Chapter 317: Uniting Pirates Against Us? Great strategy!!

That said, even Fuji Tiger doesn’t make this opinion.

In fact, the Seven Martial Seas system has already reached the end of the period.

If you think about it, you can see that there is no need to continue in this situation.

“That’s fine, but we’ll need to see that later.”

This is not something they can decide.

In the Seven Martial Seas system, the final decision still needs to be decided by the Dracos and Im.

In the beginning, the world government was able to make decisions, and it was Im who seemed to have the Five Old Stars and Dracos to decide.

But the real person in power behind it is the adult.

“It’s still not so simple to get them to abolish, but the probability of time is not too far.”

Although his proposal has been rejected.

But Fuji Hu did not feel surprised.

Before White Night left, he learned from White Night that there was someone else behind the world government who really held the supreme power.

“But if they knew I was undercover, would their mentality jump?”

Fuji Hu’s heart was strange.

Suddenly something came to mind.

If only they knew their undercover identity.

And one of the people they currently need to deal with.

Isn’t this a mental breakdown?

Nor is it.

Not just yourself.

Robluch also seems to be undercover, and he is also a cp9.

I heard that it seems that I have to reproduce recently.

So, if you put it this way, as it is.

The other person has more things to do than they can touch.

“Let’s talk about the matter of the Seven Martial Seas after we have discussed it later, and there is another very important thing that needs to be said to you.” This time we are going to have the Army and Navy unite against the Aniru group. ”

I have been forced to do nothing.

Originally, they had some fantasies before.

Perhaps this is not to say that all of them have the combat effectiveness of the general level.

But finally.

The words of the Warring States and others completely crushed the last illusion of the Five Old Stars.

“What about the revolutionary army? Aren’t you ready to deal with it? ”

Sengoku and the others were surprised in their hearts.

I had no idea that the last five old stars would actually have such a decision.

If you really want to deal with this group of people with the army and the navy.

Then there’s another troublesome guy.


Karp this bastard!

Now that I think about it, this family is really a trouble.

Karp is still a navy, and if it were not for the navy, wouldn’t this family not know much about the trouble of the world government.

“Deal with them, but first deal with them!”

So many years.

The revolutionary army still did not let the world government break the bones.

In their opinion, the fight against the revolutionary army can be delayed.

It is enough to delay the revolutionary army with some effective forces.

Wait for Aniru and the others to solve it first.

After that, it was still possible to continue to deal with the revolutionary army.

“I agree, at least I feel that the other side’s combat effectiveness does seem to be a priority to deal with!”

Sengoku said, pausing for a moment, and then continued, “In my opinion, this group of people is really too dangerous, and their thinking is also very dangerous!” ”

Thought is the most frightening.

If you can’t contain your thoughts.

In the end, it will only regurgitate.

Therefore, in the eyes of the Warring States, giving priority to confronting them is certainly more important than the Dorag.

“Yes, the minds of this group of people are too terrible, but their thoughts don’t seem to be impossible to take advantage of.”

The five old stars in suits continued.

Although the idea is dangerous, it is not impossible to use it.

It is also because his Manners’ ideas are too dangerous.

That’s a lot of things that can be done.

“Use pirates to deal with them together?”

The crane pondered for a moment, then looked up at them, his tone full of determination.

Looks like they’re still going to go that way?


The world government and the pirates also cooperated once.

And it’s not really that far away.

Crane, Sengoku and Kapu are all people who have experienced that era, and the Locks of that year was thus broken.

It seems that the world government is still ready to use this trick.

“At this time, we must borrow all the forces that can be used, and for the pirates, they don’t want their sailing journey to end like this, and we will take charge of trying it later.”

This time, there may be more pirates who can unite.

After all, Locks at that time just wanted to subvert the world.

But today it’s different.

Now Aniru and his gang want to completely eliminate the power of pirates.

Including the World Government, Draco, and Pirates.

All will be their goal.

In this case, the pirates will definitely unite to warm up.

At this time, as long as the world government side to unite accordingly.

Maybe it can also pull out a lot of people who oppose it.

In this way, even if the opponent has a lot of general-level combat strength people.

But he will still lose.

“However, it should be noted that their strength may have surpassed that of Locks, and at present, it is difficult to let the people of the Locks Pirate Regiment prove it, or the people’s hearts are not in harmony, as before, and finally break through each other.”

Although it is able to unite with other pirates.

But the Sengoku are clear.

The reason why Locks was defeated so easily.

First of all, it was because of the union of Cap and Roger.

Both men each carried the Pirate Elite and the Navy Elite with them.

Then the world government was helped.

More importantly.

There is no unity of heart within the Roxx Pirates.

They’re really scary.

However, because they fought for each other, and because they were pregnant with ghosts and fetuses, people with the ability to fight were either plotted against and not fought, or they could not contribute to the work.

Even so, the Locks Pirates were under the stubborn resistance of Locks.

It also caused them a lot of trouble.

“There must always be a way, and such a group of people can definitely find a way!”

They are strong, and no one will be convinced of anyone.

The five old stars believe that they still have a chance to find each other’s loopholes.

“This may disappoint you!”

Fuji Hu thought silently in his heart.

If he really wanted to say it, he would be disappointed.

Rebellion is absolutely non-existent.

“By the way, there’s one more very important thing to say!”

Saying, the goatee five old stars looked at Kapu, this time must be clear ah.

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