but also even had the domineering power of the three colors, how was he defeated by Brother Ace before?”

It’s weird.

If it is according to what they say.

How could Ace’s brother be able to defeat Klokdal?

Everyone looked at Ace, and even Ace was a little confused.

“Don’t think about it, Marco just go and take a break first.”

Whitebeard waved his hand, signaling that there was no need for them to continue to delve into this matter, others did not know, but Whitebeard was very clear.

The root cause is still because of the person behind the scenes.

calmed the crowd.

Whitebeard came into the chat skirt.

Bai Hutian: [Marco failed, originally wanted him to bring Klokdal back, but did not expect to be defeated in the end, and it was a fiasco.] 】

There were all kinds of bragging before.

Saying that you are trapped will definitely be able to take down the information of the person behind the scenes.

As a result, I did not expect that the person who sent it was directly killed in seconds.

Although according to Marko, it was mainly because he was too careless before.

Because he knew that the other party was defeated by a pirate who had not even come to the new world.

At first, Marco thought it would be easy to take Klock

Dahl brought it over.

But what he didn’t expect was that Klokdal’s strength was actually so strong!

Qiu Zixi: [Speaking of which, Klokdal is already so strong, even Marco can defeat it?] 】

Just kidding.

This is the strongest royal deputy.

Klokdal could beat Marko was something she hadn’t expected.

Uchiha: [Just kidding, you let Marco be defeated by Klokdal in the past, is there still that Anilu?] 】

If only Ainilu and Klokdal had joined forces.

Maybe you can still beat Marko.

Whitebeard: [No, there is only Klokdal, I am very puzzled now, this Klokdal has actually awakened the overlord color domineering, the three-color domineering is skillfully used, and the physical skills are also powerful, and even the devil fruit has awakened! ] 】

That alone makes Whitebeard weird.

That’s too fast.

Uchiha Baba [Forget that Nagato can hurt Yokai, right?] 】

In his opinion, there is nothing to wonder about at all.

Even if Klokdal is outrageous, isn’t Nagato outrageous? This is directly used without hurt Yekai.

It made Uchiha a little doubtful about life.

He even suspected that if he was not sure, he might be taken away by Nagato.

Whitebeard: [What you said seems to be true………]

Whitebeard really almost forgot about it before.

If you think about it this way, it seems understandable.

Yakumo Zi [No, how did they become stronger? ] 】

There should always be a process of getting stronger.

It can’t be that it just becomes stronger out of nowhere.

This doesn’t look like it in any way.

Uchiha Ban: [Speaking of which, the group was really ignored before, and directly gave people a harmless night kai, which is completely against the laws of this world. ] 】

Although they also violate this law.

But I am not wrong to say this.

Indigo dye [Maybe there is some lottery like us?] 】

Qiu Zixi: [Then I won’t be directly replaced…]

Suffered! She became a stand-in.

People just give scratch bands something like that.

She felt like she was useless.

I still have to spend points to buy it, but others are different.

Thinking about it, there are also some depressions in my heart.

Leng Bing: [Special, it turns out that this is not the only one! ] 】

Yakumo Zi: [Then what, is it too late for me to withdraw my skirt now and go to find the man behind the scenes?] 】

Obedient! This is not a proper benefit.

Following this pit daddy skirt owner, he still has to spend points to become stronger.

But following the man behind the scenes is different.

You don’t need to do anything, and then somehow you can get stronger.

It’s like Nagato, giving a harmless eight doors to Dun Jia.

Then Klokdal directly gave the tricolor domineering and fruit ability to awaken.

Then in this kind of case, wouldn’t you follow the other party and mix with each other, then you also took off?

Tony: [How can you do this to the skirt owner, you can rest assured that the skirt owner I have feelings for this chat dress, I Tony will never do this thing! ] 】

Looking at Tony’s words, Qiu Zixi was about to cry at this moment.

I didn’t expect Tony to say something at this time.

It’s just that before he waited for happiness, Qiu Zixi almost vomited.

Tony: [The skirt owner is the person I respect the most, let me withdraw the skirt…] Gotta add money! 】

Uchiha: [Retreated, I went to Nagato to ask for the contact information of the person behind the scenes, and today I will go to the rescue!] 】

Whitebeard [Gollum-la, it seems good to think about it! ] 】

Esdes: [Skirt withdrawal?] 】

Saitama: [The plastic chat skirt group disbanded?] 】

Gilgamesh: [Miscellaneous! If you don’t preach righteousness, this king is ashamed to be with you! 】

Sesshomaru: […………]

Uncle Nine: […………]

[It’s really pitiful to look at the skirt owner like this.] 】

Foyego: [Can he resurrect Isurd?] 】

Shiho Miyano [Just didn’t come, and then this dress is going to be dissolved?] 】

Big Snake: [Barbie Q. 】

Yakumo Zi: [Ahem, just kidding, how could I go to the mastermind behind the scenes!] 】

Aki Zixi【(ΩДΩ)】

Almost scared her to death!

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