Chapter 316 Has the Fuji Tiger always been so brave?!!

“Although I had already learned about the two before I came, it was still more polite to meet the goatee five old stars for the first time and talk to the vine tiger and the green cow.”

There is a picture of the two fighting.

In fact, he must have seen it all.

I have to say, especially the vine tiger, the gravity fruit was developed so badly by him.

That’s really no one.

“Don’t say anything else, this time the time is more urgent, there is no need to say this!”

Sword Star’s personality is more urgent.

He knew very well that this was not the time to say this.

Time is limited.

Now we must discuss how to deal with this group of people.

“That’s right, just say things, there are still things to deal with on the Navy side!”

Sengoku nodded in response.

That’s what he thinks too.

“First of all, let’s talk about the group.”

This time to find them is actually just a few things.

“The revolutionary army will most likely come into contact with them, and at the moment it seems that this group of people is our enemy and the pirates, so we can take advantage of it!”

Fortunately, the other side did not want to unite the revolutionary army and the pirates together.

Such an action is acceptable to the world government at least.

They have secret weapons.

If it really comes to that time, it must be taken out to clean the world.

“Klockdahl, Eniru, Hancock, Yamato, Robin, Nami, Golden Lion, Zefa, Wald.”

All the information is in hand.

All of the people who had been involved before appeared.

“Not only this group, but also their affiliated pirate regiments, such as the Baroque Walker of Klockdahl and the Nine Snakes Pirate of Poyahan Cook, and the Flying Pirate Regiment of the Golden Lion, the naval training ship that Zefa once led.”

Including Aniru, there are actually others.

However, there is still relatively little information about Aniru.

But look at Aniru and the group he brought.

Most likely, Aniru came from an empty island.

Most likely this group will all be domineering.

A group of high-end combat power plus a group of small soldiers with not low combat effectiveness.

It was simply a more terrifying existence than the once Locks Pirates.

“You’ve fought with them before, how do you feel?”

Although intelligence has been investigated.

But in its current form.

What always feels a little inappropriate is that in terms of strength, it always feels as if the gap in the middle is really a bit large.

After all, a long time ago, the strength of Han Cook and others, they probably knew a little better.

“In terms of strength, when it comes to words, it already has the combat effectiveness of the level of a general, basically everyone has it!”

Sengoku condenses the channel.

I don’t want to admit it, but that’s the truth.

They had all fought each other before.

A very surprising conclusion was reached.

The combat ability of the other side is absolutely impossible to the level of the Seven Martial Seas.

Even Yamato, even Kaido had been able to defeat before.

“It’s all about the strength of the generals, are you sure?”

The bottom of the five old stars’ hearts sank.

Although the worst is prepared.

But this time, after getting their answers, the five old stars still couldn’t calm down.

If only this were the case.

Isn’t that dangerous?

“There must be, not to mention that there are still a few who have not shot, the Golden Lion is definitely more powerful than the general, and Wald does not know, Zefa’s strength must be stronger than before!”

Han Cook and others have increased their strength.

And now the Golden Lion and others are more likely to be more powerful than before.

“Then that’s going to be trouble.”

Sword Star frowned and muttered.

If it is said that all of them are the combat strength of the general level, it is not easy to break through at all.

“This kind of thing is really too bad, before Yamato, Han Cook and Aniru, and the expelled Klockdale were all Seven Martial Seas, this organization I feel that there is no need to exist, what to do with the pirates?”

Fuji Hu also spoke at this time.

All along, he wanted to abolish the Seven Martial Seas system.

Even if White Night didn’t work with himself, eventually if he got to this point, it would be the same.

Do something to the Seven Martial Seas!


The crowd was a little surprised.

I had no idea that Fuji Hu, who had just joined the Navy, would actually put forward his own opinion.

Although the Navy is not ranked by seniority.

But this has just joined, and you said that you want to abolish the Seven Martial Seas, which is somewhat inappropriate, right?

“In my opinion, there is no need for the Seven Martial Seas to exist at all.

All along, the crimes of the Seven Martial Seas, I believe you are also very clear, right?

Besides, this time there was such a big thing, the three Seven Martial Seas and one of the former Seven Martial Seas did it.

It’s all about you creating the environment for them.

After all, the Seven Martial Seas are used to suppress the chaotic Pirate Era.

Let his dog bite the dog.

But now, the times have changed, and it is obviously not okay to treat the pirates of the past dynasty with the strategy of the previous dynasty.

What’s more, as long as the Seven Martial Seas strip them out, on the one hand, it can enhance the public’s confidence in me, and at the same time, it can also allow the pirates to directly continue to bite the dog.

Isn’t it much better than continuing to adhere to this deviant Seven Martial Sea policy? ”

In Fujihu’s view.

The Seven Martial Seas had already passed.

It didn’t do any good to the people, and all the work done by the Seven Martial Seas was to harm the people.

And in the same way, he’s undercover.

First abolish the arm of the world government.

No matter what, the Seven Martial Seas also belong to the world government.

Eliminate them yourself first.

“Yes, I agree with that!”

Red Dog said in a deep voice.

For one point, he is very agreeable.

Seven Martial Seas, that is just the same pirate.

For pirates, Red Dog has no good feelings at all.

If you can, destroy them all!

“The Seven Martial Seas really have no need to exist anymore!”

The goatee five old stars actually think so.

Before they came, the Five Old Stars had consulted with Im.

The Seven Martial Seas must be abolished.

This time the war is on top.

The Seven Martial Seas just turned against each other.

There are also Doflamingo bastards who also control naval killings in front of live killings.

I am not divided between the enemy and me.

Moreover, in these years, the dirty things that the Seven Martial Seas had done, they all knew it in their hearts.

Now this era has begun to rage.

The backward system naturally needs to be abandoned!

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