Chapter 304 Stronger and stronger, this guy is a freak?!!

“It’s really strange, obviously the strength should be weaker than mine, but with the blessing of this state, you are not a Saiyan, right?”

This ability is obviously the state of the super race.

Who is Beerus, the god of destruction?

Of course he knew this.

But there was no Saiyan breath in this man.

Instead, he only got the ability, and he didn’t look like a Saiyan.

Could it be that this ability has now emerged?

Speaking of which, in this world, Saiyans’ abilities are still quite enviable, as long as they don’t die, they are in a near-death state after fighting, and then after recovery, their combat effectiveness will be greatly improved.

“Forget it, it’s okay with me.”

Beerus suddenly felt that the identity of the other party did not seem to be so important anyway, whether it was a Saiyan or not.

Or maybe it’s some other pool.

For Beerus, he didn’t care.

In the end, as long as you win, that’s it!

“Well, even if it’s weaker than me, it can fight with me back and forth!”


Beerus was thinking of slaughtering the man in front of him who wanted to sneak up on him.

Completely let him disappear in the universe.

Can be done after fighting with the opponent.

Suddenly, he found that the other party’s combat effectiveness seemed to be quite good.

This also gave Beerus some appreciation.

The battle went on and on.

“Is there only one point in the destructive god’s combat strength?” Go on! ”

White Night felt his blood boiling at this moment!

Since it was an increase in combat effectiveness.

It had been a long time since he had met anyone who could fight with him.

Today, this god of destruction, Beerus, is counted as one.

Sure enough, this time the Dragon Ball World was a very good world for White Night.

Very strong in combat.

In the midst of the battle, White Night felt like he was getting stronger all the time.

This speed is even more powerful than before.

Looking at this look, it is obvious that it is already a good idea to use Beerus to become stronger.

“Strangely, Saiyan’s characteristics don’t seem to get stronger in battle!”

There was something strange in Bai Ye’s heart.

In the midst of battle, I am getting stronger all the time.

But the Saiyans’ abilities are not about making themselves stronger in battle.

However, after the battle, the higher the damage, and once it is alive, the improvement is very huge.

But now, in this situation, Bai Ye’s heart also had some strangeness.

“Wait! Could it be because of the body limiter! ”

White Night remembered.

Own body limiter two stages.

Could this strange speed have begun to merge with the Saiyan abilities in the middle of the battle?

If so.

He also had some expectations in his heart.

If you say that the next fusion ability, maybe you can fuse the Saiyan and the Body Limiter and upgrade it once.

The ability of the fusion of White Night is very curious.

What will it become.

One is that it is getting stronger all the time, and because of the genetic lock.

Therefore, there is also an additional stateful skill here.

The Saiyans, on the other hand, have the ability to become stronger after fighting.

And can enter the state of the Super Saiyan or the state of the Saiyan God and so on.

Both abilities are actually somewhat similar.

However, one is to upgrade anytime and anywhere, and the other is to save interest, and when the battle is over, it will be proposed.

There are also advantages to both.

“This little devil has been getting stronger, what is wrong with me?” Think I’m sparring? ”

Beerus noticed something was wrong as he played.

The strength of the other side seems to be getting stronger and stronger between the war with oneself.

In itself, at the beginning he actually had a little advantage.

It’s just because the other person’s ability is too weird.

So Beerus this side is feeling a little bit difficult.

But he has self-confidence.

As long as he keeps fighting, he can definitely win it, and time is on his side.

But now, he didn’t have the confidence he had before.

Because Beerus found that the other side was fighting, the strength was getting stronger and stronger.

Now, he already feels like he doesn’t have that much of an advantage.

Although it is not that you are at a disadvantage.

But the battle wasn’t as easy as it had been before.

The fighting power of the other side is getting stronger and stronger.

His pressure also directly multiplied.

“No, if I continue to fight like this, I guess I’m going to be doomed, and I have to finish it soon!”

A purple ball of light appeared around Beerus, encircling him.

Then the missiles flew directly into the white night.

But the next second.

After seeing the white night directly resisted.

His eyes widened directly.

“I must not have woken up, this guy is a freak, right?”

For sure.

This guy must be a freak.

Otherwise, Beerus really couldn’t imagine that someone could actually resist his own move.

The move of the purple light spin ball goes down, basically destroying the planet is simple.

And the person in front of him can actually resist hard.

How strong is this body.

“It’s still a little worse, this power is really strong, but it can’t destroy my body!”

White Night grinned.

He had found out.

When fighting with Beerus, he is not only an increase in combat effectiveness.

Both attack and defense are increasing.

Forces that had not been fused before began to fuse better than before.

That’s the charm of fighting!

A long time ago, after these abilities of the White Night were obtained, they were always in a low-use state.

No one was met who could fight him.

Naturally, the ability cannot be developed very strongly.

In his own right, White Night didn’t care that much, but after the battle with Beerus began, he found that the cells all over his body were excited.

Because they are all getting stronger, they are all adapting.

Something that was still very strange and unfamiliar at first, gradually, he was familiar with it and could completely control it.

“In this case, it seems that you must be serious, and then do a good job of mortal enlightenment!”

Beerus took a deep breath.

At this moment, he had already thought about it in his heart.

Just this time, I have to get serious.

Otherwise, next, I will definitely be defeated.

This guy is obviously practicing with himself.

He Beerus is not a sparring partner.

Not to mention in this case.

It is bound to make the other party pay a price, which can save his face as a god of destruction!

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