Chapter 114: Su Xiaoxiao!!

Knock knock!


Inside the door, a beautiful and magnetic voice sounded.

“Su Xiaoxiu?”

Bai Ye felt that he should not be looking for the wrong place.

After coming to Earth, he invaded the network here.

Naturally, he quickly found the first person he was looking for.

Inside the door.

Everything quieted down, and Su Xiaoxiu, who was originally broadcasting live, also turned off the direct ~ broadcast.

Then carefully got up, came to the door and looked, looked through the cat’s eye, and the people outside, she didn’t seem to know.

“You’re looking for the wrong person.”

In order to avoid trouble, Su Xiaoxian simply did not admit it.

One is not ordered for takeaway, and the other is not online shopping.

If you can find yourself during this time period, you won’t be a fan on the Internet, right? But she never revealed her name, nor did she say her address.

“Yes, does Su Xiaoxian want to change the problem on your current body? I’ll wait here for another five seconds, and if I don’t want to, I’ll leave on my own in five seconds. ”

His ultimate goal here is Kesha and Crane Creek.

As for the rest, it’s all made up.

White Night is not very eager.

It’s a big deal that Su Xiaoxiao is not on the road, and he has other candidates who are not.

Five seconds.

Just as Bai Ye was about to turn around and leave, the door behind him was also opened.

Su Xiaoxian leaned out half of his body, ready to close the door at any time, looked at Bai Ye, and said, “What do you say is the problem on me?” ”

In order not to make the other party an avid fan.

She was ready to close the door and call the police.

“Ordinary people can’t look at it, otherwise it will release an inextricably charming ray, your family has been a prostitute junior for generations, passing on women to men, they can’t give birth to boys at all.”

Su Xiaoxiu still does not belong to the human beings under the Shenhe civilization system in the end.

Thinking is always different from normal human beings.

Therefore, she cannot enjoy the true love of humans, and even she does not know that her feelings are not at the same frequency as humans.

Su Xiaotanuki is a descendant of genetically enhanced veelable goblins, which are only charismatic beyond mortals, and also have some throwing magic.

Open the door.

Su Xiaoxiu also believed the man in front of him a little at this moment.

Because he was not wrong.

“You investigate me?”

But if she hadn’t investigated herself, how could she have known so clearly?

And how did he investigate this kind of thing.

It’s been a long time since I was sleepy, and a long time ago, my family’s affairs would be known except for my own family, but in fact, I would rarely know.

But this man can speak directly.

“So, did you decide to change all this, or to live the way you live safely?”

Bai Ye looked at Su Xiaoxian with a smile.

In his opinion, as long as Su Xiaotani appears, it basically means that Su Xiaotani has accepted his own statement.

“Hehe, things in my family have always been handed down, and they can’t be changed at all!”

For Su Xiaoxiu, this is fate.

After she learned from her mother about her family’s experience through the ages, she was somewhat disappointed.

Plus over the years, she has also seen what is called human warmth.

Before, she thought about going out to work, but when she thought of her colleagues and the disgusting gazes of her boss.

Even the boss actually thought of taking her to drink and talk about things, how could she not know what the other party was thinking.

After flatly refusing, he was threatened by the other party.

Even after resigning, he completely settled after changing his residence.

So, Su Xiaoxiao became the anchor.

At least usually, contact with people is not required.

When I need to go out, I will dress up and go out again.

“Who said that you can’t change, the key depends on whether you want to change or not, by the way, standing here chatting weirdly, don’t let me go in and sit down?”

“I’ll say yes first, if you do something messy, I will definitely call the police!”

With that, she waved the mobile phone in her hand and put it in front of Bai Ye’s eyes to look at it.

There is only one dial left.

This kind of emergency alarm, basically as long as it is an alarm, then it must be shared with the location.


The little girl is quite vigilant.

Bai Ye didn’t say much, thinking of what happened to Su Xiaoxiu, it seems to be normal…

There’s no way to trust people.

Thinking of this, Bai Ye didn’t have much to do, and followed Su Xiaoxi into the living room.

Su Xiaoxian looked at Bai Ye seriously and asked, “Do you really push a way to solve our family’s fate?” ”

For Su Xiaoxiu, she has long been tired of this kind of life.

She didn’t love the country, she didn’t love her ancestors, she didn’t love her family, it was them, who gave her all this, waiting for nothing.

What she has always wanted is a real man from Wei’an.

A person who can accompany themselves for a lifetime.

“It’s not that I can help you solve it, whether I can solve the problem, in fact, it’s not me, but you are trapping yourself.”

“In me?”

A trace of strangeness flashed in Su Xiaoxiao’s eyes, and some did not understand why Bai Ye would say that the key to solving this lies in himself, not on Bai Ye.

“That’s right, it’s in you, you can change if you want to change, and you still want to change, then you can’t change.”

“This is the fate of our family, just like the lewd eyes of those men looking at me, it can’t be changed at all!”

Su Xiaoxiao knows very well how strong his charm is.

How many men can’t take their eyes off when they see themselves.

Therefore, she is powerless to change the current situation.

“But am I not an exception? At least I didn’t look at you like that, not to mention……… Isn’t that what makes you fascinated? What you are distressed about is not your charm, but that you have no strength to protect your beauty, and if you want to find a stronger and more great man, you must also be powerful, right? ”

White Night feels like I’ve been through several worlds since then.

The more he said chicken soup, the more he did.

However, he was not wrong, Su Xiaoxiao did not care about his beauty.

How many girls don’t like to look good?

What she really cares about is that she has beauty, but she can’t protect her beauty.

Looking at the clear eyes of the white night, Su Xiaoxiao’s heart was a little shaken.

Since she was a child, she has had the ability to see through people’s hearts.

This has also saved her many times.

And the man in front of him is right, he really has no evil thoughts.

What is she going to do? Spoon!

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