Chapter 309 is greatly enhanced, this is the power of God!!

“System, give me a list of the black hands needed to enhance these abilities!”

There are still 1.07 million behind-the-scenes black spots.

First, list the number of points you need to consume.

Then slowly see which ability you need to strengthen first.

【Time and Space Control (Enhanced 4): 500,000 Behind the Scenes Black Hand Point Death Demon Eye (Enhancement 1): 300,000 Behind the Scenes Black Hand Point Debuff Effect Immunity (Enhancement 1): 200,000 Behind the Scenes Black Hand Point Body Liberator: One Million Behind the Scenes Black Hand Point Body Art Mystery: 100,000 Behind the Scenes Black Hand Point Collaborator Contract (Enhanced 3): 300,000 Behind the Scenes Black Hand Point Two-Way Foil: 300,000 Behind the Scenes Black Hand Point Skin Management System: 100,000 Behind the Scenes Black Hand Point Click: One Million Behind the Scenes Black Hand Point Speech Follow: One Million Behind the Scenes Black Hand Point】


White Night looked at the three abilities that had fused together before, and his heart was shocked.

There are too many black hands behind the scenes.

The first enhancement phase requires a million back-office blackhands to strengthen.

But this ability is also really powerful.

I only have 1.07 million.

Therefore, this ability obviously cannot be strengthened in this way.

Although I know that the improvement may be relatively large, at this time, there are still some shortcomings that need to be added.

The team thought about it in the white night.

In the end, he also gave up on strengthening the ability of those who had just fused.

Now, this ability, White Night decided to think about it.

Although it is said that there was a free integration opportunity before to save some of the behind-the-scenes black hand.

But in the end, White Night did not choose to use it.

The main thing is because he wants to wait a little longer.

It may be more cost-effective to fuse more than a million behind-the-scenes black hands in the future.

“If you sort the combinations, it feels like it costs exactly one million to enhance the time-space control (Enhanced Four), the debuff effect immunity (Enhanced One), and the Collaborator Contract (Enhanced Three).”

White Night looked at these abilities.

The Straight Death Demon Eye was directly swept over by the White Night.

If it had been before, it would have given priority to this ability.

But this kind of words, now he uses it very frequently.

Naturally, there is no need to upgrade again.

When there is a need later, it may be possible to consider it.

Then, this ability of time and space control has reached Enhanced Four.

And it is also a combat skill that he used to use frequently.

Nature is a priority.

Then the negative effect immunity is a passive, and the ability to rebound negative effects is also very good in the eyes of White Night.

It is the ability of a person who can prevent being yin and can return to the yin.

The Receiving Collaborator Contract is to strengthen the person who cooperates with him.

It has been a long time since this contract has been renewed.

It’s not just about being able to make yourself stronger, it’s also about being able to make your collaborators stronger.

It is also more convenient for them to do things in their own world.

Before that, White Night had probably learned that perhaps in the two-dimensional world, there were already so-called variables.

It is whether it is a crosser, or an indigenous person has turned on the system or other goldfingers.

As long as the strength of their own people increases, then it is enough to suppress it.

If you say no, then you will once again improve the effect of the collaborator contract, so that you can ensure that the people you work with are not threatened.

After all, it is for their own work, and they can’t let the other party suffer losses, and the benefits still have to be given.

Moreover, the Enhancer Contract Pool can make you stronger.

Therefore, these three things are currently the highest utilization rate of reinforcement, and also the best cost-effective reinforcement program.

“System, give me three skills to strengthen!”

【Ding! Enhancements complete! 】

[Time and Space Control] (Enhanced 5): Inherits all previous abilities, greatly reduces the consumption of space-time ability use, and has the ability to enter the long river of time and space at will to modify, and can modify a series of operations such as memory modification of people in the long river of time and space, and directly erase the existence.

Time and space directly obliterate!?

This reminded Bai Ye of the history books of the years of Chenlong’s adventures, even stronger than this.

The history books of the years can only change the present and the past, and the people involved in the events that are changed will be re-indoctrinated with memories.

And the place and something involved will also change to varying degrees.

More importantly, there is no limit to the use of history books to change history, and those who rewrite history will not be erased.

But he’s different.

He was able to obliterate directly.

That is to say, who you want to do to directly erase the other party in the long river of time and space.

[Negative Effect Immunity] (Enhancement 2): Immune to all negative effects, and can rebound negative effects to the user by 200%, and then randomly appear negative states to affect the user.

Give you your own negative effect, followed by a random negative effect.

White Night felt that this ability was even more perverted than before.

If the other party had given himself a deceleration before, he would only bounce back and slow back to now not just a two-hundred-percent rebound.

And also give you a random one.

A curse, or poisoning or so on.

【Collaborator Contract】(Enhancement 4): Includes strengthening all three abilities, this new addition, 200% increase in all aspects; Co-workers receive a 100% increase in all aspects, the number of contracts increases to forty, after the contract collaborator is killed, the resurrection cooldown is reduced to ninety days, the end of the cooldown period will refresh the resurrection ability, the host resurrection cooldown is reduced to ninety days, the storage resurrection chance is increased to three times, and the host has temporarily given the collaborator other world abilities, such as: Nagato’s reincarnation eye ability is temporarily loaned to the pirate world Yamato, with a short cooldown period.

This ability!?

He was able to lend his abilities to people from other worlds.

That is to say, once the combat power over there collapses.

I am completely able to borrow the abilities of other worlds.

Then change the situation.

But this restricts the words.

【Ding! The required restriction is on the one hand the user, who cannot withstand this ability and will not be able to receive it, for example, if the power of the world of Valoran and the world of Arad is given to the lower worlds, it will cause the user to die directly. 】

The power cannot be accommodated, and it is not enough to exceed too much.

It feels as if four is acceptable too.

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