Chapter 255 Signing GSD and other novice tutors, career is fully open!!

“Handsome guy for a drink?”

In the moonlight tavern, Sothea looked at the white night, picked up the wine on the side and placed it in front of him.

Watch the white night come here for a while.

He didn’t move, just looked at himself, and Sothea was a little strange in his heart.

However, this person has always looked strange, fortunately, he is a big handsome guy, if he was an ugly man, he would have been invited out by Sothea a long time ago.

“Thank you.”

White Night took the wine from Sothea’s hand.

“It seems rude to stare at a lady all the time!”

Sothea reminded.

After receiving the wine, he actually looked at himself.

He seems to be coming at himself?

But for this, Sothea has long been accustomed.

After all, it has been here for many years.

Since opening this moonlight tavern.

There are indeed many people who come for their beauty.

“Speaking of which, it seems because you are a big beauty.”

Saran quipped, then said, “Bring me a glass of wine too.” ”

Every day Saran comes here for a drink.

Listening to Shalan’s joke, Sothea was also a little helpless in her heart, and said, “What does this have to do with me.” ”

Although I probably know it in my heart, it is estimated that it has something to do with myself.

But she had long been accustomed to it, and she had put it aside.

“That’s right, after all, you are a big beauty of the elven clan.”

Minette on the side couldn’t help but joke.

“It’s a lively place every day!”

On the side, Gorantis also spoke in time.

Bai Ye looked at the sound, and there was still no one to speak.

However, don’t worry about how surprised you are at the moment.

I was still trying to find them one by one.

As a result, all the people came.

Except for Sothea who was looking for this time.

Sharan, Minette, Gorantis, GSD, Feng Zhen these novice mentors all came.

Previously, Kelly was rewarded with the transfer of four gunners.

And now, Bai Ye thought that if he could, he might as well go directly to all the novice mentors.

Then all of them were transferred.

“It’s all here, and that’s good.”

“All here?”

Looking at the white night, several of them were a little strange.

Is it talking to them?

“That’s right, it’s talking to you.”

“Little brother, can you still hear our hearts?”

“Well, I have something to do with you, how about it, do you want to understand?”

Novice mentor, I have to win it today.

After all, the ability of these few to change jobs is quite good.

“If you come at us, then I’ll listen to it!”

Feng Zhen took a sip of wine, put down the wine glass in his hand, and turned to look at the white night.

For better or worse.

At least you need to understand the other person’s purpose first.

“I want to sign a contract with you.”


The world simply shouldn’t be too familiar with this ability.

They don’t dare to sign contracts indiscriminately.

What’s more, they don’t know this person at all.

“Little brother, you said that you want to sign a contract here, in other words, no one will agree, right?”

Gorantis looked at the white night with a smile, this man is really interesting.

Come up and say that you want to sign a contract.

Speaking of which, who would agree so hastily to this kind of thing.

“Whatever you want, this is my address, after that, you can go to Kelly first, she signed a contract with me, you go to her to understand!”

They should know Kelly.

White Night told the other party the address.

This is where he lives temporarily.

Drink the wine in one gulp.

Then Bai Ye left, leaving an address, and they were all lost in thought.

“Also related to Kelly?”

“I just heard that Kelly exploded today!”

“Anyway, do you want to ask?”

Whether it’s the reinforcing machine or this man, they also want to know what Kelly knows here.

And so it goes.

Several people decided unanimously.

The next day went to find Kelly.

White Nights Residence.

Gorantis and the others were waiting here early.

“Speaking of which, is your contract really the same as what Kelly said?”

Before, when I came to White Night, I had to confirm this matter with Kelly, if it is really according to what Kelly said, as long as you sign a contract, you can not only become stronger, but also resurrect…

That’s all about the benefits.

They also want to sign.

“That’s right, since you found Kelly, you should know that she only had a tattered booster before, right?”

White Night had already thought about it yesterday when he left the address and asked them to go to Kelly.

They will definitely continue to come to their own later.

Because as long as the ability to contract is understood, then it is absolutely impossible to refuse.

“If that’s the case, and there are no requirements or constraints, we can sign!”

This is a good condition.

No one can refuse.

“Very well, then sign it.”

Contracts were signed with several people.

Today, on Arad’s side, the basic arrangement has been completed.

In the next words, Bai Ye wondered who else he was looking for.

In addition to these mentors, Alice also seems to be good, and there is the Tyrannosaurus King Bakar.

As for the rest, Bai Ye didn’t think so much.

“Do you know where Alice is?”

“Do you still want to sign a contract with Alice?”

Speaking of which, Alice does know each other.

Now that Alice is here, if they want to sign a contract with her, then they can also help sign one together.

“Of course, if you can, how about helping me?”


After signing a contract with White Night.

It’s really benefiting here.

Everyone also got abilities on their side, and White Night also unlocked the professions represented by these mentors.

Sothea surprised White Night a little.

Actually, the reward given by Sothea’s side was that Bai Ye obtained the ability of the founder of the Gaiden profession.

The last piece of the puzzle Alice finally signed a contract under their introduction.

All the NPCs you need to find in Hutton Mar are complete in White Night.

And most importantly, Alice is still part of the second sister’s plan, and it seems that this side can still disrupt the second sister’s plan.

By the way, find some apostles, and when the time comes, all the arrangements here will be completed.

This world white night is also ready to sign before leaving.

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