Chapter 271 Plans for the Night Raid!!

“What, now that the imperial capital has been completely chaotic, Esdes rebelled, and then went to the minister’s mansion to kill the minister.”

Now I’m going to the palace again, so that’s why I’m telling you, what am I going to do?” ”

Seeing this, Leonay hurriedly asked.

To act or not to act.

There should be a way to say it.

You can’t just watch right here.

“You mean, Esdes rebelled?”


The night raid on the other end did not expect that Leonay’s side would actually say this.

She wouldn’t be inquiring about the wrong information.

How could Estes rebel?

Absolutely impossible!

The first thought that came to Nadehistan’s mind was that there was absolutely no way this could happen.

But Leonay didn’t seem to be joking with himself.

For a moment, she also had some hesitation.

What the hell is going on here.

“Boss, I really didn’t lie to you, do you think I will joke about this, and I saw the minister die with my own eyes!”

Leonay had previously hid in the minister’s mansion and witnessed everything.

She saw with her own eyes that Esdes killed the minister.

At the same time, she also used moves that did not match her moves.


She was almost speechless in surprise when she saw it.

This series of changes, Leonay felt that it was necessary to report to Nadehistan.

“That is to say, according to this, Esdes has the ability of magma, and rebelled, and has now killed the minister, controlled the imperial capital, and then went to the palace to end the little emperor?”

When Nadehitan heard this, she was also speechless in her heart.

It was completely different from what she thought.

How could that woman of Esdes do such a thing.

She just likes to enjoy fighting.

As for the rest, it seems that she doesn’t care at all.

Therefore, when he was in the Empire, Esdes was able to cooperate with the minister.

The minister needed Esdes’ strong fighting power and his non-greedy personality to help him consolidate his position.

And Esdes needs the minister to provide her with a stage to kill.

The two hit it off.

But now, the changes that have occurred in the empire have made Nadehitan a little unsure of how to deal with it.

“That’s right, so what are we going to do now, boss?”

Leony nodded and said.

That’s true, but what do you do now?

Do you have to watch Esdes act?

This is a missed opportunity.

“Don’t do it yet!”

Najishitan rubbed her brows, and there was also a little headache in her heart.

At this time, I didn’t know how to get it for a while.

“Isn’t it, you don’t do anything at this time, boss?”

That’s not right!

Leonay’s side also did not expect a little.

The empire is sure to descend into chaos now.

Do you say that you don’t do it at this time?

“Do what?”

Najishitan said speechlessly.

Then he hurriedly said: “Have you forgotten that we are not a revolutionary army now!” ”

In this situation, naturally it is impossible to act at this time.

They are not revolutionary troops now.

So sometimes you don’t have to do something at all.


Leonay suddenly reacted.

It was as if she had made some mistake.

My side really didn’t come out of my previous identity.

“So what am I doing now?”

He had previously infiltrated the Empire to spy on it.

This time, when Nadehitan said this, she didn’t know what she was supposed to do.

“It’s simple, you can just keep watching, no other actions are needed.”

Hang up.

Red Hitomi and the others gathered around.

“Boss, what are we going to do now?”

Something is strange.

What the hell is going to do now?

She seems to have lost its purpose.

“Let’s watch it for the time being, if the empire can really return to normal in the hands of Esdes, we don’t need to do anything, and now she has killed all these moths of the minister, then we just have to watch.”

If the other party can’t do it, then let’s do it! ”

Nadehitan pondered for a moment.

Then he told his inner plan.

In her opinion, if the empire could become better in the hands of Esdes.

Then she will not continue to do it.

If the empire is not better.

Then go according to the second set of plans that came to mind earlier.

“It’s not impossible to do this!”

The empire is dark.

In itself, it is also because of Minister Ernest and a kind of henchman.

Now, Esdes has cleansed the empire, if only to bring the empire to real peace.

Maybe it doesn’t need to be hands-on.

“But with what I know about Esdes, it’s basically hard.”

Najhitan knew very well that Esdes was a war maniac.

It was basically impossible for her to lead the Empire to peace.

“Forget it, let’s take a look for the time being.”

There is something about Esdes.

She doesn’t really want to say it now.

Time will give the most appropriate answer.

For now, she now feels like there’s still something to work on.

“Yes, but there seems to be some changes on the revolutionary army’s side recently, and according to my previous information…”

Hill released the information he had obtained before.

It doesn’t matter if you don’t investigate.

After a series of investigations, Hill discovered that the revolutionary army was also hiding dirt.

The darkness in it, even without losing the empire.

“Sure enough, as Lord White Night said, it turns out that there has long been a plan for us within this!”

Ma Yin looked at the information above, and a trace of anger couldn’t help but flash on her face.

Although it was said by Bai Ye a long time ago, he thinks that he can accept it for the time being.

But it was only after he really saw this information that Ma Yin found out.

It turned out that it was impossible for me to be so calm.

In the plans within the revolutionary army.

There have long been two plans.

One is a failed runaway plan.

One is the plan for how to deal with the night raid after success.

It is clear that they were sold!

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