Chapter 318 Plot! Everybody Fruit Esper Species Nika Form!!

This matter has always been put on hold.

The fruit seemed to have magic.

I’ve been hiding from them all the time.

This time it appeared, and it would have been noticed.

Unfortunately, I wanted to let people catch it every time.

The end result is to let this fruit slip away.

“In addition to dealing with them, there is another person who needs to be dealt with, and for his words, it is only necessary to arrest him.”


Deliberately need to continue to talk about the person who is going to be arrested.

It is certainly possible to exclude a little person.

In essence, people like Dorag have said it many times.

In the end, that must be said again.

That is to say, is there any new trouble this time?

“Straw Hat Luffy!”



After the sword star finished speaking, the crowd froze, and then the wooden pipe fell on Kapu.

Luffy is Cap’s grandson.

Suddenly, he said that he wanted to catch Luffy.

Is the world government ready to use Luffy to contain Dorag?

But shouldn’t this kind of thing be hidden and then said slowly?

In front of Karp.

Is this old man sure he won’t get angry in the end?

“Haha, are you going to arrest Luffy that kid?” There is no need to take care of me, after all, Luffy is a pirate. ”

The justice behind it makes it impossible for Karp to stand in front of family affection.

Therefore, sometimes in fact, Kapu himself is also very entangled in his heart.

“Why take him out and say it alone?” Is there something special about him? ”

The crane asked directly without nonsense.

Very strange!

The five old stars do not say anything else.

Finally, I want to take Luffy out and say it alone.

If there is nothing in this, she will never believe it.

Hearing her say this, the curiosity of the others was also aroused.

“Could it be identity? After all, my father was a revolutionary army dragon! It’s horrible. ”

The yellow ape murmured.

That’s all he could think of.

Luffy’s father, the Revolutionary Army Dragon.

Grab the other person and thus threaten Dorag?

But as he understands it.

Dorag is definitely not the kind of person who is easy to compromise.

Catching Luffy, the threat seemed useless, not to mention that there was a troublesome old man here.

Is it really Huaibei to do something to Luffy?

The lesson of the last Ace is still here.

The purpose of capturing Ace was meant to lure out the Whitebeard Pirates and destroy them.

Slaughter One Piece’s son and the world’s first pirate regiment, Whitebeard.

To deter pirates.

Unfortunately, this plan was broken by Aniru and others.

“No need to guess, you just need to meet each other and get back!”

Originally, the five old stars wanted their own people to catch them.

But then I thought about it, if the CP is dispatched, it is not very good after all, CP is in the service of the Draco.

Without that step, they wouldn’t have let the CP go.

Besides, isn’t there a navy?

Let the Navy catch a pirate, this should be no problem, right?

At present, they have already thought that they must capture Luffy.

What a fruit!

Everybody Fruit Esper Species Nika Form!

Since the world government wants to cover up the sun god Nika, pseudonym Rubber Fruit.

That’s the most foolish ability in the world.

Wherever he goes, he can make people smile.

World governments have been trying but never to get the rubber fruit, believing that the real name of the rubber fruit is the fruit of everyone: the Nika esper.

The world government has not received this fruit for 800 years.

It was as if the rubber fruit itself was hiding from them.

In the first place, this fruit was meant to be obtained by them.

Unfortunately, in the end, it was taken away by the red hand.

In the end, it also fell into Luffy’s hand and all the human fruits that appeared so far.

The Great Buddha form of the Warring States, the Great Entry Form of the Cow Ghost Maru, and the Ordinary People Form of Choba.

There is only the Nika fruit, and this one is the most valuable.

“Well, that is to say, we were called over for these two things!”

The green pheasant yawned, and at this moment, his heart was also a little speechless.

Totally unexpected.

This group of old men actually called them over because of such a little thing, can’t they say this kind of thing in the phone bug?

“Some words can only be said at that time, the other party has the fruit of thunder, which is the ability to interfere with and eavesdrop on the telephone worm, so if you use the telephone worm, you may eventually be eavesdropped by the other party!”

If only there was a Thunder Fruit Ability over there.

The five old stars really didn’t really want to call people over like this.

But here we are.

The other side is capable of eavesdropping on everything here.

So no matter how unwilling the Five Old Stars are.

Ultimately, it will still be done.

“Tell me about the plan to deal with that group.”

Sword Star looked at several people.

The five of them looked at each other, and he felt that he had to talk to them.

Deal with those few people, what is ultimately to be done.

Hearing this, Fuji Hu’s eyes couldn’t help but flicker.

I didn’t think about it, so I said the plan.

But you can listen to it yourself.

After a while.

Wait until Sengoku and the others leave.

After the five old stars let the steel bones go together.

The lights in the living room went out in an instant.

“Looking at this situation now, it is really too dangerous, this group of people is even more terrifying than the last group.”

At that time, Locks could not compare to a few of them.

The Five Old Stars were also a little dark in their hearts at this moment.

According to what Sengoku and others said before.

It has such a strong combat effectiveness.

“You still need to report to Lord Im, if necessary, you must let Isaac’s monsters attack!”

Isaac became the strongest guardian of the seventh layer of the Advance City.

And Isaac is not simple, the people on the seventh layer are all four-emperor-level figures, and Isaac is certainly not bad.

Isaac is the world’s greatest recruit, with the rank of a general and even the strength to surpass the general.

He is not the same nature as the vine tiger and the green cow.

The status may be higher than that of the general.

Because Isaac was personally promoted by the Draco.

“That’s all there is to it, because there is a little bit of false information in this information, and it is just a matter of testing whether these two generals are also their people!”

“That’s right, if you take your time, let’s go see Lord Im first!”


There is a falsity in the intelligence.

As long as the other party passes out, then it can be determined that there is an adulterer among the two generals.

Although they have passed the world conscription, they will not believe it so simply!

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