Chapter 123 Lao Tzu is resurrected!!

Esdes: [That move hit the death quorum.] 】

As a first-hand experiencer.

Esdes knew very well in his heart that if he had won this trick before, he would definitely die.

Therefore, she even rejoiced that her ability was to freeze time and space, and other abilities were estimated to be dead.

Although she said that the other party was gone, she could not say that she had not received anything.

At least there is intelligence.

Uchiha: [The situation is not optimistic now, I found that if we continue, I guess it will definitely not change after this.] 】

For this, Uchiha empathizes.

Originally, in this world, I was originally crushing everything.

Even if he is resurrected, he will be able to control absolutely everything.

But after arriving, Uchiha realized that he was thinking too simply.

That harmless Ye Kai, his current state can’t be stopped.

However, if you want to defeat Nagato on your side, the first thing is to take back the reincarnation eye, right?

But it was the eye of reincarnation on Nagato.

Uchiha really can’t get this back.

So it fell into an endless circle.

Saitama: [You guys seem to have forgotten one thing, now you want to become stronger, it seems that you can buy that scratch music, although the noodles are pitted, but at least there is a chance to become stronger.] 】

Now they can be considered hellish difficulty.

But they are not hopeless.

As long as you can produce good things, then naturally you can also change the plot.

See Saitama say so.

Qiu Zixi felt that his opportunity had come.

Qiu Zixi: [That’s right, as long as you and I buy scratch music, you can become stronger at that time, everyone hurry up and buy it! ] 】

Of course she wanted them to buy it.

Moreover, Saitama is really not wrong.

Just buy scratch music with yourself, then get stronger, and then you can have points.

Esdes: [No points yet………]

That’s the hardest part.

Esdes also thought about it, but she was also helpless, because she couldn’t afford it because she didn’t have points.

And the trapped plot has been changed to seven and eight.

She had no idea what to do next.

Lan Dye: [To give you an idea, and I think the easiest, is that it is originally related to you, as long as you change, then there will be points.]

And don’t you have a minister in that world, raise wool.

What hasn’t been changed in the main plot before, you can change it now.

For example, the executioner and other people whose plot is defeated by the night raid, you can go and defeat yourself or whatever, such as clearing the darkness of the empire, you can get points for drawing, according to my estimation it should be…………]

On this side, the indigo dye plays all this thoroughly.

After all, he likes to study when he’s fine.

Esdes: [Thank you. 】

After listening to Lan Ran’s words, not only Esdes, but also others were suddenly amazed at this moment.

Whitebeard: [I probably understand, I don’t need to chase the black man behind the scenes now, I’ll go and get points first, and then become stronger! ] 】

Indigo: [That’s right! Before, we have always fallen into a mistake of thinking, that is, to find out the black hand behind the scenes, but ignore that our own strength is the most important.

You look at the person that person touches, they will eventually become stronger, but don’t overturn the boat in the gutter, and finally be defeated by someone weaker than yourself in the original book.

You face them as the protagonists of the open, and now the primary purpose is to become stronger! 】

Indigo dye has already thought about it.

The key now is to get stronger.

Others don’t matter at all.

As long as he can change the plot, he can get points.

If you have points, you can buy scratch music, even if it will open all kinds of pit daddy things.

But because it can also make people stronger.

Thinking about so much will only lead you to the misunderstanding of your thinking.

Lan Dye: [I recently studied it, as long as I don’t leave the corpse soul realm for a day, I estimate that even if I change the plot, I won’t act and drag it on, although there are not many points, but I wait until the person behind the scenes comes over, and I will change again.] 】

Indigo Dye doesn’t want to open the plot line at all.

Although it is almost time to prepare.

But he just didn’t move.

Doesn’t he smell good at wool every day?

Qiu Zixi: [I really envy that you can change the plot, unlike me, there is no plot at all here. ] 】

It’s all fake to say that you don’t envy.

Of course, I hope that I can also change the plot.

It’s just that there is no plot on my side at all.

Big Serpent: [Unfortunately, I’m still sealed, let’s find a way to revive it as soon as possible.] 】

The big snake also wanted to lift the seal.

But he has not been resurrected yet, and at least he has to wait until he is resurrected.

Uchiha [Don’t say it! ] Draw out! 】

He also faced 4,000 points.

You can also buy two scratch sheets.

Now, he can’t wait.

Wait any longer, I guess I really want to thank you for the flowers.

Qiu Zixi: [Come and come! ] 】

This business is really getting more and more prosperous.

Sold two scratch sheets to Uchiha Spot.

【Ding! Uchiha used a scratch sheet to get: Ten Refreshing Pills. 】

【Refreshing Pills】: Tired and sleepy, a refreshing pill to help you get it, hello she drew well!

Uchiha Spot: [………]

Tony [Haha, you can’t use this Banye, it’s better to give it to me! ] 】

Laugh to death.

Uchiha smoked this thing, basically can’t use ah.

Yakumo Zi: [Who said that Banye can’t use it! ] 】

Gilgamesh [Does he have a wife?] 】

Uncle Nine: [It seems that there is none………]

Shiho Miyano [Maybe you misunderstood the meaning. 】

Foyego: [I get it!] 】

Luke: [It’s not healthy………]

Uchiha [I’m special, are you poisonous?] 】

This self-scratching is really too poisonous.

Come up and give yourself such one.

Qiu Zixi is here to target herself.

The last one.

Uchiha didn’t say much.

Now is not the time, if the last one can’t open anything, you must spray yourself!

Let them see how powerful the trolls of the Uchiha clan really are.

【Ding! Uchiha used a scratch and obtained: a resurrection card]

[Resurrection Card]: Any dead thing can be resurrected, there must be a corpse, but you do not need it.

Uchiha Ban: [Special, Lao Tzu is resurrected!!] 】

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