Chapter 254 Sign a Contract to Unlock the Four Shooter Class!!


It’s all over, and I don’t just want to spit out the gold of the white night before.

And he was proud of himself, and the intensifier that he had been taking to eat also exploded and could not even find the slag.

To reinforce a 32.

Her head is blank now.


Everyone looked at Kelly in silence.

Although it used to be said that Kelly was a profiteer.

But this time, after the explosion of the booster, it felt as if Kelly had some pity again.

“You pay my booster!”

Kelly hurriedly grabbed Bai Ye to prevent him from running.

Own booster explodes.

You have to find a wronged boss to pay for it.

She had to ask for a right price.

At least to ensure that you will retire in the future is not too much of a problem.

“You didn’t say that if you strengthened the explosion before, you still had to pay for it!”

Speaking words.

Isn’t this also responsible for yourself?

Listen to the words of White Night.

Kelly didn’t agree in an instant.

Listen up!

Did he speak human language?

“You yourself were strengthened to fifteen before, but you strengthened to thirty-two, and you made your own claims so that the reinforcement machine exploded, that’s right!”

Kelly looks like this.

It is clearly to make White Night responsible for the explosion of his own booster.

It’s like finding an excuse.

Like Kelly said before.

This refutes.

Bai Ye didn’t know what to say for a while.

Strange thoughts.

But for White Night, if you think about it, it’s actually normal.

Kelly is fine with that.

Just dig the pit.

“If you can pay, and I don’t want this gold, but there is one thing you must promise me, we sign a contract, and then I will pay.”

In this way, Bai Ye should feel that there should be no big problem.

After all, as long as Kelly promises, let alone money, there is no problem in grabbing another reinforcement machine later.

Anyway, Kelly is not the only one in this world who has an enhancement machine.

Do you want to get the increase over?

“Are you sure?”

Sign a deed.

Although I don’t know what the contract is.

But if you think about it, Kelly feels like it’s the kind of contract that no longer holds accountable later.

On the white night, she also had some changes in her heart.

I have to say, this person is quite good.

Obviously, it can be reckless.

But in the end, I actually chose to return it.

Very good!

Since he is all atmospheric.

Then your side will not be stingy.

“That’s right, I’m sure!”

“Okay, then it’s settled!”

It’s just a contract.

I promise that I will not continue to entangle myself later.

Then, after the contract was signed in White Night.

Kelly was instantly confused.

What he said was this contract?!

【Ding! Successful selection of collaborators, rewards: 30,000 behind-the-scenes black hand points, a comprehensive strengthening machine, a magic box selling machine, a horse betting machine, Qi ability + LV5, technological ability improvement + LV3, body level +3, unlock the professional four shooters to change jobs. 】

[Comprehensive Booster]: Bound Kelly, has the ability to strengthen, increase, enchant, etc.

【Magic Box Vending Machine】: It can produce DF magic box props and various consumables, fashion, pets, etc.

【Horse betting machine】: You can bet on horses.

Three things.

Plus two abilities.

It seems to be built for Kelly in all directions.

But thinking about the rewards of Celia’s group before, it feels like they are all tailor-made.

Look at the three machines that are brand new.

It’s all bound to yourself.

And there are more features than before.

And also unlocked four Gunners’ transfers.

Speaking of which, it seems that there is no distinction between men and women.

White Night also unlocks these abilities.

Directly fill up all levels.

“Hehe, boss, you will be my big boss in the future, whatever you say!!”

At this moment, Kelly was completely convinced.

I don’t have the previous idea at all.

With the white night, my own development will definitely be better.

“What does she mean?”

The people on the side who were going to wait to see the play no longer knew what the situation was.

Speaking of which, what does this mean?

“Hehe, in the future, Kelly’s small grocery store welcomes you to visit, not only can you strengthen, but you can also get all kinds of props!”

Kelly smiled.

Nowadays, not only is his business booming, but his strength has definitely reached a huge level.

Kelly feels that she will never need to fear retaliation in the future.

She is not the same as she used to be!

“Isn’t it, isn’t the intensifier bombed?”

“As soon as I saw this woman’s treacherous smile, I felt a bad premonition.”

“Don’t do business anymore, just kidding, were there fewer people who were pitted before?”

Although I don’t know why Kelly changed so quickly.

But Kelly must have a point in saying that.

Speaking words.

If this woman can say such a thing, there must be a problem.

“Hey, boss, do you want to come?”

For Kelly, now White Night is her own boss.

“No, I still have things to deal with, you can get it yourself.”

With that, Bai Ye was ready to leave.

When he signed a contract with Celia before, he offered an elven knight transfer.

And now after signing a contract with Kelly, it is the transfer of four gunners.

He was thinking that if he contracted a few more people, maybe the ghost swordsman and magician could all be unlocked.

For him, the resurrection of the magician, as well as the various skills of the priesthood, are good.

It seems that coming to the world of Arad was a wrong choice!

“Hehe, boss, I am always welcome here, I will give you a twenty percent discount!”

“Eight folds?”

Very good!

This Kelly is worthy of the potential of a profiteer.

Opening your mouth is a discount of eight.

As the boss, the discount is only eighty off, but it is really worthy of you, Kelly!

“Of course the boss’s words are free!”


Lady Kelly is really flattering.

Bai Ye nodded, and then left, he had already found the next person he was looking for.

After seeing Bai Ye leave, Kelly also breathed a sigh of relief in her heart.

“I said Kelly, your attitude is changing really fast enough!”

“You know what!”

Kelly snorted coldly, don’t look at her flattering, but this is a big god.

The benefits are numerous.

Today, she is going to follow this boss.

The boss said east, that will definitely not go to the west!

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