Chapter 116 Isn’t it a pity that Rena was knocked unconscious, wouldn’t it be a pity not to do something?!!

“I’ll say okay first, I’m not going!”

Su Xiaoxian hurriedly said.

I’ve seen other galaxies before.

And it was a very unpleasant feeling.

Before she could react, the spatial transfer was directly transferred away again.

Then, an encounter like Su Xiaoxian appeared on Qi Lin.

While shocked, she couldn’t help but turn her head to look at Bai Ye and asked, “Can I really do this?” ”

She felt like her worldview was about to be refreshed.

I didn’t expect that there would be such a powerful force in this world.

“Of course, just work hard.”

If you have this power………

Bai Ye felt that this was probably not something that could be done with hard work.

“Okay, I agree, but I won’t do anything illegal.”

Qi Lin, who has a strong sense of justice, will never allow herself to do those illegal things.

This is the premise.

“No problem, I won’t interfere with what you do.”

He only cares about the layout, and then as long as the general direction does not get out of his control, basically Bai Ye will not care what they do.

And as long as the contract is signed.

What is it after that you don’t say anything?

“Okay, then you let me become stronger first.”


Bai Ye saw Qi Lin spread her hands, and then this look, she was also a little helpless in her heart.

If only it were that simple to become stronger.

To be strong is to prepare everything.

“Sign a contract first, otherwise what if you use my power to beat me?”


Qi Lin hesitated.

But Su Xiaoxiu on the side would not hesitate, so he hurriedly said: “I sign!” ”

“I sign too!”

Qi Lin gritted her teeth and continued.

She felt like a contract.

Sign it.

But when the blue bird mark appeared on her, she realized that it was not what she thought at all.

“Okay, the contract is signed, I’ll leave first if it’s okay, and I’ll find you guys later.”

With that, the white night disappeared.

Leaving behind Ki Lin, who was still messy in the wind.

I seem to have signed a deed of sale for no reason.

Then, Bai Ye found Rui Mengmeng, who was working part-time.

This simple, kind, hard work but can’t read well, for her younger siblings to go to school, conscientiously to make her parents proud and happy but boring, part-time work and bullied girl.

Inviting her to join was much simpler than the previous two.

The people on Earth thought about it for a while, and felt that except for these few, most of them should have joined the Guochao Theological Seminary.

Then it is to pull over Rena, who has not yet joined the Ultra Theological Academy.

White Night feels like that’s about it.

Blazing Sun Star.

At this moment, Rena has already accepted the invitation of the Ultra Theological Academy, and after a while, she will leave for there.

It just so happened that Rena also wanted to leave quickly.

After all, this side has to listen to Pan every day. Shock’s nagging, it’s not too cool to be able to leave here.

In the middle of the palace.

Rena was still happy to be able to leave the Blazing Sun Star soon.

But in the next second, the person who suddenly appeared in front of her almost didn’t startle her.

“Who are you?!”

Speaking, she gathered a golden light in her hand, and didn’t care what Bai Ye said, and directly gave Bai Ye a shot.

This kind of sudden intrusion.

She didn’t dare to be careless.

The golden light was engulfed, and Rena looked at the white night with some surprise.

This trick of my own is actually useless?

Even Pan. Zhenna usually doesn’t dare to take this trick hard.

“Who are you?”

Rena said in a deep voice.

Tongming, her second attack was also ready.

“Can’t you just sit down and have a good talk?”


Rena paused, but she didn’t dare to relax her vigilance against the white night.

“How about joining my organization?”

“Inexplicably, give the old lady a roll!”

With that, Rena’s second attack came over.

For her, in her own dormitory, she would not allow anyone to enter without her permission.

“There’s really no way.”

Although knowing that Rena is a prick.

But I didn’t expect that if I didn’t agree, I would make a move.

But for a woman of Rena’s personality, Bai Ye is still very clear.

If you don’t subdue the other party, you will basically never join.

“If you want to fight, let’s fight in another place.”

Before Rena could react, the two were teleported to a deserted planet.

Looking at the changes in the surrounding environment, Rena couldn’t help but flash a trace of surprise in her heart.

This is a shtu operation.

The other party can actually transfer her directly.

But there was no time to think about it.

White Night’s attack came.

Caught off guard, Rena was directly knocked out.


Don’t talk about martial arts, engage in sneak attacks, come to deceive!

“You can let go of your hands and feet here.”

“Hehe, I won’t keep my hands!”

A sneer flashed across Rena’s face.

She won’t keep a hand.

After three strokes, Rena suddenly felt that something was wrong.

Himself was completely hanged.

No matter what tricks are surrounded, the other party can easily crack them.

And the other party beats himself just to punch.

It was obviously a very ordinary punch, but she couldn’t dodge it at all.


“Could it be that the circle uses a trick?!”

No way!

That move will blow up everything around.

Rena’s strongest power is to continuously drive the star’s flare activity, accelerating the star’s extinction and eventually evolving into a supernova explosion.

And the ultimate meaning of the Sunlight Project is not destruction, but rebirth.

Light up the light of darkness, and if civilization eventually comes to an end, let Rena incarnate the sun and reshape the world.

She basically used all the tricks she could use, but in the face of the white night, she had no way at all.

“It’s over!”

A hand knife fell on Rena’s neck in the white night, and before she could react, Rena fainted.

Looking at Rena who had fainted, Bai Ye touched his chin, and his heart was churning, and he always felt that the other party had fainted.

If you don’t do something yourself.

There are some sorrys.

Once, he saw that in the Journey to the West, Sun Wukong gave the seven fairies to live, and the result was just to steal peaches to eat, which simply made him feel wasted.

This monkey may only have peaches in his head, but White Night is not like this! Thinking this, Bai Ye directly raised his hand, and then imprinted a blue bird mark on Rena’s arm!

He is satisfied with this!

Taking advantage of the other party’s coma and engrave a mark on the other party, he is so smart!

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