Chapter 118: Hexi Kesha chooses one of the two? I want it all!!

“He’s coming!?”

Yan and Blazing Xin looked at each other, but what they didn’t expect was that Bai Ye actually came over.

Now there is a good show to watch.

“You two go out first.”

Keisha glanced at Hiko and Blazing Heart around her.

The next words are not for these little girls.

“Queen Kesha, we want to keep you safe!”

“That’s right!”

The two little girls still had their own thoughts in their hearts.

Of course, they knew that Kesha didn’t need their protection at this time.

But what.

There is a choice in front of you.

Stay here and eat melons in the name of protection.

Or just follow Kesha’s words, and they just go.

That fool knows what to choose.

“No, it’s safe here.”


The two looked at each other, and there was more or less helplessness in their hearts.

Listening to Kesha, it’s not obvious.

I just don’t want them to watch it here.

Fortunately once, if you want Kesha to remind, it is somewhat excessive.

The two left directly with some helplessness.

“I said what are you two doing so seriously.”

Bai Ye looked at the two of them a little helplessly.

It’s not about the past.

How to drive all the people away.

Later, I will go out and give Hiko back to the contract by the way.

Anyway, I have more places now.

“Reminiscence? I thought you were dead for all these years. ”

The personalities of the two are really as bad.

Bai Ye Eye Tian flashed a trace of helplessness.

When he went to get Kesha to see himself, he was also the same as Hexi.

“In that case, I think it’s better for you two to talk by yourselves.”

“Don’t, wait a minute.”

Hexi’s heart tightened, and at the same time, there was some sorrow in his heart.

Obviously, I want the other party to tease myself as before.

That way she wouldn’t take it to heart.

But Bai Ye didn’t have the slightest thought.

It also made her face a little uncomfortable.

But seeing Bai Ye leaving, of course, she couldn’t accept it in her heart.

“Okay, I have something I want to talk to you about, speaking of Hexi, you give me a coordinate, how about I go to find you?”

After he contracted Kesha, he went to talk to Hexi.

There is nothing wrong with these two.

Plus Qi Lin, Su Xiaoxiu, Rui Mengmeng, and Rena of the previous contract.

White Night is ready to pact a total of eight people in this world.

“No problem, I’ll give it to you now.”

With that, Hexi gave Kesha a defiant look, her idea was simple, she won.

Kesha took the initiative to find White Night, but White Night took the initiative to find herself.

In Hexi’s view, Mian Ji has certainly won.

Kesha on the side puffed out her face, even she didn’t notice it, she was jealous.

It’s just instinctively very unpleasant.

Hexi sent the coordinates over, and then said to hurry up, and then the picture was cut off.

“You’re going over? So you came to me just to find Hexi? ”

Keisha looked at the white night with some surprise.

She didn’t understand why, after so many years, Bai Ye said that she was not so cute, but she was able to have the same enthusiasm for Hexi.

Could it be that he really lost to Hexi?

A feeling of jealousy rose, which surprised her a little.

I can actually be jealous.

She was jealous of Hexi.

“Of course not, I’m also here to find you, let’s go over together, there are just some things I want to talk to you about.”


The corners of Kesha’s mouth outlined a trace of arc, and I don’t know if it was an illusion, Bai Ye always felt that Kesha’s mood was suddenly much better.

Just now her cold expression………

“You won’t be jealous just now, will you?”


Kesha’s face turned serious, and then she looked at the white night and said, “No circle!” ”


He was right.

Queen Kesha actually has a proud character.

“Okay, you can say anything, then I’ll go back first.”

White Night didn’t puncture her careful thoughts.

Come to the coordinates sent by Hexi.

After seeing White Night and Kesha coming over.

Hexi obviously looked a little unhappy.

Originally, I thought of coming alone in the white night.

Although it is known that the odds are small, it is not hopeless.

Moreover, the most important thing is that he can actually come over when he gets the coordinates, and the group space movement is too strong, right?

Beyond all the technology now!

“You’re amazing.”

With Hexi’s adoring eyes, Bai Ye felt that this little heart was uncontrollably faster.

Being adored by beautiful women, and almost nymphomaniac, although Bai Ye knows that it is pretended, but this feeling is really cool.


Keisha snorted coldly, for Hexi’s attitude, she did it anyway

But when she saw Bai Ye like this, she was also a little anxious in her heart.

Does he like that? But I don’t know at all.

“Is there anything wrong with worshipping the man you like?”


Keisha didn’t reply, but remembered what Bai Ye said before, so she quickly changed the topic: “Didn’t you say to find us something?” ”

She is not good at taking the initiative in the emotional field at all.

But Hexi is very good at it, and in the first round of the competition between the two, he has already suffered a loss.

She couldn’t let Hexi go on any longer.

“I want to make a contract with you, that is, to sign a contract, how about it?”

Sign a contract?

A hint of strangeness flashed in the eyes of the two.

This is the first time I’ve heard of this thing.

But for Bai Ye to sign a contract with her, they don’t care, just sign it.

“Yes, but if you choose between me and her to sign a contract, who do you choose?”

Sleepy! Death choice questions!

Bai Ye didn’t expect that Hexi would let himself choose this question when he came up.

What can he do, he is also desperate.

“That’s right, pick one!”

Hexi doesn’t say it’s okay, so to speak, Kesha’s temper will definitely not agree to sign a contract with Hexi.

This made Bai Ye a little speechless.

I knew that this was such an ending, and I shouldn’t have thought about the two of them coming over to sign a contract together.

He guessed the beginning, but not the end.

Looking at the eyes of the two, Bai Ye knew that if he didn’t give an answer today, then of course he couldn’t be fooled.

These two, the personalities really have some similarities.

They are all strong women type.

They all have their own pride.

“I… All group! ”

Still want to choose?

Children make choices, adults choose all!

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