Chapter 305 Break through the single universe on your own and get super rewards!!

The battle was still continuing, and in another place, Weiss also discovered something.

Beerus disappeared.

Didn’t you sleep here before?

“What about people?”

Weiss looked around.

Before, I was still outside.

If I remember correctly, it was not yet time for Beerus to wake up.

If only I had been woken up.

Wouldn’t that be going out and destroying the planet?

In itself, Beerus has a great sense of getting up.

This is clear to Weiss.

“Hurry up and find him!”

Weiss now had only one thought in his mind.

Hurry up and find Beerus.

Once Beerus is not found here.

Maybe not a few planets were destroyed.

Although it seems that as a god of destruction, destroying some planets, there seems to be nothing but this kind of behavior, Wei still feels that it must be stopped.

It is not always allowed to be destroyed by Beerus.

Which bastard woke Beerus up.

He obeyed.

Obviously, I was still watching from the outside before.

As a result, one did not pay attention, and Beerus disappeared.

Obviously, he got up so angry, he didn’t even notice it outside, or did someone break in and take away Beerus?

If only that were the case.

The situation now seems a little less optimistic.

You have to find Beerus quickly.

Being able to take away Beerus silently, and not knowing who it was, Wei also had an ominous premonition in his heart.

In the whole universe, the only person who can take Beerus under such circumstances seems to be the whole king, right?


How could the king have come to Beerus at this time?

Moreover, even if you want to find him, you can’t quietly take him away.

Thinking of this, Weiss didn’t think much of it anymore and immediately went to look for Beerus.

On another battlefield.

Beerus was also gradually falling into the downwind at this moment.

He knew very well that if he continued to fight like this, he would really be dead.

Everything around them had been wiped out because of the battle between the two men.

The fighting continues.

Beerus felt the pressure.

Fight stronger and stronger!

Where the hell did the freak come from!

Beerus was now powerless to complain.

Even if he was woken up, he was ready to take the little ghost in front of him to wake himself up.

But in the end, it actually became like this.

“Can you continue to fight?”

White Night gasped and stared dead at Beerus.

Now this situation, he also has some expectations.

If you can continue to fight, you can still become stronger.

He already felt it.

It seemed as if the seal in his body was about to be lifted.

“Oh, if you fall down first, I will definitely not fall!”

Beerus held on strongly, and even at this time, it was obvious that the momentum could not fall.

Even if you already feel a little eaten, if you continue to fight, you may die.

But Beerus couldn’t handle that much.

As a god of destruction.

How can you back down?


The two continued to fight.

When White Night saw that he could still persist, his heart was even more excited.

“Almost there! That’s a little bit! ”

I felt one step closer to touching that layer of blockade.

It was the first time he had broken through with his own fighting.

From activating the system to the present, all the strength has depended on the system.

Now, in the midst of battle, strength seems to have the possibility of a breakthrough.

This also made the white night very excited.

It was the first time he had relied on himself to improve his strength.

The distance to that level of realm seems to be getting faster and faster.

Under that little bit of light, the white night felt like it was in front of him, as if there was a realm that he could touch.


There was only one thought in my mind.

He can be sure that as long as he continues to fight, then he must be able to break through.

This attitude also somewhat made Beerus on the side a little overwhelmed.

“It’s getting stronger!”

The pressure is also increasing.

Now, if he continues to fight like this, he feels that he is really going to die.

Moreover, the other party seems to be using himself as a trainer.

And it was in his very uncomfortable condition.

Watching the White Night’s fighting style is good, or other pure and strength from weak to leading.

This feeling of cultivating stronger and stronger for one’s opponent.

No one is liked.

The same goes for him…

“You must find an opportunity to solve it quickly, one hit kill, use that move!”

Beerus thought silently in his heart, and then decided to use that move to solve the white night.

After delaying like this, he felt that he really wanted to be surpassed by the other party.

It’s a lot of pressure right now.

Give the other party another chance, then you really want to die.

Thinking of this, he didn’t think much about it anymore.

Punch it, then jump away quickly.

Looking at the silent white night without movement.

Beerus had also managed so much, though it seemed a little strange to know him.

But he was going to conceive his own tricks.

【Ding! Congratulations to the host for breaking through the combat power alone to reach the level of the single universe, and get rewards: 300,000 behind-the-scenes black hand points, a free fusion ability opportunity, a gene lock automatically advanced once, and open the Super Saiyan Blue state! 】

Boom! Boom!

White Night could clearly feel his heartbeat spreading throughout his body.

A breakthrough in strength.

He could sense that his body was constantly washing away the wounds left over from the previous battle.

“Stamina, combat effectiveness, and resilience have all been greatly improved, and there is also a chance of free fusion, and is this the combat power of the single universe?”

White Night clenched his fists in his hands.

At this moment, my heart is also a little shocked.

If he said that his previous self was already very strong, then at this time, he already had the combat effectiveness to directly kill himself in a second.

After this breakthrough, all have been improved.

Moreover, in his eyes, the rules and time space seem to have some sense of reach.


The yellow energy on White Night’s body extinguished, and then a blue energy filled the surroundings.

In front of him, Beerus, who was always observing the white night, was also extremely shocked.

“Something is wrong! This guy’s breath is so many times more exaggerated than before?! Is it because the previous battle has been broken! ”


Beerus can only be described as horror.

This guy’s combat effectiveness is too exaggerated, right?

A wave of timidity even appeared in his mind.

How come!?

How could this be!

He’s Beerus, the god of destruction!

Except for the whole king, no one can make himself so afraid!

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