Chapter 256 Rewarding Dragonization, Elemental Dragon Time and Space Dragon Diamond Dragon?!!

“Tyrannosaurus King Bakar!”

In front of the white night, a huge two-horned demon dragon.

I was looking at him breathlessly at the moment.

After finding Bakar.

The two fought without even saying anything.

I have to say that the temper of this goods is really big.

And most importantly, in the face of the enemy, there is quite a rhythm of fighting without a word.

“Little devil, you are very good!”

Bakar was also a little surprised in his heart.

Unexpectedly, this person’s strength was actually so good.

In Bakar’s opinion, even Kahn can pass two tricks himself.

In the apostles.

His strength is definitely at the top.

But now, in the face of a human being, the other party just waved his hand, and he was beaten back.

This also caught him off guard a little.

“I didn’t come to you to fight, do you want to know your fate? Or do you already feel it? ”

For Bakar.

In fact, the final words.

It will also be the energy that will become the second sister to resurrect the Terra star.

Speaking of which, in the original plot, it seems that Bakar was the first apostle to understand the second sister’s conspiracy and prepared to resist, right?

But alas.

In the end, it was ended by the adventurer.

“Destiny! Lao Tzu doesn’t care what fate or not! ”

Speaking of fate, Bakar was instantly furious.

Because he knows very well what his fate will turn out to be in the end.

But there is no way to resist!

It’s just so powerless.

But even if it is already known, there may not be much room for resistance.

But in the end, Bakar still chose the layout.

He would never allow himself to die in vain in Herder, or under Herder’s conspiracy.

“Fate seems to be preordained, but fate is not unbreakable!”

Bai Ye said slowly.

It’s easy to break destiny.

If you take out the strength beyond fate, then naturally you can completely break this fate.

In the end, it is actually just because the strength is not enough.

“Little devil what do you want to say?”

Bakar stopped and said in a deep voice.

Looking at the white night, his gaze was also a lot more solemn.

For Bakar.

At this time he also came interested.

Instead, I want to know what Bai Ye wants to say.

“Sign a contract with me, I give you the power to break fate!”

“Don’t talk to me big, beat me first!”

Bakar roared.

What does the phrase White Night mean?

Isn’t that saying that your side will be defeated by the other party?

And the white night is also clear.

If the tyrannosaurus in front of him does not seem to defeat the other party, it is estimated that there is no way to communicate well.

Since this is the case, it can only temporarily calm down this tyrannosaurus.

Thinking of this, Bai Ye didn’t say much.

A flash, a punch.

In the sky, Bakar’s eyes looked at his head, and he secretly said in his heart: “So fast!” ”

This speed.

He simply didn’t have time to react.

Then, Bai Ye punched down hard.

“It’s okay, it doesn’t hurt if you get a punch, the other party can’t break it. Belch! ”

What he had in mind was.

This punch goes down.

I can definitely withstand it.

But really wait until this punch comes down.

Only then did Bakar realize that he really couldn’t stand it!

This man is the devil!

Rolled his eyes.

Bakar fell from the air in an instant.


The ground was instantly smashed out of a thousand meters of deep pit.

“Without a beating!”

Bai Ye waved his fist and shook his head, feeling a little helpless in his heart.

Originally, I thought that Bakar’s side should be able to withstand his own punch more or less.

It seems that he is thinking too much.

Use the time to restore Bakar to its previous good condition.

“How so?”

A hint of doubt flashed in Bakar’s eyes.

If memory serves.

Before, the other party gave himself a punch.

Then he fainted.

But obviously he is still standing here intact.

“How about, do you want to continue to fight?”

“Just true?”

A hint of confusion flashed in Bakar’s eyes.

The pain of that punch is still in his heart.

Speaking of which, I just lost consciousness, how could I recover so quickly.

“That’s right, you lost!”

“You are strong!”

Saying that, Bakar paused, and then continued: “Can you really break your fate? ”

He didn’t know if White Night was lying.

But this is the case now.

Naturally, he is also very clear.

I can only choose to believe in the white night.

If it is said that even the other party cannot break the fate, he will be killed in seconds with his own punch.

And how to change destiny?

“Of course you can, I won’t help you change your destiny, but I can give you the strength to give you the power to change your destiny!”

White Night looked at Bakar seriously and said.

He can give strength to the other person.


He accepted White Night’s offer.

Sign the contract!

【Ding! Successful selection of collaborators, host-exclusive rewards: body level +3, all aspects of level +3, 50,000 behind-the-scenes black hand points, dragonization. 】

[Dragonization]: You can transform into a dragon and a half-dragon human form, and you can fuse your own elements to change into any dragon species, and your physical fitness will be greatly improved under the dragonization and half-dragonization states!


A hint of surprise flashed in Bai Ye’s eyes.

Then, a stream of information appeared in my mind.

Space Dragon, Diamond Dragon, Crystal Dragon, Elemental Dragon.

As long as you can control it, you can basically change.

And the other end.

After receiving the White Night’s collaborator reward.

Bakar’s breath also began to be chaotic.

Then he began to reorganize, and then he began to disassemble and then reorganize.


A huge dragon roar resounded throughout this piece of heavenly dragon.


Bakar transforms today!

“Sending is the power of genes!”

A hint of surprise flashed in Bai Ye’s eyes.

Bakar is in this form today.

White Night was curious.

If only I could get him to fight Prey.

The outcome of this battle seems to be somewhat unknown.

It’s not just genes that are optimized.

Bakar’s capacities have all been greatly enhanced.

This disciple promotion is indeed a comparison of those novice mentors before, which also makes Bai Ye have some ideas.

Or get a little more apostles to sign the contract.

Perhaps this is also a good choice.

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