Chapter 310 That bastard is hiding from me?!!

There seems to be a little incompatibility in strength.

But it’s also normal.

If only it were compatible.

It is directly to let the people of the Arad world or the people of Valoran take over the power to other weaker worlds.

Directly can kill the people of that world in a second.

Moreover, this ability is a little perverted no matter how you look at it.

So, in essence, this ability is limited, and White Night can understand it.

The power of this contract has been greatly strengthened in nature.

Moreover, for what this system thinks, in fact, the white night side has also thought very clearly.

The high probability is that you want to change your own world by finding someone yourself.

Instead of saying, let yourself directly crush a dimension, since you can’t do it, then the strength of other people is more or less not want to be borrowed to solve the problem.

The key is to let the people of their own world solve it with the ability they get.

And not in this way.

It’s more like an insurance.

“If you look at it this way, the control seems to be in my hands, and if that’s the case, then I won’t talk to anyone else.”

The final interpretation is in your own hands.

At present, people in their respective worlds are not too much of a problem.

Nor does it take a white night to remind of this.

Therefore, the white night naturally did not have the mistake to remind.

World of Naruto.

Tsunade sensed changes in his body.

After the collaborator contract is strengthened.

The collaborators of each world found out at the first time that their combat effectiveness had increased more than before.

And the resurrection time is shortened.

“Lord Tsunade, are you too?”

Xi Rihong looked at the hand, her look, coupled with the changes in her own body, she also found that it seemed that the white night had given him some benefits.

“That’s right, if you feel the ability, it seems to be much stronger than before!”

Tsunade squeezed his fist, then raised his fist and waved it in the air a few times.

This feeling, she found, seemed to have improved the strength of Busha.

But what about that guy?

“Damn! This guy hasn’t been here for a long time! ”

Tsunade roared angrily.

Just know to do some of these things remotely.

Don’t you know how to come and see yourself?


Ino and the others glanced at each other.

Then he also asked weakly, “So, what, Lord Tsunade, you seem to be concerned about something wrong, right?” ”

This is directly concerned about this.

Haven’t they all been directly strengthened before?

Isn’t it time to be happy?

I really didn’t expect it.

None of the people on this side of the white night could be her point.

“Ahem! This bastard doesn’t know where to play, I guess he has a new joy! ”

Speaking of which.

Tsunade is still a little sour.

This guy hasn’t come looking for himself in a long time.

The more I think about it, the more uncomfortable it feels.

“Lord Tsunade, have you forgotten that there is one more thing that has not been dealt with?”

This side of the hatchin reminded him on the side.

If I remember correctly, it seems that I was going to go out and interrogate the Great Snake Maru before and had to get Sasuke.

Isn’t it okay now?

“Of course I have to pass, how could I possibly forget this, but it doesn’t affect me from accusing that bastard!”

Tsunade scolded angrily.

Of course, I am going to pass.

After all, he had already caught the Great Snake Pill.

Without interrogation, that would obviously be impossible.

But this does not prevent you from complaining a sentence or two.

“Let’s go.”

Spit out two sentences.

Tsunade also knew that if he said this again, the white night would not come.

It was better to go directly to the Great Snake Maru’s side.

Go and get your anger on the Great Snake Maru.

Wooden Leaf Prison.

At this moment, Sasuke and the Great Snake Pill and the Medicine Man had been arrested.

“The Great Snake Pill, I really didn’t expect it, after so many years, it actually turned into this look.”

Tsunade looked at the Great Snake Maru with a complicated face.

Once a teammate, she also did not expect that the Great Snake Maru would eventually betray Kiba, and also killed three generations of Naruto Ape Flying Sun Slash.

The previous Great Snake Pill was not like this.

“Oh, if you want to talk about this, you don’t have to come here.”

The Great Snake Maru smiled.

In the face of this remark of the Tsunade hand…

In fact, the Great Snake Pill didn’t want to hear it at all.

I also don’t want to say anything more.

If only for that the sake of the words.

Is it to laugh at him?

“However, one thing is very strange, you actually awakened Mu Shuo, if according to my research, you should not awaken such a strong Mu Shuo!”

At this moment, he had already studied a lot of secrets about Uchiha and Senju.

Naturally, it is also clear that there are obviously two kinds of wooden escapes, one is the wooden retreat of the original Naruto, and the other is the wooden retreat of Yamato.

The wooden retreat of the original Naruto engaged in destruction, while Yamato could only engage in greening.

Once, when he was still cooperating with Tunzang in Muye Village, he had originally made out one of them who would be able to go away, and the rest were basically dead.

The Great Snake Pill also has a deep study of Mu Sui, and naturally has the right to speak.

From the perspective of research.

There seems to be something in common between the former Uchiha Spot and the Thousand Hand Pillar.

It is something that other Uchiha and Senju do not have.

After seeing Uchiha Ban last time, it made the Great Snake Maru confirm this.

“Your Mu Shuo seems to have inherited the first generation of Naruto, is it true that only the Senju clan can awaken such a strong power?”

The Great Snake Maru itself is sticking to its own ideas.

After Kagome awakened Musuke.

Directly disturbed the thoughts of the Great Snake Maru.

He always had a strange feeling.

It was as if this shouldn’t have happened to Tsubasa.

I haven’t waited for the Tsubasa to answer.

Outside the prison, two voices instantly disrupted the minds of several people.

“Tenzan Maru!!”

“Sass gives!!”

After getting the Great Snake Maru and Sasuke being captured back to Konoba.

Naruto, who had already completed his cultivation, and also rushed back without stopping.

An old friend for so many years, such a deeply bound friend.

Naturally, they rushed over at the first time.

“Oh, this idiot has also returned!”

The Great Snake Maru had a cold smile on his face.

There was also a little strange in my heart, I didn’t expect that Sannin would actually meet in this way.


Sasuke looked at Naruto, then lowered his head and stopped looking.

He didn’t know why, and a sense of shame suddenly appeared.

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