Chapter 273 Esther Molten Fruit? It’s getting more and more fun!!

Imperial Palace.

Esther looked at General Bude in front of him and sighed.

I secretly sighed in my heart, this is really old and stubborn.

“Speaking of which, now that the Empire is already like this, why should we guard the Empire?”

Estes was actually quite optimistic about General Budd.

At least in terms of the current situation.

This guy’s combat power is still OK.

He originally followed the ancestral admonition that military generals could not interfere in politics, so although he was aware of the corrupt behavior of ministers and others, he did not interfere, but used his authority to shield the officials of the conscience faction.

“What are you doing here?”

General Budd stared at Estuth.

Today, Estes had killed Minister Ernest.

He knew, too.

And Esther’s purpose for coming here also seems to be worth taking.

“It’s simple, see the emperor!”

She herself had no idea about rights.

As long as you kill the minister and then take the position of minister, won’t you be able to grasp the same power as before?

On the surface, the little emperor did not change.

Just a puppet of his own.

And because of the killing of the minister.

His own prestige has definitely increased a lot in the empire.

There is no need to do that kind of rebellion.

She also didn’t want to be a queen at all.

“Hands-on or?”

“What do you say?”

Esther looked at Budd with interest.

This guy is no longer his opponent.

However, at present, the positions of the two are still the same.

“I see.”

Bude took a deep look at Esdes and then led her to the palace.

Although his back was to Estes, he was always vigilant.

As long as Esther has a little bit of a desire to shoot.

He will not hesitate to wait.

Even if he dies in battle today, he must also protect the safety of the little emperor.

The inner sanctum of the Imperial Palace.

The little emperor already knew what was happening outside, looked at Estus with trembling and asked, “General Estes, why did you kill Ernest Tianchen?” ”

At this moment, she couldn’t mention how scared she was.

Because Esther’s fighting power is here.

If it weren’t for General Budd here, she wouldn’t have dared to face Esther.

Because of his young age, he relied on the instructions and helpers of the ministers to carry out politics.

Although not entirely a puppet of the Minister, he has absolute trust in the Minister.

“Your Majesty the Emperor, it seems that you don’t know something yet.”


The little emperor looked at Esther with some strangeness.

She didn’t understand.

And this time, Esther also came prepared.

Unfold a picture in front of the little emperor.

In the picture, the current emperor’s biological parents were killed by Ernest himself.

He can be said to be the culprit in the corruption of the country.

And seeing what the minister had done, the little emperor’s eyes were full of disbelief.

I couldn’t believe that the minister who usually seemed amiable was such a person.

His parents were also killed by the minister.

“So Your Majesty should know why I did it?”

Esther had already figured out what to say before he came.

“General Budd, is this true?!”

The little emperor turned his head to look at Bud at this moment.

Now she didn’t know who to believe.

After all, Minister Ernest was dead.

But the picture in front of me is too real.

Even if you don’t want to believe it, but it’s already been like this, how can you imagine it?

“Your Majesty, Your Majesty’s original death was a little strange, and although I had some doubts, I did not think that it was Minister Ernest who did it!”

Although it felt a little strange at first.

But no matter how much he investigated, he found nothing else.

At first, it didn’t occur to Ernest.

But now that the situation is concerned, at least 90% of this picture is true.

“I’m sorry General Estes misunderstood you!”

The little emperor heard General Bude say this.

At this moment, I also said it hurriedly.

She had no idea that the minister she had believed in so much was actually the one who had killed her own parents.

“All right, Your Majesty, I have now killed the Ornest family and am preparing to purge all the decay associated with Minister Ernest and restore the Empire to a clean slate!”

“Let it go!”

A trace of hatred flashed on the little emperor’s face.

Now that the situation was the case, she decided to let Esther do it.

General Bude on the side was also a little surprised in his heart.

Unexpectedly, these words were actually spoken by Esthers.

But he was also very clear in his heart.

Once it was the subject who died.

Then the Empire is definitely going to get better.

“Maybe you can really look forward to it.”

Bude sighed.

Now that the Empire’s Worm Minister was dead, he felt that the Empire might really be sunning!

【Ding! Change the plot successfully, get points: 100,000. 】

Kill the cancer of the empire and wash the decay within the empire with blood.

The same has also carried out a series of changes.

After Estes got 100,000 points, his heart was also excited.

It seems that this time it was done right.

Qiu Zixi: [Sour, I was really sour this time, it was actually 100,000 points!” 】

This comes directly to 100,000 points.

Tony: [Depend!] I’m going to change the plot too! 】

Uchiha Ban: “I took it, I changed it like this, and I directly have 100,000 points?” 】

Yakumo Zi: [She doesn’t seem to be changing it at will, it seems that this side has killed the biggest cancer, and there are many decaying nobles, so if you look at it, the change is a little more!” 】

Whitebeard: [Gollum la la la 】

Uncle Nine: [You have gained a lot of points in the war on top before, and you have also run away!] 】

Whitebeard: “I’m all watched, and my life will be bad in the future!” 】

It’s good now, but it certainly won’t be in the future.


White Night looked at the log.

“It seems that there is another one that can be determined, Estes, even the ministers have been killed, as a great general of the Empire, you have actually slaughtered the ministers who cooperated, and you still have the ability to molten the pulp, the fruit of the molten pulp?”

System or what?

White Night’s heart was strange.

It seems that things are getting more and more interesting.

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