Chapter 119 Super God Ends, Exclusive Reward Two-Way Foil, KDA Su Xiaoxiao?!!



Hexi and Kesha were both still thinking about what White Night would choose.

But after hearing that the white night is all ~ to theorize.

Both of them almost laughed angrily.

This guy.

Let him choose between two people, and in the end there is no choice, but all of them.

With such a big appetite, you are not afraid that you will eat fat in one breath, and then have indigestion?

Both of them have their own pride.

Let him choose, not let him want it all!

“Greedy is greedy, you let me choose, I am sure I want both, let me choose one between the two of you, I can’t do it.”

“I really can’t do anything about you, since you have said so, then how can I still promise you.”

Hexi knew that this was just talk, and if it was more true, it might be annoying.

Go down the ladder of the district, and this matter will be turned over.

“What about you Kesha?”

“Well, it’s just a contract, I agree because you saved me once before, it’s offset.”

Still not frank as always.

But Bai Ye didn’t care.

After all, the two can just agree.

Sign the contract with them.

Then, a blue bird mark appeared on the back of both hands.

The contract is signed.

“Is that what you mean by a contract?”

A hint of curiosity flashed in the eyes of the two, and this thing seemed to be really good-looking.

And she Li also felt some changes, and her strength seemed to have strengthened.

Although the increase may not be particularly large.

“Well, I’ll sign a contract with Blaze and Hiko then.”

As a queen, although she will not arbitrarily dictate the will of others.

But as long as Kesha opens her mouth to say a word, then Yan and the burning heart will definitely not refuse.

“What do you want to do?”

Hexi asked.

She always felt that Bai Ye would not be bored enough to sign a contract with them directly, and then there would be nothing.

Signing a contract with them, naturally, is problematic.

“It’s simple, I want you to do what you want.”

For Bai Ye, he felt that as long as he did what he liked, it was enough.

As for too much intervention, White Night felt unnecessary.

When there is no key issue, White Night will not interfere.

Usually, it’s basically stocking.

“By the way, if those genetic projects on Earth can, take some blood to test and see if we can come out, and then……… There is nothing left, develop technology, and then go to fight Karl and Hua Ye. ”

Bai Ye touched his chin, and he felt that Kesha and Hexi joined forces to fight Carl and Hua Ye.

There seems to be a lot of points among them.

After all, the two of them here have been working behind the scenes of the world of the Ultra Theological Academy.

Bai Ye felt that he still had to let them withdraw from the stage of history.

After all, there can only be one LYB in this world, and that is him!


The guy didn’t know where to hide.

“Well, and be careful with Carl, this goods is not strong, but the conspiracy is set by one.”

Now that Rena is already her own, she probably won’t have that kind of accident after that.

“Before that, I still have to deal with my lovely sister!”

In Kesha’s eyes, the primary goal now is to be cold.

“Whatever you want, I’ll go and sign the contract first.”

It’s almost time.

White Night signed the contract and left.

After saying goodbye to Hexi, Bai Ye finds Yan and Blazing Heart.

With Kesha’s help, there was no pressure to contract with the two.

So, trapped in the supergod world, a total of eight contractors were all found.

Qi Lin, Su Xiaoxi, Rui Mengmeng, Rena, Kesha, Hexi, Blazing Xin, Yan.

【Ding! After your collaborator is selected, you will receive rewards: Super God level of the technology used, curvature drive (exclusive to Hexi), +1 physical strength level, 50% increase in attack power, +1 gene level (applicable to all collaborators, can be recovered), host-exclusive rewards: 50,000 behind-the-scenes black hand points, two-way foil. 】

[Two-way foil]: The moment the two-way foil comes into contact with the three-dimensional universe, one of the dimensions will curl up from macroscopic to microscopic, thus forcing the three-dimensional universe and all the matter in it to collapse towards the two-dimensional universe, and melt into an absolute plane that only exists in length and area in two-dimensional space, depriving it of the concept of volume.

Even this technology has been worked out?

A hint of surprise flashed in Bai Ye’s eyes, this is a good thing.


Kesha, Hexi, Hiko, and Blazing found that their genes seemed to have changed and evolved.

The angel gene has been strengthened.

At their level, a leap of a level directly strengthened them I don’t know how many times.

“This is what White Night said before…”

Kesha was still thinking that there would be a big strengthening after the signing of the contract that White Night said.

I thought it was when the contract was signed.

I didn’t expect it to be like this.

“Keshain, are you too?”


Keisha nodded in response.

“What a magical power!”

Hexi feels that this is even more powerful than the technology he has studied so far.

Moreover, she feels that the level of technological equipment here seems to have increased a lot, and there are even many ideas about new equipment.

Curvature driven…

It seems that he can make technology break through a boundary again.

“So awesome, I feel my gun…”

“My essence bead has also become stronger, and I feel that the genes in my body are restless.”

Su Xiaoxiu felt that the genes in his body were uncontrollable.

Then, nine tails appeared behind Su Xiaoxiu.

“You this…”

Qi Lin’s shocked looking circle Su Xiaoxiu, the phantom tail behind his back, similar to KDA, can this TM also be?

“So pretty…”

Rui Mengmeng looked at Su Xiaoxiao blankly, this is really good-looking.

As a woman, I feel like I want to like each other.

“Wow! The next time I come over at night, I guess my saliva will flow to the ground! ”

Qi Lin thinks this is too beautiful, right?

It used to be breathtaking, and now it’s even more so!

“By! This guy is really not wrong, it will really make me stronger, this goddess is convinced! ”

Rena muttered, even the Flaming Blade with her own was strengthened.

She obeyed!

This goods really TM did not lie ah wan!

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