Chapter 315 The Secret Meeting of the Holy Land!!

“It’s been strengthened again, and this contract is really strong.”

Pirate World.

There was some surprise in the bottom of his smile.

After receiving another reinforcement of the contract.

That powerful force surged out in an instant.

“Hey, I said Fujihu, what are you thinking?”

Just as Fuji Tiger was pondering.

The green cow on the side looked at him curiously.

The two served as new generals.

The same is the person who was promoted by exception after the world’s great conscription.

There is also a sense of familiarity.

This time, they were going to the Holy Land of Mary Joa to report for duty.

Also following were Sengoku and others from the Navy Headquarters.

Because what broke out this time was completely out of control.

Sengoku did not resign, and at the moment he was still a field marshal.

It was nothing more than expanding the Admirals from three to five.

And some of the technology that the original world government had been handed over to the Navy.

This time, they came to the Holy Land, and it was the Five Old Stars who had something to discuss with them secretly.

“Haha, Fujihu is coming to the Holy Land for the first time, there is no need to be nervous!”

Kapu stepped forward and grabbed the vine tiger directly.

This old man is still in a very good mood.

Although the war on top was lost.

But Ace was gone, and he also fulfilled the obligations of the navy the whole time, and also fought, but the other side was too strong.

This also makes the old man have no psychological burden.

Today, it’s all back to the old days.

“It’s just a bunch of garbage, there’s no need to be nervous, and I shouldn’t see those guys later!”

Karp waved his hand indifferently.

It seems to be comforting Fuji Tiger.

But after saying this, Sengoku’s face immediately changed, and then he grabbed Kapu’s collar and said, “Kapu, you bastard give me some attention!” ”

Does this guy know that there are some things he can’t say?

If he hadn’t been a naval hero, he wouldn’t have known how many years he had been imprisoned in the Advance City at this time.

“Well, what’s not to say, the Warring States is not a bunch of garbage, not to mention that those people didn’t say that they declared war with the Draco, we…”

Before Kapu could finish speaking, he was immediately punched by the Warring States.

This is not yet to the Holy Land.

The ships were all their own people if they were to be heard by the Draco.

Karp will be in trouble later.

Although, the Warring States also somewhat agree with that sentence.

It’s like what Aniru and others said before.

Many times, the tragedy of this world is actually caused by the Draco.

“Well, don’t say that again, go up first.”

Already arrived at the Holy Land.

In the conference room, the Five Old Stars and the Steel Bone Sky were already here.

After seeing Sengoku and the others coming, he nodded his head and motioned for them to find a place to sit down.

Sengoku, Crane, Cap, Green Pheasant, Yellow Ape, Red Dog, Vine Tiger and Green Cow.

The Navy’s cutting-edge combat power has been gathered here.

“Now that you’re all here, let’s get started.”

Steel Bone Empty coughed lightly, cleared his throat, and opened his head.

“This time I have summoned you here to discuss the current situation in the sea.”

This is the case today.

The sea has rioted.

This time the failure of the navy directly led to a sharp increase in the number of pirates in the whole world.

Even the rebellious words of Aniru and others.

As a direct result, many people have the posture of overthrowing the Draco.

This is scarier than pirates.

Because in the past, pirates were just sea robbers.

In the end, it is just to go to the new world to find OP.

A little more heartbroken is Locks.

Want to turn the world upside down.

In the end, it was directly picked up by the Navy.

Now, this is the case again, and everyone wants to be Locks.

In this case, the navy, the army are already somewhat overwhelmed.

Don’t want to figure out a way out yet.

The Draco’s side would also be unable to hold it down.

Now they are taking the lead in saying that they must deal with the current situation.

“Just kill this group of guys!”

Red dogs don’t care that much.

Just eliminate all these unstable factors.

Whether it is a revolutionary army, a pirate, or something else.

Just stand in the way.

Those are all objects that need to be cleared…

“That’s right, but what are those guys going to do?” Aniru, you’ve fought with them before, haven’t you? That combat effectiveness has already exceeded the standard! ”

The crane held his chin in both hands, and after listening to the red dog’s words, he raised his head, looked around, and then said his opinion.

She knew that there was nothing wrong with Red Inu’s proposal.

But he also has to know one thing.

That is, the Navy had already fought with the other side once when it launched the war on the top before.

That fighting power.

Definitely not something that can be moved now.

“They can beat us and Whitebeard, Kaido’s daughter can even beat Kaido, and then even the redhead can provoke, that is to say, in terms of combat effectiveness, it is absolutely very strong, how do they deal with it?” If it could be handled, wouldn’t the previous war on top be able to handle it a long time ago? ”

The crane’s words poked the hearts of the people.

That’s right!

How can this be solved?

Nowadays the Navy is absolutely impossible to solve.

Only the world government has intervened.

Eight hundred years of heritage, can not be only the navy so simple.

The army was to deal with the rebellious forces of the revolutionary army and some kingdoms.

This is less mobilizing.

But they also do not believe that the world government only has a navy and an army.

Didn’t there be scientific troops before?

“Of course we have some troops, but if 0.6 is based on the current situation, it will not be given to you for the time being!”

The five old stars said slowly.

This is mainly because they are not in charge.

Instead, the Dracos were in charge.

Therefore, this time is not what you think you can do.

Everything still depends on whether the Draco’s side will agree.

“I see.”

Listen to the words of the five old stars.

The crowd knew what that meant.

The people here are smart people.

“But before that, the first thing I want to do is to look at the selected generals, and there are some important things else.”

As he spoke, Sword Star was silent for a moment.

Then, the crowd set their sights on the vine tiger and the green cow.

These two people.

Is it the general who was selected before?

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