Chapter 246 Bold and Evil, Not Hurry to Grab It, Great Mighty Heavenly Dragon, World Venerable Jizo, Like Buddhas!!

Uncle Nine: [It’s done, if I don’t undo the cover this time, I feel that there should be no big problem.] 】

In the solved out.

His heart also relaxed.

If you look at it this way.

Then nothing happens next.

Just wait to collect the points.

Yakumo Zi: [You’re thinking too simply, what if there is an accident?] 】

Qiu Zixi: [Ahem, there is one thing I feel that Uncle Jiu you don’t seem to understand a little, that is, this zombie will still appear in the end, because even if the ink bucket line is not washed by the rain, but was it chopped by thunder in the end, and then the zombie appeared? ] 】

Uncle Nine seems to have made a mistake in the wrong direction here.

The appearance of royal zombies, in essence, is actually chopped by lightning, and then comes out.

If there were no such thunder.

Maybe if you want to come out, it will definitely be late.

Then it is not impossible to drag the four-eyed Daoist Master and Master Yixiu over.

Uncle Nine: [It seems so, I ignored this point…]

Uncle Jiu was a little glad in his heart.

I ignored this point, but fortunately I said it to the person in the chat skirt.

Otherwise, this is estimated to be the same as the original plot.

Kept my mind hidden.

Night comes quickly.

Under the pouring rain.

Uncle Nine, Master Ichikyu, and Four Eyes were all worried after seeing the situation outside.

“Fortunately, Brother Dao reminded before, otherwise, the river would be really miserable.”

Master Yixiu is still a little worried at this moment.

If it weren’t for Uncle Jiu’s appearance, I’m afraid it would really hurt Daoist Qianhe.

“Now in this situation, I see that the zombie will appear in the end, so let’s go over.”

“No, can it come out with an ink bucket thread entangled?”

The four-eyed Daoist felt that this was unlikely.

That’s no longer called the ink bucket line, but the ink bucket net.

In general, zombies are unlikely to break free.

“If you don’t go over and take a look, I feel that there is a high probability that you haven’t gone far!”

This golden coffin, if you want to go fast, it is basically impossible.

So, instead of worrying here, it’s better to go over and take a look at it at this time.


Everyone decided to take an oil umbrella and take a look.

If it’s okay, they can just come back on their own, and they can have peace of mind.

“I’ll go with you.”


Everyone was seeing Ren and so on suddenly appear, and there was some hesitation in their hearts at this moment.

“I feel that this is not right, and everyone has a care to go together.”


Listening to Ren Qingzhen’s words, everyone thought about it, and felt the same, so they decided to go together.

I followed the path that Chizuru had walked before.

A thunder fell.

Uncle Jiu and the others suddenly had a bad premonition in their hearts.


Speed things up.

By the time they arrived at the scene, the zombies had already begun to kill in all directions.

The zombies that were struck out of the coffin by the falling thunder were extremely ferocious.

This time, the ink bucket line was not drenched, and Daoist Chizuru did not need to suppress the coffin, causing his leg to be injured.

With the four disciples, although it is said that the fight with zombies has fallen into the downwind.

But it doesn’t mean that it will be killed in seconds.

“Wu Waiter hurry up and run with Brother, if you suck the blood of your relatives, the zombies will increase in ferocity!”

Nowadays, the primary target of zombies must be Brother.

If he let him suck Brother’s blood, it is estimated that he will really be finished.


Originally, Wu Shilang was afraid of death.

At this time, he said so, then he naturally decided to run away with his brother.

“Junior Brother!”

“Senior brother!!”

Daoist Qianhe was already ready to die here.

After seeing Jiu Uncle and others dare to come, there was also a glimmer of hope in my heart.

Good, good, good!

That’s not great!

“Senior brother be careful, this zombie has been approved by the thunder, but it shouldn’t be a big problem for a few of us to join forces!”

His heart relaxed.

There are four eyes, and Jiu Uncle and Master Yixiu are here.

Although this zombie is strong.

But he is very confident that he can completely take down this zombie with the four of them.

“Be careful!”

While the head of the Thousand Cranes was stunned.

The royal zombies are also very clear at the moment.

He has to act.

Otherwise, if you really want to let these few come up, you will probably die.

The first goal is to kill the head of the Thousand Crane Province.

Then break free of the rope holding him and run.

Wait and then take your time.

This zombie is intelligent.

“Bold and evil, don’t hurry up and grab it, Dawei Tianlong, Shizun Jizo, like Buddhas, like Baba boom!”

Uncle Nine and the others were preparing to make a move.

On the side, Ren Qingqi had already burst out, and then jumped into the air and slapped directly at the royal zombie with one palm.

This scene, Uncle Nine was confused.

Knock knock…

The power of one hand.

Zombies instantly turn into powder.

The royal zombies are just gone?

Qiu Zixi: [Bold blasphemy, lightning, wind and fire, kill! ] Yasha demon, kill! Demon Venerable Demon, kill! Hell ghost messenger, kill! Dawei Tianlong, Dawei Tianlong, Shizun Jizo, Shizun Jizo, Vajra Buddhas, Vajra Buddhas, Gods Protector, Gods Protector, Kill! Kill! It’s really enchanting, and I go on a killing spree. Are you still haunted? 】

Yakumo Zi: [Demon, I can see at a glance that you are not human! ] 】

Uchiha: [This is not a bastard? 】

Tony: [It’s so mixed!] Before, I mixed a wave of points under Ren Tingting’s ten thousand swords, and now I mix a wave of points here in Ren Qingzhen’s Dawei Tianlong, in terms of mixed points, I have never seen anyone more powerful than you, I Tony would like to call you the strongest! 】

Uncle Nine: [No, don’t you realize the seriousness of the problem?] 】


Uncle Nine called a good fellow!

This Ren Tingting is the Shushan Sword Technique, and Ren Qingqi is the Dawei Tianlong.

What else do you play?

Uncle Nine wanted to cry.

Originally, I thought I was the Lord when I came here.

But in the end, people don’t need to make their own moves at all, and as a result, they can shoot the royal zombies into powder with one move.

“So murderous…”

“Same as Tingting…”

Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai looked at each other.

Originally, they wanted to soak in Ren Qingqi before, but now they suddenly hesitated.

If this makes her unhappy, they must not die with a slap directly?

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