Chapter 115: Su Xiaoxiu joins the gang and fools Qi Lin’s plan!!

The choice was placed in front of Su Xiaoxiu.

She was also a little hesitant.

For now, she actually wants to change.

But now this situation does not seem to be something that can be changed by one’s own thoughts.

“Like you said, I do want to change, but I want someone to protect me than to get a strong force!”

What she was looking for was the kind of big man who was great and could stand up to the sky.

Let her hide behind her back, who can shield her from the wind and rain.

“Guofang, cooperate with me, I can find you one, how about it?”

Su Xiaoxian was silent

She was wondering about the reliability of White Night’s words.

“Are you an official?”

“It’s not.”

“So you’re rich?”


“How do you find it for me?”

There are only two kinds of people in this world, those who have money and power, and the other is ordinary people.

I want to find someone who can protect you.

That must be to secure money and power.

Otherwise, how can ordinary people protect themselves?

“This world is not as simple as you think, strength means everything.”

“Like a country?”

Of course she was clear.

But for Su Xiaoxiu, she was more concerned about the strength of what Bai Ye said.

“That thing in the sky is sleepy, your world is about to be chaotic, so the strength is better than the two things you said, and I happen to be able to give you strength!”

White Night’s words made her fall into deep thought.

Can you become stronger with the circle of white night?

Su Xiaoxian lowered his head in thought, and a brilliant light flashed in his eyes.

Then, as if thinking of something, he looked up at the white night and used the ability to seduce

She didn’t wait for the scene she imagined.

“Strange is useless.”

Su Xiaoxian was surprised in his heart.

Unexpectedly, my trick actually had no effect at all.

“Of course there is no surrounding, show you what real power is!”

Speaking, Bai Ye raised his hand to directly control the space, threw Su Xiaoxiao into another space, and then transferred for a while, and came to outer space.

Immediately after, alien planets and so on.

Su Xiaoxian felt that he had never been so speechless in his life.

In a minute, she was on dozens of planets.

There are demon planets, there are also planets with angels, or other monsters.

Although the stay time was relatively short, it also refreshed Su Xiaoxiao’s cognition.

“Are you really not human?”

“I’m human, but I’m just more powerful, how do you think about it?”

“I’ll follow you!”


This sleepy man is a great man.

Follow him, then there will definitely be no problem in running when the time comes.

White Night was silent.

Seeing this, Su Xiaoxian also hurriedly approached Bai Ye and asked: “Sister, you don’t lose money on your face and figure, and I haven’t been in love yet, how do you want to consider it?” But if you want to be good, if you get me and abandon me, I curse you not to die well for the rest of your life. ”


How can this curse Tian.

A black line flashed in Bai Ye’s eyes.

He hasn’t even said anything about his decision.

The little fox of the people Su thought all about it?

Knock knock!

Before Bai Ye could say anything, the sound of the door outside the door sounded, and then a beautiful figure ran in with a pistol and said, “Who is it!” Who called the police? ”


A question mark flashed in Bai Ye’s heart.

Then, as if she had found a target, Qi Lin pointed her gun directly at Bai Ye.

That’s right!

Lonely man and widow.

And there is also a big beauty picture over there.

It must be burglary, and then look good at people and want to do something.

“Don’t be afraid of the girl, with me here, this guy will definitely not be able to move you, and those who know each other will surrender early!”

Qi Lin circles preconceived ideas.

White Night feels like no one is left.

“You also called the police?”

Bai Ye turned his head to look at Su Xiaoxian and asked.

“Maybe I just fell over… A trace of embarrassment flashed on Su Xiaoxiao’s face. ”

She had put her finger on it and was ready to call the police at any time.

It may be caused by the transfer of the previous white night.

At first, she was taken aback before she was transferred, and then estimated that she called the police before being transferred.

“You two know each other?”

Qi Lin seemed to sense something unusual from the conversation between the two.

If these two people know each other, then they are still reporting false police? That’s not to be recaptured!

No way!

I finally got over my addiction, how could I end it so hastily.

“Sorry, then I just wanted to fall over, that’s why.”

“Not true! You must have been coerced by him, right? ”

Is there something wrong!

Su Xiaoxian looked at Qi Lin’s eyes and immediately became sleepy.

Explained it all myself.

As a result, she thought she was coerced.

Where did you see that she had traces of coercion?

“If both are solid, I won’t bother to look for them.”

Bai Ye thought, since this side is all here, there is no need to look for it, and he sent it to the door.

But after hearing Bai Ye’s words, Qi Lin and Su Xiaoxiu both regretted it.

“You actually want to!?”

I said. Do you want to become a superhero? ”

Bai Ye turned his head to look at Qi Lin, and did not pay attention to the eyes of the two.

His goal is to dig more corners of the Ultra Theological Academy.

As for Kesha and Hexi, they are all set inside.

If you have one more circle, you will earn one.


“That’s right, it’s to become a hero that everyone admires, if you want to be a hero, I can help you!”

“It’s the same as Su Xiaoxiao.”

Qi Lin prefers to stand under the light and enjoy the admiration of thousands of people.

Therefore, her recruitment method is also different from Su Xiaoxiu’s.

“May I?”

Of course Qi Lin wanted to.

Wait a minute!

What the hell is she fantasizing?

Is this guy going to let his guard down and then take the opportunity to coerce himself.

“Of course, I think you have a lot of potential.”

“Hehe, thanks for the compliment.”

Qi Lin touched the back of her head, and then circled: “If I can, I want to be a superhero too!” ”

“Okay, then… If you want galaxy tours… Where do you want to go? ”

Qi Lin is sleepy and fooled, first take her to see the power, then she will also be the same as Su Xiaoxiu, and finally choose to join.

After all, there is no basis for their own words, and it may be better to really let them see and see.

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