Chapter 272: Nemesis! Nadehistan and Esdes!!

“Invisible beings like us will basically be disposed of afterwards!”

In this regard, in fact, the red pupil can be more or less clear.

After all, I also spent time in the empire.

It is also quite clear that once there is no use value, it will definitely be ruthlessly abandoned by the other party in the end.

“Red pupil, you are too calm, it is absolutely impossible for me to swallow this breath!”

Seeing this, Ma Yin hurriedly said.

Although she understood the truth of what Akahitomi said.

But this feeling of being betrayed, she hated the most.

“Otherwise, what are you going to do?”

Looking at Ma Yin’s appearance, everyone laughed in their hearts.

But I want to see what Ma Yin is going to do.

“Of course, fight back, this revolutionary army is so dark, why do we want it to exist, it is better for us to replace the revolutionary army, just like Esdes!”

Oh, yes!

They now have such strong combat effectiveness.

Why hide and be wanted by the world?

It’s really humiliating.

What’s more, the most important point is that it is absolutely impossible for this kind of self to let go of people who want to betray themselves.

“Same as Esdes?!”

Najishitan murmured.

This does not seem to be impossible to consider.

After all, the revolutionary army is as rotten as the empire.

Therefore, it is better to purge the revolutionary army yourself.

“We can do this, but how to replace the revolutionary army, if we are like Esdes, we can’t do it!”

The eldest brother reminded.

Come on him.

Replacing the revolutionary army is not a difficult thing.

But there is one thing that must be noted.

That’s how to do it.

If it’s the same as Esdes.

That’s basically impossible for them to do.

It is obviously impossible to follow the path of Esdes.

“Yes, there is basically no knowledge of our existence in the revolutionary army, but Esdes has a high prestige in the empire, so as long as she shakes her arms, then naturally many people will choose to stand on her side, but are we different!”

Esdes fought in the Empire all year round.

Military power is basically in her hands.

Nature Esdes if said to choose directly next to it.

She has a lot of followers.

But night raids are different.

The night raids belonged to the revolutionary army, but the bottom of the revolutionary army, including the middle level, did not know their existence.

Only the group above knows.

Therefore, it is obviously not feasible to let them follow the path of Esdes.

“Why don’t we send out all the charges of the revolutionary army, so that we can give us the opportunity to dominate?”

If you look at it this way, it seems that if you take the initiative to attack, it may be better if you attack the prestige of the revolutionary army, and then you may be able to take the revolutionary army later.

After Ma Yin finished speaking, she looked at everyone, hoping that this was a strategy that she had finally thought of.

“It’s useless, it has hit the credibility of the revolutionary army, then after that, can we still make the people of the empire accept it?”

If only this were announced directly.

The prestige of the revolutionary army was devoid of prestige.

Even if they take over the revolutionary army, in the end, they will not be able to make the revolutionary army accepted by the people of the empire again.

After all, this darkness and the empire have a fight.

And one thing to say, the reputation of Esdes is quite good among the people.

So it is simply impossible for the two to go the same way.

“Boss, you say, what do we do now?”

“That guy in the white night is not there, otherwise you can ask him!”

At this time, everyone couldn’t come up with an idea, so they could only focus on Nadeshitan.

Of course, if White Night is here.

Naturally, they would ask what White Night should do.

After all, there is still a head on the head.

“In fact, there is no need for us to hurry at all, for now, we are still in the shadows, and eventually there will be a battle between the revolutionary army and the empire, we can wait!”

Nadehitan was in no hurry.

After all, there will be a battle between the Empire and the Revolutionary Army after all, and there is no way to avoid it.

So now is not the time for them to take over the revolutionary army.

“What does the battle between the revolutionary army and the Empire have to do with us?”

Now they do not belong to the revolutionary army.

In other words, the war between the revolutionary army and the empire now seems to have nothing to do with them.

“Of course, it has to do with it, only after the battle between the empire and the revolutionary army, the revolutionary army will be killed by the empire and collapsed, and then we will become the savior and take over the revolutionary army.”

Or that the empire, under the leadership of Esdes, is indeed moving towards the light, so there is no need to muddy the waters.

So this time is not at all the time for us to make a move, is this understandable? ”

Najishitan reminded.

There is no need to make a move at this time.

They are not ripe.

“Boss, do you really think that Esdes can lead the empire to the light?”

The eldest brother asked curiously.

If you look at it according to this, although he has not had much contact with Esdes, he has heard of Esdes’ character to some extent.

Her character.

It feels hard.

Najishitan shook her head and continued, “No, but at least it’s better than the empire under the current minister!” ”

As a former colleague, she naturally knows Esdes.

It’s not too good, but it’s definitely better than it is now.

“If this is the case, the revolutionary army will be defeated!”

There is a gap between the strength of the revolutionary army itself and the empire.

If the imperial side can still get better, then the result seems to be doomed.

“Humph, it is to defeat the revolutionary army, if I don’t investigate this I don’t know, this revolutionary army is like this, fortunately there is a white night!”

Saying that, Ma Yin was also happy in his heart at the moment.

If it hadn’t been for Bai Ye to find them to make up.

It is estimated that after completing the task, it will eventually be sold by the other party.

This is not the result that Ma Yin wants to see.

Anyway, the empire or Esdes.

She did not want the revolutionary army to win.

On what basis does this decadent revolutionary army win?

“Look again, we don’t need to think so much, I’ll tell Leonay later, we shouldn’t act without permission recently, it’s still based on investigating intelligence!”

Najishitan said slowly.

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