Chapter 275 The White Night Lord has a good belly and a black belly!!

“Lord White Night, are you really sure that you will let the evil god sauce stay at home alone?”

It’s weird.

White Night would actually be relieved to let the evil god sauce stay at home alone this time.


Every time as long as the evil god sauce stays at home alone, there will be no good thing.

Except after each beating of the evil god sauce once.

There is basically no follow-up.

This scum snake will not repent either.

“Otherwise, I’ve been itching a little lately, so let’s let the scum snake stay at home!”

White Night smiled and squinted at Thor, then turned his head to look at the room behind him.

The scum snake was quietly observing by the window.

It is estimated that after the white night has completely gone away, there will be some action.

Looked at by the white night.

The evil god sauce shrank his head in a hurry, and at the same time, he thought in his heart that it was better not to look at his most “eight or seven zeros”.

Later, if she was seen through by the white night, then she would be in trouble, but she did not know that she had already been targeted by the white night.


After listening to the white night.

Thor and the others also mourned silently for the evil god sauce in their hearts.

“Lord White Night is really black!”

“I want to beat people, so I deliberately let the evil god sauce stay at home alone, and then there is a reason to beat the evil god sauce, and the character of the White Night Lord is really bad!”

“Is this okay too? I also said Lord White Night, how could you leave the evil god sauce at home! ”

At this moment, the hearts of the people were also amazed.

Originally, I thought that White Night believed that the evil god sauce would never paint this.

But now, it seems that it is completely different from what I thought.

“No way, this guy with the evil god sauce is also resistant to beating anyway, and when the time comes, he will beat her!”

Bai Ye shrugged and said slowly.

Since this side has already been decided.

Then, of course, when you go back, you will have to do it yourself.

“But what if the little evil god didn’t do anything and was still quiet?”

It’s not quite right to say.

Why is that?

White Night can be so sure that the evil god sauce is moving.

If the evil god sauce didn’t do it, wouldn’t it be that the plan would fall through?

“No way, if she really didn’t do it, then I’ll leave it at that!”

If the evil god sauce really didn’t do anything, the white night would be forgotten.

But think about it, it’s basically unlikely.

This is a big injustice.

“Lord White Night, if the Evil God Sauce doesn’t move, then Lord White Night will beat me!”


Thor, are you serious?

The look in Thor’s eyes instantly changed.

The bottom of Bai Ye’s heart is also a bout of belly discussion…


After seeing that the white night had left.

Evil God Sauce is for safety.

Sticking out his head and continuing to observe for a while, after making sure there was no problem, he quickly slipped into the room of the white night.

She thought about going to hit the marbles.

But unfortunately, the evil god sauce herself has no money, before the white night gave her a sum of money, but she spent it by playing marbles.

After that, he also found Medusa and fooled Medusa with all his wages.

In the end, there is no money here.

So, after White Night said that he was going out, Evil God Sauce thought about what he had done when he was a child.

Stealing money: No!

Take the sheep by the hand and bring the money they don’t use.

When I was a child in the demon world, the evil god sauce was no evil.

Anyway, even if all kinds of beatings, but still do not change.

“Where’s it, the family will definitely put money!”

Evil God Sauce came to the White Night Room to look left and right, and did not see any money at all.

Could it be that it has been taken away?

Ding dong!

Just when the evil god sauce was still trying to find it.

After hearing the doorbell, the evil god sauce was immediately startled.



“Wait! It shouldn’t be that guy, if it were that guy, it would be impossible to ring the doorbell! ”

The evil god sauce reacted immediately.

If the white night returns, it will certainly not ring the doorbell.

That said, it is absolutely impossible to come back from the white night.

White nights can be ruled out.

Could it be the Waste Wood Angel upstairs?

Before waiting for the evil god sauce to think more, the doorbell was constantly pressing.

No way.

Evil God Sauce had to open the door to see who was coming.

When I opened the door, Medusa was standing crisply in the doorway.

After seeing that it was Medusa, the evil god sauce couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief in his heart, fortunately, this person was not a white night them…

“Evil God Sauce, are you alone at home?”

Medusa leaned inside the door and looked.

Although it is not good to say that it is not good to disturb the white night and other people every day.

But after all, I wanted to come and find the evil god sauce.

Therefore, after her heart was tormented, she immediately came to find the evil god sauce.

“It’s you!”

The scum snake sighed, and then as if thinking of something, looked at Medusa expectantly and asked, “So, what, is your salary paid?” ”

If you look at it this way, this salary should be paid.

“Not yet.”

Medusa said weakly.

My salary has not yet been paid, and now, although I have imagined this situation.

However, when the next salary is paid, I will give it to the little evil god.

“No money, how boring is that?”

The evil god sauce lost interest as soon as he kept it.

Without the money coming to Medusa, it would be meaningless.

“Isn’t there money on that table?”

Medusa weakly pointed to the table.

There’s a lot of money on top of that.

In the direction of Medusa’s finger, the evil god sauce looked over, and after seeing the money on the table, his eyes instantly straightened.

Then she rushed to the position of the money as fast as she could.

How come I hadn’t seen this thing before?

What an abominable white night!

Putting the money in such a conspicuous position made her think she was wrong.

The more I thought about it, the more I felt weird.

“Evil God Sauce, isn’t this money yours?”

Medusa suddenly felt a bad premonition.

Before, Medusa thought that this was the pocket money of the evil god sauce.

But looking at the reaction of the evil god sauce, she didn’t seem to know that this money existed.

That is to say, in fact, this money is not evil god sauce at all.

Then he said so, if the evil god sauce takes this money away.

When White Night came back and learned about this, wouldn’t he be very angry and then beat up the evil god sauce.

“I don’t think I’ll take it or not?” I’ll give you the money when I’m paid!” ”

Medusalind hurriedly admonished.

If you take it, it’s really finished!

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