Chapter 257 Anderen is not a little turtle, I want it!!

“Herder’s words are not considered, several other apostles can consider it.”

Bai Ye touched his chin and had an idea in his heart.

He thought that there was no need for Herder to sign a contract here.

The main thing is that Arad also needs Herder to advance the plot.

If he pulls Herder in, it is estimated that he will lose a lot of behind-the-scenes points later.

So, White Night decided to give up Rahred to enter and now Dirigit, Shilok can pull these can be pulled.

After all, there is a plot on the body.

Leave the celestial realm of Bakar.

White Night found Dirigitte.

Because of these destructions, it was driven by other apostles to live on the border of Bolonx, north of the desolate demon world.

Today’s Dirigi has not yet been transferred.

“Who are you?”

There’s something strange about Dirigit.

It’s always been a place where you live alone.

Because of the germ problem in his body.

No one ever wanted to touch him, not even the other apostles.

I didn’t expect that someone would dare to appear in front of me.

“Do you want to control the germs in your body?”

It is the root of all diseases and has the terrifying power to turn every cell of living things into dust.

For Dirigit, it doesn’t want to spoil anything.

But these things have always troubled him.

“Can’t control it!”

Not even on its own.

Not to mention the man in front of you.

“I said yes!”

With that, Bai Ye directly put his hand on the purple aura that Dirigi emerged.

Unlike others.

Bai Ye’s body was not corroded at all.

This also made Dirigi a little sideways.

There was also something strange in his heart.

Could it be that it is really the same as the other party said, he can help himself control the source of his body?

“How can you help me control it?”

Of course it wants to control, but that’s not to say.

So many years have passed.

He did everything he could think of and could do.

But in the end, it still had no effect.

“How about signing a contract.’?”

Compared to others.

On the contrary, these apostles seem to be simpler for White Night.

The apostles’ side is not just easy to fool.

And many times, Bai Ye feels that their purpose is also quite simple, quite deceptive.


“That’s right, as long as the contract is signed, I can help you solve it, if it is not solved, I will untie it for you on the spot!”

Bai Ye thought very simply.

He was certainly able to help Dirigi untangle it.


As long as you can solve your own problems.

Dirigi naturally wouldn’t refuse.

Sign a contract.

The germs in Dirigi gradually began to contract, and then he found that he did seem to be able to control it.

It only appears when you want it to appear.

And it’s a lot more powerful than before.

“Thank you!”

It’s not just this one.

And the strength has become stronger.

Moreover, there is a chance of resurrection on his side.

Under all kinds of bonuses, Di Rui Guitar also found that this contract is definitely a very good choice for himself.

“It’s okay, you can go anywhere in the world in the future.”

For Dirigit, it didn’t want to hurt anyone, but the germs on his body made it impossible for his side to go anywhere else.

Now, all the germs on his body can be controlled.

“Uh-huh, then I’ll go first.”

Dirigi now has a chance to get out of here.

Although I am very grateful for White Night.

However, if Bai Ye’s side did not ask him to do anything, then he was ready to leave first.


After solving Dirigi.

Next up is Shilok.

In her own domain, as long as the conditions are met, she can change into any substance and any shape.

She can only move freely in warm places, so she places her home in the center of the demon world.

The seventh apostle Andern also needs energy in the center of the earth’s orbit, so Shilok and Andern often clash over energy.

She was the first of the apostles to suffer from the phenomenon of transfiguration.

Before being transferred to other areas, she reads Herder’s mind and discovers her conspiracy.

After being transferred to the cold cave of sorrow, Shilok was so painful that he could not feel the light and warmth, so that finally he had a nervous breakdown and began to attack everything frantically.

When the Four Swords Saint and Lucy came to the Cave of Sorrow to investigate the mutation, Shilok had completely lost his mind.

In the end, he was defeated by these powerful men and left a hint about Herder’s plot before he died, but unfortunately no one was able to understand.

“Yo, the two of you are competing for energy here!”

Both apostles are here.

Shilock and Andern are fighting over the ownership of the center of the earth’s orbit to face the sudden appearance of the white night.

Neither of them prepared for the slightest tube.

The battle between the two spread widely.

And they have reached the end stage, and neither of them can help anyone.

The person who suddenly appeared now obviously could not affect the battle between the two.

The battle between the two did not think of making a move.

Instead, I watched it with interest.

As the battle enters a white-hot phase.

The last move of the two is still indistinguishable, but with their own defense and the relationship of occupying energy for many years.

Anderson clearly has some advantages.

“This guy is actually still there!”


Both of them are finished.

This shock wave of energy.

They can be sure that there is absolutely no way they can stay here unharmed.

But Bai Ye was still silently watching the two of them in the previous position.

Then I really don’t know what to say.

“How about stopping for now?”

Speaking of which, although the apostles fought each other because of the energy struggle, the contradictions between them were not small.

But now, it is obvious that this person in front of him needs to be dealt with the most.

Unless it’s Herder.

Otherwise, the other apostles would not have thought of putting each other to death.


Shilok accepted the idea of stopping.

This is actually a good post for her.

After all, he is down.

Andern offered to suspend the fighting.

Naturally, she was happy to do so.

“So, it’s finally over, it’s time to talk about things between us!”

Now that these two have finished fighting, they can now start their own apostolic naturalization plan!

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