Chapter 253: My TM Booster Bombed?!!

“I know, I believe in my luck.”

It’s just level 15.

He believes his luck will make it.

Seeing Bai Ye say this, Kelly also breathed a sigh of relief in her heart.

This time I reminded the white night.

But White Night chooses to continue.

Then there is nothing else to say.

“Give me the weapon, put it in this and choose to strengthen, then at level 8, I will give you direct strengthening, and then it’s up to you!”

After the eighth level.

There is a risk of chipping up again.

Therefore, Kelly will give the choice to the owner of the weapon.

As for his own words, he will always help Bai Ye strengthen before the eighth level.

Wait until you go up.

As the level goes up.

Level III.

Level seven.

Level eight.

Even Kelly was a little surprised.

“Speaking of which, your luck is really good, you didn’t fail once!”

I have never seen anyone who can directly strengthen from the initial reinforcement all the way to level eight, and I have not dropped the level once.

This is really a testimony to history.

His luck was indeed good.

But before that, Kelly still reminded: “I’ll tell you first, if this weapon continues to go up, there are three possibilities, the first is successful, the second is broken, and the third level falls to zero.” ”

Three possibilities.

The key depends on Bai Ye’s own choice.

She won’t interfere.

With that, she stepped aside and didn’t speak.

Give time to the white night.

“Master, I feel as if I have indeed become a lot stronger!”

After the sword spirit has been strengthened eight times.

I feel that I am indeed much better than before.

This stuff is really useful.

But the thought of it will shatter.

But Bai Ye said it before, so of course she chose to believe it.

“Strengthen it!”

Bai Ye said slowly.

“Okay, then come by yourself!”

The previous weathering has always been made by Kelly herself.

However, the current reinforcement is still for Bai Ye to do it himself.

At that time, I will not be behind the pot at all.


The reinforcing machine is very easy to use.



There was no hesitation.

Strengthen three all the way.

There are more and more people around.

“No, this is actually going up, it’s already ten.”

“How much was the highest enhancement last time?”


The highest last time was twelve.

“And that twelve doesn’t seem to have been strengthened all the time, it has been broken intermittently and a lot!”

“It seems that this has been hyped by Kelly before!”

At the beginning, there was an adventurer who strengthened to twelve.

During that time.

Kelly walked with the wind.

Blowing it every time.

“Ahem, I said that my booster is very powerful!”

Kelly coughed softly.

Although speaking of this, I did not expect a little.

But since it’s all already like this.

Then Kelly naturally admitted unceremoniously.

Although she was surprised, after seeing the White Night level go up, she naturally wanted to blow herself.

“The probability of the back will be lower and lower, have you thought about it?!”

The probability of the latter will only get lower and lower.

Kelly reminded.

This cargo came directly to the tenth in a wave.

After that, if you regret it, you can pause, but Kelly will not return the money anyway.

“Afraid of what?”

Bai Ye looked at Kelly with a smile, and then as if he thought of something, he asked, “Speaking of which, it won’t be that you are afraid, right?” ”

When you think about it this way, it seems that it is not impossible.

“Will I be afraid?”


Kelly can say that she is definitely not afraid.

But just a reminder of the white night.

As a result, the guy actually thinks that he is afraid of this kind of thing.

According to this, of course, I will not be afraid.

“Okay, since you said so, but of course I want to strengthen it here!”

Bai Ye thought about it and then continued.

Strengthening, of course, is to be strengthened.


Eleventh success.

Strengthen the twelve successes!

Strengthen Thirteen Success!

A series of winds down.

Broke the previously held record of Reinforcement XII.

“It’s amazing!”

“I’ll go, this little brother is so lucky!”

“Speaking of which, I don’t seem to have any enhanced weapons on my side!”

If you think about it this way, do you want to find this little brother to help strengthen it?

It doesn’t seem to be impossible.

Such good luck.

Directly from zero to thirteen.

“Still going on?”

Everyone looked at the white night expectantly.

It’s pushing the record all the way up.

Or will it stop in the end?

“Of course go on!”


I have to say that for him, everyone is also very impressed.

Kelly said, so the chance of success in the back is smaller, and even the risk of explosion, but the other party still chooses to strengthen.

Next, Reinforcement 14 succeeded.

Kelly couldn’t sit still.


If it goes on like this, doesn’t it mean that you are going to lose.

“Little brother, I think it’s better to forget it, it’s already 14!”

Stop it!

Then it’s going to blow up!

“Haha, you see she’s anxious!”

Everyone quipped.

Then he hurriedly said: “Little brother rush! ”

What do you do at this time?

It’s close to breaking history.

The reinforcing machine rotates.

Then, the golden light flashed.

Reinforcement 15 success.

Looking at the weapon in Bai Ye’s hand.

Kelly slumped on the ground, her eyes blank, and muttered, “It’s over, it’s all over!” ”

This time, not only did he not make money, but he even owed the other party a request.

“Brother won’t have to strengthen, will he?”

Seeing Bai Ye’s action, everyone present was surprised.

Level 16 success!

25 levels of success!

Even Kelly.

They all couldn’t care about losing their souls, looking at the white night that was still strengthening.

She now feels like her worldview has been refreshed.

Level 28 success!

Level 31 success!

Everyone can’t help but want to strengthen.

Level 32 starts!

Everyone is looking forward to it.

Whether it will break this time or continue to succeed.

Whether White Night can create myths.


The explosion of the intensifier sounded.

Then, everyone was also a little disappointed: “Failed!” ”

“It’s already strong, level 31!”

“It’s a pity, it’s really a pity!”

There was a lot of talk.

The crowd was a little disappointed.

The smoke cleared.

A weapon shining with silver light appeared.

And Kelly instantly collapsed in her heart after seeing the scene in the smoke.

“My TM’s booster blew up!!?”

Kelly cried.

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