Chapter 258: Creation of the Planet, the First Creation of the White Night!!

“Sure enough, it was coming for us!”

Is it trying to kill the apostles?

Or is it for some other purpose?

In general, normal people do not approach the apostles.

In essence, the strength of the apostles is naturally unapproachable.

Not to mention the purposeful words of White Night.

Even a fool knows what the hell is going on.

“How about signing a contract? How about I create a planet with enough energy for you in the future? ”

Bai Ye looked at the two with a smile.

I don’t want energy.

Create one for both of them yourself.

His current ability to create a planet is simply not too simple.

What’s more, the energy they need is just ordinary energy.

This kind of white night can naturally satisfy them.

“Let’s create one for you guys first?”

The power of creation!

Time + Space and Rules.

Under the structure of the white night, a world full of various energy sources appears.

The planet.

He has absolute control.

Next, he condensed the planet into the palm of his hand.

One flower, one world, one tree and one Bodhi.

“More than the energy of the energy center!”

After all, this is a planet full of energy, and compared with the energy heart, this is not much bigger.

Both of them yearned for the same yearning.

But reason is telling them.

It may not be appropriate to do so.


It is impossible to hand over a planet full of energy to them for no reason.

What’s more, there is another very important point in this.

“Sooner or later the planet will have a day without energy.”

This is a false proposition.

For them, there is simply no planet that can absorb energy all the time.

“It is true that the planet will have a day without energy, but relying on my creation power, it will naturally be able to meet your daily needs, and it will always recover, of course, if you absorb too much, there will be some time for lack of energy.”

Planets do have drawbacks.

But there is no way to send it.

His current combat effectiveness is only galaxy.

If he broke through another level, Bai Ye felt that the creation of this planet would definitely exceed everyone’s imagination.

But this strength, has reached this point, and if you want to break through, it is really very difficult.

Now White Night has been strengthened many times.

But there is still little progress in strength.

“What does a contract do?”

Shilok was a little impressed.

For her, she has always wanted to have her own energy.

The reason why I fought with Andern in the past was also because of energy problems.

Today, if White Night can provide itself with an inexhaustible energy planet.

She was happy to sign a contract with White Night.

Of course, the key is to see what Bai Ye’s contract requires.

It’s too pitted for her to sign.

“Nothing, you can still do what you want after the contract.”

“There is such a good thing?”


Is this inappropriate to give a rich boy?

Who will give resources like this, and do not ask you anything.

“Of course, I send a foreign name to a rich boy, how to sign one, if you are not satisfied, just unsubscribe directly?”

With that, White Night put the condensed planet in front of Shilok.

It seems that the choice is on Shilock’s side.

She chose to accept or refuse.

Face this energy planet.

A flash of fire flashed in Shilock’s eyes.

If only by signing a contract, she could own the planet, she felt that she could.


Shilok accepts White Night’s conditions.

Take over the energy planet from White Night.

And after she took over.

A trace of the blue bird appeared on Shilock’s body.

After signing the contract.

Not only the energy planet, but also with various benefits, Shilok Zhao discovered that there were so many benefits.

“You contract!”


This contract can also directly increase the amount in your own city.

“What’s going on with the contract?”

Andern was also thinking about whether to sign a contract.

But after seeing Shilock’s reaction, there was some hesitation instantly.

Something doesn’t look quite right.

“It’s okay.”

Shilok said and left directly.

She has her own energy planet, and she will not come back after she can’t look at this energy center, and she is more willing to be on her own energy planet.

With control of the planet, Shilok’s heart was hot.

“How about the big turtle, do you want to sign a contract with me?”

White Night looked at Andern with a smile.

Since it was solved by Shilock.

Then it’s time to solve Anderne’s problem.

The two apostles signed, and they were one step closer to their own plan.

“Why did Shilok do that just now?”

Andern urn said.

Without knowing this question, he will definitely not sign.

Although Andern’s side is indeed a little red on this planet.

Originally, he occupied the energy center in order to get energy, but now, with such a perfect energy planet in front of him, how could Andern refuse when the energy of the world he lived in was about to be exhausted, and the demon world he broke away from approached.

He used his last strength to descend above the demon world in the central region of Metrocent, devouring the energy produced during a certain period of time to survive.

He would occasionally fall asleep, when the energy of the demon world would emit light as if it had been ignited, and the celestial people would also observe the demon world.

For Anderne, without energy, it is tantamount to losing everything.

He didn’t want a steady stream of planets.

“It’s nothing, it’s just that after signing the contract with me, you will get unexpected benefits, just now the breath on Shilock’s body is suddenly strong, you should have sensed it, right?”

Although only for a moment.

But Shilok did get a lot stronger before.

There is no way for Andern to deny this.

In this regard, he also nodded, and then said slowly: “I also sign, my requirements are the same as hers, I also need a planet like this!” ”

“No problem!”

Just sign a contract with yourself.

That’s all fine.

With the previous creation experience, the planet created by White Night this time is even more handy.

The so-called energy is constantly flowing, the main thing is that he needs to supply it for a long time.

But this is nothing to him.

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